Excel quits, don't understand error report



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

Excel keeps quitting on me and giving the the error report seen below. It usually happens right when I open Excel and haven't had a chance to do anything, or within a few seconds of typing in a cell. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2009-09-28 08:04:53 -0500
Application Name: Microsoft Excel
Application Bundle ID: com.microsoft.Excel
Application Signature: XCEL
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: CoreFoundation
Crashed Module Version: unknown
Crashed Module Offset: 0x0000b644
Blame Module Name: CoreFoundation
Blame Module Version: unknown
Blame Module Offset: 0x0000b644
Application LCID: 1033
Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409

Thread 0 crashed:

# 1 0x96e5a644 in .objc_class_name___NSCFSet + 0x96D1DA18 (CoreFoundation + 0x0000b644)
# 2 0x96e5a5f8 in .objc_class_name___NSCFSet + 0x96D1D9CC (CoreFoundation + 0x0000b5f8)
# 3 0x96eba954 in .objc_class_name___NSCFSet + 0x96D7DD28 (CoreFoundation + 0x0006b954)
# 4 0x96e52b8c in .objc_class_name___NSCFSet + 0x96D15F60 (CoreFoundation + 0x00003b8c)
# 5 0x96eba5e8 in .objc_class_name___NSCFSet + 0x96D7D9BC (CoreFoundation + 0x0006b5e8)
# 6 0x0174e68c in _McpCFSystemStringWidth + 0x0000025C (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0013568c)
# 7 0x016a1260 in _McpFGetIMcpMruList + 0x00000328 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x00088260)
# 8 0x00193d38 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00192D38 (Microsoft Excel + 0x00192d38)
# 9 0x0068f13c in __mh_execute_header + 0x0068E13C (Microsoft Excel + 0x0068e13c)
# 10 0x01c7e304 in _MsoFCreateToolbarSet + 0x00001374 (MicrosoftOffice + 0x00363304)
# 11 0x01c7e59c in _MsoFCreateToolbarSet + 0x0000160C (MicrosoftOffice + 0x0036359c)
# 12 0x016affd8 in _McpFCreateControl + 0x00002564 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x00096fd8)
# 13 0x016ae2a8 in _McpFCreateControl + 0x00000834 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x000952a8)
# 14 0x016f93b4 in _McpCreateControlContainer + 0x00003920 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x000e03b4)
# 15 0x016f995c in _McpCreateControlContainer + 0x00003EC8 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x000e095c)
# 16 0x9465ac48 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x942FB100 (HIToolbox + 0x00007c48)
# 17 0x94659de0 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x942FA298 (HIToolbox + 0x00006de0)
# 18 0x94659bfc in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x942FA0B4 (HIToolbox + 0x00006bfc)
# 19 0x946a0f2c in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x943413E4 (HIToolbox + 0x0004df2c)
# 20 0x946b55e4 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x94355A9C (HIToolbox + 0x000625e4)
# 21 0x946b51fc in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x943556B4 (HIToolbox + 0x000621fc)
# 22 0x94726894 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x943C6D4C (HIToolbox + 0x000d3894)
# 23 0x946b4200 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x943546B8 (HIToolbox + 0x00061200)
# 24 0x946af854 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x9434FD0C (HIToolbox + 0x0005c854)
# 25 0x9473ebf4 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x943DF0AC (HIToolbox + 0x000ebbf4)
# 26 0x017177c4 in _McpSetWindowBrush + 0x000001CC (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x000fe7c4)
# 27 0x9465ac48 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x942FB100 (HIToolbox + 0x00007c48)
# 28 0x94659de0 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x942FA298 (HIToolbox + 0x00006de0)
# 29 0x94676d04 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x943171BC (HIToolbox + 0x00023d04)
# 30 0x9468a3fc in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x9432A8B4 (HIToolbox + 0x000373fc)
# 31 0x9465b09c in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x942FB554 (HIToolbox + 0x0000809c)
# 32 0x94659de0 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x942FA298 (HIToolbox + 0x00006de0)
# 33 0x94676d04 in .objc_class_name_IPMDFontRange + 0x943171BC (HIToolbox + 0x00023d04)
# 34 0x01717a5c in _McpFDispatchEventRef + 0x000000B4 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x000fea5c)
# 35 0x01717f6c in _McpRunApplicationEventLoop + 0x00000470 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x000fef6c)
# 36 0


I don't pretend to be able to interpret much from these logs and honestly
it's rather pointless to go to all the trouble to paste them here :) When
you click the Send button they go to the devs & engineers who have some idea
what the cryptic codes mean... Most folks here in the newsgroups are just
other users like yourself.

Be that as it may, it appears that you may be experiencing a font issue of
some sort. Try the following & see if things improve:

1- Launch Apple's Font Book app & run the Validate Fonts & Resolve
Duplicates routines. You'll find instructions on both in Font Book's Help.

2- Shut down (not a Restart) your Mac, wait 1-2 minutes then power up.

If the problem continues make sure to quit all Office programs, then go to:

User/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2008

& delete the file named Office Font Cache (12)

Launch PPT & see if that does the trick.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thanks Bob!

Tried the font suggestion, still quit on me, so tried deleting the Font Cache. So far so good, fingers crossed!

(any clue why that happens? Something I can avoid doing in the future?)


There seems to be a number of potential causes, but the bottom line is that
fonts are a much more complex issue than most of us realize. They are thrown
at us from a variety of sources, each of which may include different
variations of fonts by the same name. Sooner or later the confusion causes
conflicts which interfere with the operation of certain programs. It's also
a file that is constantly being accessed, so there's a high likelihood of
corruption or damage.

One simple task that helps is to shut down/power up your Mac periodically --
at least 2-3 times per week, more frequently if you're a heavy user. That
gives the OS an opportunity to flush cache files as well as do other
housekeeping chores. Too often people have been lulled into relying on
letting their Mac 'sleep', so those chores don't get performed.

The best prevention AFAIK is to stay on top of what fonts are installed,
avoid duplication, & control which of several locations they're installed
to. Also, keep the number of installed fonts to only those you actually use
plus whatever are required by your apps & the OS... And of course, be
selective about the source & "quality" of the fonts you add yourself.

Glad things are back on track & thanks for the confirmation!

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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