Admin Installs - Office 2003 Pro - Microsoft Update


Gerry Hickman

Hi Sandy,
Then again, Office 2003 is supposed to support Full-File client updates,
without having the install source files available so I'm more confused now.
I'll keep on updating my AIP until I can get a better feel for what's really
the deal.

I read all the docs in some detail, and the stuff in the deployment
guide about LIS comes across as propaganda to me. As I see it, the AIP
is the professional route, and recache and reinstall is very quick and
easy - I have no interest in having hundreds of unpatched LIS files and
applying full file client updates - life if too short!

The whole Windows Update, Microsoft Update, WU, WGA, AU, WSUS, SUS, MBSA
1.1, MBSA 2.0, SMS, Enterprise Scanning Tool, saga is a complete mess
anyway, and what happened to the trumpet blowing rhetoric about
"unification", LOL).

Gerry Hickman

Hi Sandy,
Then again, Office 2003 is supposed to support Full-File client updates,
without having the install source files available so I'm more confused now.
I'll keep on updating my AIP until I can get a better feel for what's really
the deal.

I read all the docs in some detail, and the stuff in the deployment
guide about LIS comes across as propaganda to me. As I see it, the AIP
is the professional route, and recache and reinstall is very quick and
easy - I have no interest in having hundreds of unpatched LIS files and
applying full file client updates - life if too short!

The whole Windows Update, Microsoft Update, WU, WGA, AU, WSUS, SUS, MBSA
1.1, MBSA 2.0, SMS, Enterprise Scanning Tool, saga is a complete mess
anyway, and what happened to the trumpet blowing rhetoric about
"unification", LOL).

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