Change pages open in 'contents' frame w/o opening multiple frames.



What is the name of this file?

Is it index.htm?

<frame name="TOC" frameborder="no" scrolling="auto" target="contents"
title="Table of Contents"
longdesc="Table of Contents - left vertical INDIVIDUAL LINKS (no longer
a generated navigation bar)"

If so, then this is a recursive reference.

Also, you have HTML files in your images folder? Just curious....


Begging4u2help said:
Dang - I sent that last reply before I was ready...I meant to say:

Jon: The only reasons that I can come up with are:
...I was seduced into believing that frames are easy and the most
appropriate choice to achieve my desired layout.
...I have the parent frameset set up - (except that it doesn't work).
...I'm stubborn and persistent to a fault.

Murray: I'm becoming convinced that you're right.

I can't post the url, because this the local version is on my harddrive,
it will be published to CD, to be run off of CD or the user's C:. The
website is
an interface for a set of confidential documents...BUT I CAN post the
frameset code. Here goes:


<title>O&M Home</title>

<meta name="keywords" content="O&M Home page">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">

<base target="contents">


<frameset cols="26%,*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0">
<frameset rows="8%,*,12%">
<frame name="logo" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"
longdesc="NM Corporate Logo" target="contents">

<frame name="TOC" frameborder="no" scrolling="auto" target="contents"
title="Table of Contents"
longdesc="Table of Contents - left vertical INDIVIDUAL LINKS (no longer
a generated navigation bar)"

<frame name="Back-Next" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"
longdesc="Back-Next Navigation Arrows">

<frameset rows="8%,80%,*,6%">
<frame name="topNAV" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"
marginheight="1" marginwidth="10" target="_self" >

<frame name="contents" frameborder="no" scrolling="yes"
src="1_om_overview.html" target="_self"
longdesc="O&M home text contents frame" >

<frame name="admin_nav" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"
target="contents" , title="Administration Navigation Links"
longdesc="nav links to administrative files">

<frame name="forms_NAV" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"
src="images/nav/nav_link_forms.htm" title="Forms Navigation Links"
longdesc="nav links for forms in Appendix F">

<p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>
<p>You may access the content of this site by either:
<li>upgrading your browser; or
<li>exploring the folder and file structure (Browse to the
O&M web directory "nmatlom04" - either on the provided CD
or on your hard-drive.  Recommended hard drive location is C:/nmatl04).
Inside the nmatl04 web folder, open one of the following files to get
<li>index.htm (Table of Contents);
<li>cat-index (Table of Contents by Category);
<li>1_om_overview.html. This is the first text file, and contains links
to the next file in sequence.</li>
<li>om_contacts.htm contains O&M staff contacts that you can call to
ask for help.</li>



Thomas A. Rowe

I am not grouchy, you have me confused with Tom.

Post an example of the actual link from HTML / Code view that you are using that is causing a new
frame to loaded.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Murray - the filename for the posted code is 'nma_om_home.htm', my parent
frameset page. Index.htm just contains links to my main files (main table
of contents), and shows up properly in the 'TOC' frame.

I'm not seeing anything recursive there. I acknowledge that my use of the
index.htm name for my toc file may not be standard - if I've created a
recursive reference - throw something at me! Quickly!

&...saving a subfolder of *.htm files that used to contain generated
navigation linkbars (now becoming individual links) inside my images folder
may not be the convention (still learning those) ...but it seemed to make
sense (to me) at the time. I also have subfolders containing my arrows,
bullets, buttons, and more inside the images folder... are the html police
on their way?

John K: Valid point...but if I have to start from scratch, I may attempt to
figure out out to use a table w/includes as my interface instead of a
frameset. I'm not that fond of tables. Hold-over prejudice from Word

Could anyone tell me if the generated linkbars work ok with tables?? I
don't have any reason to believe not... but then look what happened to my


Hmmm - OK. Can you post a link to the site?

INDEX.HTM is normally often used as a 'default' filename by hosts. This
means if you just point your browser to the folder in which that file lives,
then that file will be loaded. This may cause some confusion on your site.

This being the case, and frames being most commonly used by people who are
deeply unfamiliar with frames (no offense intended), it's not uncommon to
see people create recursive framesets that load themselves over and over
until the browser chokes. Your use of index.htm made me worry about that.

Anyhow, by being able to browse through your frames and see what's
happening, I would be in a much better position to speculate about causes.


Sorry Thomas! Here's the code for the 'index.htm' table of contents file.
Just a few links.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Table of Contents</title>
<base target="contents">

<body bgcolor="#E3E3E3" link="#3333CC" vlink="#800080" alink="#CC0000"

<td valign="top" width="23%" height="765">
<a target="contents" href="1_om_overview.html">1 - O&M Overview</a><br>
<a target="contents" href="2_responsibilities.htm">2 -
<a target="contents" href="3_building_inspections.htm">3 - Building

<! I need to insert about 25 more links here>



Thanks for your help!

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