autofilling a field based on values of 6 other fields



Got them in the right order - thanks but now a new Error is coming up-

Compile error:
Method or data member not found

and stopping at the debug at the Function on the line

getrate=rs.rate ( and the rate of the right side is highlighted)

Thanks for still helping me!!!


Okay -- I now have no errors pop up but there is no value put into the
cartagerate field on the form which should equal the rate field in the
tbltanksrate2 table. not sure how to put in a break???? to maybe see what is
going on??? Any ideas how I can find out why no value there. When over to
tbltanksrate2 and rate for the combo I am putting in should be 8.23.

Thanks again for still helping,

Duane Hookom

You can place this line in:
Debug.Print strSQL 'new line to add
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Then open the window by pressing Ctrl+G to copy the SQL string to the
clipboard. Then open a new blank query and view the SQL. Paste the value
from the debug window into the SQL view and view the results in datasheet

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