Accept, Tentative, and Decline buttons missing



Hi JKing,

How did the new PC install go? Did it resolve the issue for you? If I cannot
get this resolved in the next few days I think I shall log this with



The PC hasn't been installed yet. Our PC tech is taking care of that. I'm
off this week but left him instructions to have her test with the new PC, and
I told him to let me know what happens.

Good luck with MS. I opened a case with them but he couldn't really figure
out what was causing the issue. He wants me to do a lot of testing,
deleting/recreating profiles, etc., but I'm not in a position to do that as a
lot of the issues are happening with people outside the organization.


Hi JKing,

I have managed to solve our issue with the meeting requests! Took me long
enough but now is all working fine. The problem was actually with Message
Labs that do our e-mail scanning for the domain.

It seems that Message Labs have an issue accepting non-standard e-mail's
from Exchange 2007. Below is the e-mail they sent me:

'It appears that there is an issue with the MessageLabs service and Exchange
2007. If your company uses Exchange 2007 then this is the problem and I
assume Microsoft use there latest servers!!

The only way around it at the moment is for the MessageLabs customer to turn
off inbound banners.

There is a proper fix being implemented soon.'

After performing the above everything is OK. I am guessing if you dont use
Message Labs then you should really be looking more at the intercepters of
the e-mail such as virus scanners.

Microsoft also gave me a great tool that is used to scan the e-mail when it
comes into the organisation to see if it has been edited or changed before
being accepted by the Exchange server. The link is as follows:

I hope all the above helps you out in solving the issue.



Thanks a bunch for your info. I'm glad you got it resolved! We also use
MessageLabs, but we're on Exchange 2003, not 2007. And I believe we do have
the banners disabled due to another issue we had about six months ago. When
I get back to the office next Monday I'll verify that. Wow, MessageLabs; I
never thought they'd be the cause. They have excellent services. We have
zero spam in our environment.

Thanks for the MS KB link. All the best!

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