2003 code raises error in 2007


Gina Whipp


The Reference should not be needed. Was this database upgraded from Access

This is a list of References you should see in Access 2003..

Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library

You say when you unchecked that Reference you got a list of object errors.
Which objects? Also, are you using Common Controls in your database?

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors



I think you are correct, that this was upgraded from Acc97.

I am using a common dialog control.

As to which objects caused errors, I can't recall. However, I'm in the
process of configuring an extra
computer as a test machine for Office 2007, so when I get that set up I
will perform this test and let you know!
(tomorrow sometime).

AccessVandal via AccessMonster.com

My guess it's still definitely a reference conflict in your VBA.

Do post your references here as Gina suggested. Here's how to check, copy
this code below and paste it into a standard module and in the immediate
window input ListReferences and press the Enter key. Copy and paste the
result from the immediate window to your browser or whatever you use to post

Sub ListReferences()
Dim refCurr As Reference

For Each refCurr In Application.References
Debug.Print refCurr.Name & ": " & refCurr.FullPath

End Sub

Here's what you can to to find out if the code will work in 2007 MDB format
(not ACCDB or if you prefer ACCDB than do that). Create a new blank DB with
main form, subform and sub-subform just like your original. Copy and paste
the into the form's module and a standard module. Activate it by a command
button if you like.

The new blank DB with VBA references should not include extra or unwanted
references, just the default basic ones. It a good way to find out if there's
any references conflict and from here, you do comparision with your original

In the meantime, here's a good site on references.

AccessVandal via AccessMonster.com

Thanks for the feedback. Let's hope she can resolve the problems.


Yes, thank you both for getting involved. I am presently downloading a
slew of updates to
the old computer which I'm making my 'test office 2007' machine, and
after that completes,
I will jump back into this discussion. Stay tuned, and thank you!



Okay, this is what I've done to address the code errors I was receiving
trying to run my Access 2003 applications under Access 2007:

I installed Office 2007 on a test machine, leaving Access 2003, Excel
2003, and Word 2003 intact. That was the first step.

My test machine, albeit an old PC with only 512 mb RAM, opened my Access
2003 mdbs without problems, in Access 2007. All functionality was there.
I unchecked the unnecessary reference to VBA extensibility, and still
not a hitch.

I then attempted to open the very same mdbs on the first machine, where
I had installed Office 2007 with the option to remove all previous
versions of Office,
and had the same problems as before.

I then removed Office 2003 from the test machine, and then tried to open
the mdbs in Office 2007. Turns out, Office 2007 has to
practically reinstall itself when you remove a previous version after
the original installation.

Anyway, the mdbs opened just fine after rebooting. We are coming to the
conclusion here that the first machine, where the errors still occur, is
having problems
caused by CLONING the hard drive to the new machine (this happened last
month), not by anything that Office 2007 is doing.

Thank you all for your diligent support!

AccessVandal via AccessMonster.com

Thanks for the feedback. Glad you got it solved.

Allen Browne have something on this but Vista/Windows 7. Although some had
reported problem in Windows XP as well. MS does not recommend two version of
office installed on a single machine but you need some tweaks if you want it


It also a well known fact that MS uninstall may not remove all Registry or
Folders or files that may lead to problems with newer MS Office.
Okay, this is what I've done to address the code errors I was receiving
trying to run my Access 2003 applications under Access 2007:


Thanks for that link. I have saved it for future reference, as I think
this will not be the end of it...

I wonder if the installation procedure for Office 2007 does an excellent
job of removing all previous versions,
if that is the installation chosen.

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