Should we buy Office2007 OEM Pro or Office2003 OEM Pro (if we can still find it!)




We are about to buy some new PCs here in the UK, so now is the time to
upgrade our msOffice.
The rest of our office has Office2003, BUT we have been told that
Office2003 Professional (OEM) can no longer be supplied.

- Do we REALLY need to go for Office2007 Professional (OEM), yet?

We are nervous that files saved from Office2007 wont be compatible
with Office2003 (unless we remember to specially select "2003 format"
each time.

It seems like Micro$oft are bullying us into using software that we
are't ready for yet...

- Any advice?

Shiperton Henethe2


Perhaps other vendors are still selling Office 2003 but I'm not sure. I do
know there is a compatibility pack you can download for Office 2003 so they
can open Office 2007 documents. Just search on the internet or on
Microsoft's for "microsoft office compatability pack." So if you are in a
mixed environment for awhile, with some computers having 2003 and some having
2007, you may be able to peacefully coexist.

There also exists an interactive reference that will allow you to click in a
2003 menu and it will automatically show you where to find things in Office
2007. Search for "office interactive reference" on the internet or
Microsoft's web site.


ship said:
We are about to buy some new PCs here in the UK, so now is the
time to upgrade our msOffice.
The rest of our office has Office2003, BUT we have been told that
Office2003 Professional (OEM) can no longer be supplied.

- Do we REALLY need to go for Office2007 Professional (OEM), yet?

No, but you probably should. Office 2007 is different and requires a
bit of a learning curve, if one or two people start now, they'll be
able to help others when they upgrade.
We are nervous that files saved from Office2007 wont be compatible
with Office2003 (unless we remember to specially select "2003
format" each time.

I see that's been answered by others. You can make save in 2003 format
the default so you won't have to remember to do so and/or you can
download the compatibility thingy <- sorry for the highly technical
term! so earlier versions can read 2007 files. The latter is the
better solution in my opinion.

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