12.2.0 update



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I get this message updating to 12.2.0:

You cannot install Office 2008 12.2.0 Update on this volume. A version of the software required to install this update was not found on this volume.

Well, the software IS on the volume and I haven't changed a thing, files, directory structure...NOTHING!

What is going on here? Is the only answer really to uninstall Office and re-install again?

Surely not...

Diane Ross

You cannot install Office 2008 12.2.0 Update on this volume. A version of the
software required to install this update was not found on this volume.

Well, the software IS on the volume and I haven't changed a thing, files,
directory structure...NOTHING!

What is going on here? Is the only answer really to uninstall Office and
re-install again?

Did you search this forum? This has been answered hundreds of times.


Dos and Don'ts for a good install


Check List to troubleshoot your install



And further to my reply to Ms Ross' kind suggestion to go looking for the answers, I diligently tried each of the solutions suggested:
I am an administrator on my Mac
1. The work around doesn't work around
2. I haven't modified files/directories (as stated) and I'm trying to avoid a complete re-installation every time MS decides to issue an update
3. Haven't got as far as restarting in the process
4. Downloaded the wrong file, Yeah right...the download is automatic.
5. Checked permissions, they are fine
6. Unofficial fix doesn't work...the string doesn't exist in the updater
9. Command line update also fails for the same reason that the gui version fails

Like I said...this is amateur hour. My 14 year-old daughter could have written a better updater than this and she can't stand computers...

Diane Ross

I really don't appreciate your snide comments. I'm a volunteer and I don't'
work for Microsoft. We our best to give the answers that are available to
us. If you don't want our help good luck finding it somewhere else.

3. Haven't got as far as restarting in the process

Pretty simple to try and it just might fix your problem.
4. Downloaded the wrong file, Yeah right...the download is automatic.

Not everyone uses the MAU.
Like I said...this is amateur hour. My 14 year-old daughter could have written
a better updater than this and she can't stand computers...

Send feedback to Microsoft.

When working in Office, you can use the ³Send Feedback² option under the
Help menu in all of the Office applications or visit



Well, my snide comments are merely a return of your sarcasm. BTW, if you read my post carefully, I'm not expecting you to defend the shortcomings of MS' skills in developing the updater.

I haven't even been able to get far enough in the process to warrant a restart. I have also downloaded the updater not using the MAU and the same result. No surprise because the dmg is the same.

I don't want an answer from an inexperienced volunteer who guesses at answers or tells me it has been answered a hundred times. I prefer an answer from somebody who has experienced the problem. explains the cause and knows the solution WITHOUT having to re-install something that is supposed to be world-class software.

And, just in case you hadn't noticed, this is a MS site. If they are half the company they think they are, I don't have to send separate feedback, don't you think?


Hi tvdh;

Without "taking sides" I'd like to clarify a few points if you don't mind;

Well, my snide comments are merely a return of your sarcasm. BTW, if you read
my post carefully, I'm not expecting you to defend the shortcomings of MS'
skills in developing the updater.

It really isn't a matter of "defending", it's a simple fact. For each
individual who has a problem there are thousands of others who don't, so the
installer does work as it should... You just rarely see well people hanging
out in the emergency room. Unfortunately, for anyone who is affected it's a
100% failure rate - we get that :)

In those instances where it is unable to do its job, though, there is
typically a local reason for the failure. Please don't take that to suggest
that the user is necessarily at fault -- there are a lot of changes that get
made on a computer which the user never even knows about & other things that
are done "as per instructions" which adversely impact other processes. That
means that there are a lot of variables from one instance to another, not
any one single cause. Since nobody here can be expected to be intimately
familiar with the history of another user's Mac [which even that user may
not fully know] it's impossible to simply spit out a stock answer that will
work for everyone... If we could, we would.
I haven't even been able to get far enough in the process to warrant a

In all fairness, most of the links Diane initially provided indicate that a
restart is one of the first things to do before applying the updates,
followed by another restart afterward.
I have also downloaded the updater not using the MAU and the same
result. No surprise because the dmg is the same.

I don't want an answer from an inexperienced volunteer who guesses at answers
or tells me it has been answered a hundred times. I prefer an answer from
somebody who has experienced the problem. explains the cause and knows the
solution WITHOUT having to re-install something that is supposed to be
world-class software.

Partially explained above, but further: Yes, the people who regularly
participate here are indeed volunteers who don't work for MS in any
capacity, but they're hardly "inexperienced". Nor do we simply "guess at
answers" - although there is often some degree of guesswork involved in any
troubleshooting endeavor. That guesswork, however, is based on insight
gained from experience and feedback. That's what's posted & shared freely
both in the newsgroup as well as the site Diane referred you to. That site
as well as numerous others are maintained by her & numerous others solely
for the benefit of those having issues such as yourself.

If you want professional technical support instead you're certainly entitled
to seek it & it's readily available to you as linked from the Mactopia site:

And, just in case you hadn't noticed, this is a MS site.

No, "this" isn't a MS site, although you did get here from one :) The
Forums are public newsgroups where users share knowledge & experience with
other users. It is a *service* that MS offers as augmentation to their
customer service/support channels.
If they are half the company they think they are, I don't have to send
separate feedback, don't you think?

In light of the above it should now be clear that the public newsgroups are
not a direct channel to MS in any way. If you want to communicate any issues
directly to the company there are several options available, one of which is
the Send Feedback feature. As I indicated, though, this is not - nor is it
intended to be - one of those channels. Actually, MS does tightly constrain
employees from frequenting the newsgroups in order to promote open & honest
feedback without concern for "big brother" banishing critics or covering up
for actual bugs or shortcomings of the products.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac



You spent valuable seconds of your life wasting your time on defending the indefensible...I'm hoping not to take more of them, BUT...let us stay on topic: the 12.2.0 updater.

Without boring you with the details, I had my first PC in 1984 and have used and successfully updated hundreds of packages since. I am an IT professional and work for a household name in entreprise hardware. So consider myself a "power user" and some. I have never comes across an piece of software so delicate as the MS Office 2008 Updater.

All software companies encourage you to search to forums, before you bother their precious support people. Which is what I did. I actually did not direct any snide comments at Diane at all, she merely took them that way. I normally appreciate assistance, even that that leads down blind alley.

You must surely think I am dimwitted. MS do read and contribute to these and other forums...they are a free and invaluable source of information and feedback: the mood of the massess. Not five inches from where I am typing this, Bob, on my beautiful 24" iMac screen it says @ 2008 Microsoft Corporation and over the other side it says MICROSOFT....and if you click the "contact us button"....hey presto Microsoft Support 1800 blah...blah...

Wake up, Bob, smell the roses...this is a Microsoft site

Now how am I going to complete my update?

William Smith [MVP]

You must surely think I am dimwitted. MS do read and contribute to
these and other forums...they are a free and invaluable source of
information and feedback: the mood of the massess. Not five inches
from where I am typing this, Bob, on my beautiful 24" iMac screen it
says @ 2008 Microsoft Corporation and over the other side it says
MICROSOFT....and if you click the "contact us button"....hey presto
Microsoft Support 1800 blah...blah...

Wake up, Bob, smell the roses...this is a Microsoft site

Bob is correct. *You* may be using a Microsoft site but you're accessing
public Usenet newsgroups, which are not maintained nor owned by Microsoft.

Your message appears here on these non-Microsoft sites as well because
they too are providing front-end websites to the Usenet newsgroups:

or <http://tinyurl.com/knyc2r>

or said:
Now how am I going to complete my update?

Rob Schneider in this same thread has given the most succinct answer.
This is not Microsoft's answer but an answer that Diane and others have
found that works for most other users.



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://nine.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/youtalk>
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/meck>


Boys, I think you miss the point completely by not reading properly what is written and addressed to you, rather like Diane. You are in some kind of defensive fog where you are unable to see anymore that Office 2008 updaters should work. And if they do not work for whatever reason, they should tell you exactly why they are unable to update the software I spent my hard earned (Australian) $$ on.

@rob, read the thread: I was trying to update my Office 2008 WITHOUT having to uninstall....too much to ask? As it happened, I did try that this morning, to no avail. In fact, Entourage will now not access my mail anymore...

@Bill, I am writing to you via the Mactopia website (www.microsoft.com/mac). The point of this little side conversation was (no doubt you will not recall, because like Diane you only skim the thread and switch to defcon 5) "If they are half the company they think they are, I don't have to send separate feedback, don't you think?". This is because MS host this site here, and for all I care, on the toilet walls of a Bali prison. They read it.

Sadly, you have been of no assistance to me whatsoever. And, if this is the sum total of responses from the Mac Office 2008 user community across this site, Google, Tech-Archive and usenet, one can't help being doubly disappointed...

1800-Microsoft-blah-blah....here I come

I did enjoy our little chinwag, but I've made my point (Office 2008 updater should work under all circumstances!), so this is the end of it.



Now that is amusing, for a start...

Now here is something that amuses me less...I have uninstalled Office 2008 completely, re-installed, applied 12.1.0, all well...but it will still not apply 12.2.0. And, do you know why? The installer thinks I'm running Leopard 10.4.4, whereas I am actually running 10.5.7. Interesting, huh? What a retarded piece of software this is...

Rob Schneider

Re the thread: there is no thread as you don't respond to anything but
your own posting. You are not making a thread.

Re using Mactopia as thew newsgroup interface ... if you don't like it,
use something else. Thunderbird is free and better for Newsgroup

Re not wanting to uninstall ... ok, sometimes I don't want to take the
garbage out to the street for pickup, but in my family/town that's the
only way it will get picked up.

Re not being of assistance ... refund check in th mail.



rms, old buddy....READ what I've written.

I have made no complaints about Mactopia...and, furthermore, I have now researched this and there are others' who think they deserve an update that works. Not just me.

You are now in a fog of irrational behavior, because I have irritated you and you are unable to respond properly (nor with original thought, given the refund check gag)

So give it a rest, have a cup of hot cocoa, sit down on your rocking chair and relax....anybody might think you are trying for this MVP lark. And to think that according to Bill these are all innocent volunteers "completely independent from Microsoft", tut, tut, what a fibber...

Best wishes and goodnight to you...

PS I still think that the Office 2008 12.2.0 updater is a pile of the stuff that dung beetles push around for fun...

Rob Schneider

You are right. You deserve better.

Complain, please, to Microsoft. Or Apple.

Vote with your feet. Move to another vendor's products. Please.


Diane Ross

Now here is something that amuses me less...I have uninstalled Office 2008
completely, re-installed, applied 12.1.0, all well...but it will still not
apply 12.2.0. And, do you know why? The installer thinks I'm running Leopard
10.4.4, whereas I am actually running 10.5.7.

I ran this past a developer and this is his reply:

1) the Installer calls to the system (using the same code that iWorks uses)
to determine if you are running OS 10.4.9 or higher ­ it does NOT determine
what version you are running. So he is wrong when he says that the installer
says he is running 10.4.4 ­ feel free to tell him that.

2) My guess is that he might not have his Java install in the right

If you want to help show him, tell him to download iWorks trial and see the
same thing if he doesn¹t believe you.


Hi Diane;

1) the Installer calls to the system (using the same code that iWorks uses)
to determine if you are running OS 10.4.9 or higher ­ it does NOT determine
what version you are running. So he is wrong when he says that the installer
says he is running 10.4.4 ­ feel free to tell him that.

I'm seeing a lot of similar occurrences posted throughout the groups... This
is starting to look to me as though it may be the result of *upgrading* from
a prior version of OS X (such as 10.4.4) to Leopard without reinstalling
Office. I wonder if that method might be failing to update certain files.

I'm not sure who you contacted but if you have any further discussion on the
matter you might run that possibility by him.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Tell Diane she is right, it does say that I'm not running OS 10.4.9 or higher. I must have had brain fade. I am in fact running 10.5.7.

Yesterday I did a clean install of OS X, with all the upgrades, then a clean install of Orifice 2008. MAU then updated to 12.1.0 without any problem, but it failed on 12.2.0...

Monsieur Corentin Cretin-Meneur, vous n'avez pas un sens de l'humour


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