cannot register office mac 2008 product id invalid



It isn't even clear what the product ID is. the example on the registration page is too vague to be meaningful. Is it the same as the product key? Or is it one of the numbers on the microsoft certificate of authenticity (printed too small to be legible to anyone over 60 by the way.) Or is there some other number on the packaging?

Diane Ross

It isn't even clear what the product ID is. the example on the registration
page is too vague to be meaningful. Is it the same as the product key? Or is
it one of the numbers on the microsoft certificate of authenticity (printed
too small to be legible to anyone over 60 by the way.) Or is there some other
number on the packaging?

CD Key (usually found on the box). The Product ID is used to register. It is
provided during the installation process. I usually take a screen shot of
it. It will look something like this:


"Registration" has nothing to do with the operation of the software - unlike
the Activation required for MS Windows software. It's little more than a
marketing tool. It will put you on a Microsoft email list. You can sign up
for the newsletter without registering.

Daiya Mitchell

Diane said:
The Product ID is used to register. It is
provided during the installation process. I usually take a screen shot of
it. It will look something like this:


Addendum: The Product ID is also listed in the Word | About Word dialog,
etc (adjust for any office app)


The key is that to get the product ID you need to go to the about menu as noted above. None of the printed keys or other info are the product ID. I wish that had been explicitly stated on the registration page. Looking for something that looks like a string of characters is too vague for me.

John McGhie

Personally, I never bothered to register. I don't want the spam ‹ sorry ‹
'Newsletter' ‹ and there is no other purpose in signing up.


The key is that to get the product ID you need to go to the about menu as
noted above. None of the printed keys or other info are the product ID. I wish
that had been explicitly stated on the registration page. Looking for
something that looks like a string of characters is too vague for me.

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50

mike ormsby

I think this is a more serious issue than 'a newsletter'. For example, my MS Word was working fine on my Mac until I downloaded, as advised by MS, the 'critical' update of Office 2008. Now I'm in a Catch 22: I cannot open MS Word without registering it but when I try to register, I am asked for the 'PID number'. Apparently, I can find the PID when I open MS Word. But if I cannot open MS Word without registering....and I cannot register without opening MS Word to find the PID...what do i do? It's very inconvenient. No advice on PID at MacTopia. Any ideas?
Thank you.

Ridzuan Rahman

I keep getting an error ID even after i reload my office again.
i am very very frustrated as i just swapped my mac and it was fine until i
am about to open my presentation i i cannot excess it. Please advice

Barry Wainwright

Ridzuan Rahman said:
I keep getting an error ID even after i reload my office again.
i am very very frustrated as i just swapped my mac and it was fine until i
am about to open my presentation i i cannot excess it. Please advice

when you say you 'reloaded' office mac, did you do a remove first? you
need to use the 'remove office' tool, not just drag the application
folder to the trash. Using the remove office tool will remove the
product key registration info as well. it sounds like you bought a mac
with a pirated copy of office installed.

find the remove office tool here:
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Additional Tools/Remove

Barry Wainwright

Customer can't use software he just bought due to this error.

you need to give us more details. Where was it bought? What version is

If there is a real problem with the product key, you will need to
contact customer support at Microsoft to get a new one.

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