Possible to increase the size of the Formatting Palette?



Version: 2008 Hi, I'm using Word 2008 on Mac and I find the size of the Formatting Palette very small. Is there any way to enlarge this palette, e.g. in the same way I can zoom a Word document? I'd like to be able to widen/lengthen the Palette so that the styles I create are actually legible. Have searched the internet trying to find if this is possible. Anyone know the answer? Thanks in advance. macrettoc.


No, the dimensions of the Toolbox (of which the Formatting Palette is a
component) are controlled by the program due to its contextual nature. There
are no settings available nor can it be 'stretched'.

If styles are your main concern you might consider using the Style List on
the Formatting Toolbar or adding that control on a custom toolbar.

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