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Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Gee. where do I start? (I can tell this is going to be fun.)

1. The use of epithets automatically downgrades the believability of your
2. Personal attacks - tsk, tsk - also the sign of a losing argument.
3. You don't know me as you stated yet you feel you can assess my skill or
lack thereof. What's wrong with that argument?
4. Unbiased yet you post M$. Yeah, I get the picture - it is becoming more
clear with every sentence.

As for the last sentence, I am smart. However, you seem to be lacking in
even the most basic debating skills so I am sure your other cognitive
abilities are likewise lacking.

Oh, and for the shut up remark, here, let me do that for you -


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

After picking a losing fight, Amnon Feiner whined:

| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook] wrote:
|| Gee, wrong again in so many responses.
| Silly, (or was that Milly?) you are a very narrow minded person.
| Unlike you, I am un-biased and will always recommend the best
| solution in my point view, not in M$ point of view. without knowing
| you, or ever meeting you, just by reading your answers, I can tell
| you that my hands on experience is far greater then your "let me read
| the book" answer. In other words, you will never know half of what I
| have already forgotten. As far as everyday users are conerened,
| Microsoft have made the term "mediocre" an household name, especially
| when talking about software.
| And please, when ever you can prove me wrong, put in writing, right
| here, right now, otherwise, shut up and get smart.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Gee. where do I start? (I can tell this is going to be fun.)

1. The use of epithets automatically downgrades the believability of your
2. Personal attacks - tsk, tsk - also the sign of a losing argument.
3. You don't know me as you stated yet you feel you can assess my skill or
lack thereof. What's wrong with that argument?
4. Unbiased yet you post M$. Yeah, I get the picture - it is becoming more
clear with every sentence.

As for the last sentence, I am smart. However, you seem to be lacking in
even the most basic debating skills so I am sure your other cognitive
abilities are likewise lacking.

Oh, and for the shut up remark, here, let me do that for you -


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

After picking a losing fight, Amnon Feiner whined:

| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook] wrote:
|| Gee, wrong again in so many responses.
| Silly, (or was that Milly?) you are a very narrow minded person.
| Unlike you, I am un-biased and will always recommend the best
| solution in my point view, not in M$ point of view. without knowing
| you, or ever meeting you, just by reading your answers, I can tell
| you that my hands on experience is far greater then your "let me read
| the book" answer. In other words, you will never know half of what I
| have already forgotten. As far as everyday users are conerened,
| Microsoft have made the term "mediocre" an household name, especially
| when talking about software.
| And please, when ever you can prove me wrong, put in writing, right
| here, right now, otherwise, shut up and get smart.

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