Address book Names column is scrambled


Ed Kimball

OK, try this url for another image. You will see that the alphabetical listing
of names finishes with the Y's, etc and then starts with the A's.

The correct way that the Names column should list is from the groups to the
individuals, starting with A to Z or vice versa, not with Tim Boelman,
followed by the Ks as in Paul Katsion and Jeane Knapp. Like I said, Tim
Boelman's name was NOT there until I modified his address today. The column is
somehow indexing according to modifications made.


By the way, for what it's worth, I'm not impressed with imageshack; who's idea
was it to use this service? I'm logged in for two minute and already getting
spam about living legally in the States. Nasty.

I'm sorry if I sound a bit testy, folks, but this has gone on for weeks now
and it seems that no one understands what I'm writing. It's frustrating. Then
when I do post an image, no one has seen the significance of a group that is
out of order. And no, I didn't alter those labels to create a break in the

Just to say it again, something is wrong with the Names column. It should be
listing the groups first in numerical order but doesn't. It should then start
the alphabet with the A's but doesn't. Rather, it lists a few names out of
order and then proceeds to start the alphabet with or around the letter K and
finishes with the end of the alphabet before restarting with the A's and going
to around the letter J.


Except for the #05 preceding #04, this one looks fine -- it's the same as
the earlier one. All the entries that have last names are in alphabetical
order. Which entry (other than #05) in the image
do you believe is out of place?

As for the numeric entries, I wonder if there might be a non-printing
character in one or more of them.



Have you seen the other pic I posted? Address book names view or a similar label. I've chosen a user name; StanhatesOffice and I think the url for this image is:


There you will see that the Y's finish and are followed by the As. That is not what the alphabet is supposed to do!

And to the point that I should just leave the Names column out, I disagree. I am only using the other columns because the Names column is malfunctioning. It is not helpful to just walk away from something that is broken to go to another that is not. That's how marriages fail and governments collapse.

If any one has a phone, I would love to call and discuss this. I'm getting nowhere fast.


Diane Ross

And to the point that I should just leave the Names column out, I disagree. I
am only using the other columns because the Names column is malfunctioning. It
is not helpful to just walk away from something that is broken to go to
another that is not. That's how marriages fail and governments collapse.

The new columns for first and last were just added to make up for the oddly
formatted "names" column. It's your choice to continue to use the old method
that does not function as expected. It's never going to be fixed so either
remove it or live with the way it functions.

Ed Kimball


Have you seen the other pic I posted? Address book names view or a similar
label. I've chosen a user name; StanhatesOffice and I think the url for this
image is:


There you will see that the Y's finish and are followed by the As. That is not
what the alphabet is supposed to do!

And to the point that I should just leave the Names column out, I disagree. I
am only using the other columns because the Names column is malfunctioning. It
is not helpful to just walk away from something that is broken to go to
another that is not. That's how marriages fail and governments collapse.

If any one has a phone, I would love to call and discuss this. I'm getting
nowhere fast.


This is the first reference I've seen to the image that actually shows the
problem. Having never seen this before, I have no clue as to how to fix it.
I assume you've tried all the obvious things, like first sorting on last
name and then sorting on name.

The only other thing I would suggest is using Microsoft's web site to report
it as a bug, including the link to this image. As Diane suggested in her
reply, you're not likely to get satisfaction quickly.

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