That is for the default page only. Will have no bearing on other pages in
the web.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| Actually, several of the webs that I update automatically creates each
| with a .html extension. I know that there isn't any setting in FrontPage
| that we changed for them to do that, but I do believe that perhaps it is
| by a setting in the server. For each web, you can set what are the
| possibilities for the homepage to be named (it is in the Documents tab of
| the Properties dialog box for the web). On all of those index.html is
| either set at the top or is the only entry for that web. I'm sure that
| there might be some other "trick" to it, but that is at least a key
| ingredient.
| Roy
| | > You can't, as FP uses .htm by default.
| > --
| > ------------------------------
| > Tom Pepper Willett
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > ------------------------------
| > | > | I understand that I could do this, but how can I prevent
| > | FP from saving future pages as .htm ? They need to be
| > | saved out as .html instead, isn't there a setting in
| > | Frontpage that can be changed, or does Frontpage default
| > | to saving files as .htm only?
| > |
| > | Lauren
| > |
| > | >-----Original Message-----
| > | >Lauren,
| > | >
| > | > You could actually perform a Find and Replace (Press
| > | Ctrl+h) and tell
| > | >FrontPage to replace all links in that page that just
| > | have a .htm extension
| > | >to a .html extension. To do that I would put .htm"
| > | (include the ending
| > | >quote mark) in the Find what: field and .html" (also
| > | include the ending
| > | >quote mark here) in the Replace with: field. If you have
| > | any additional
| > | >questions please feel free to post a reply to this or to
| > | email me at
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >Roy
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >| > | >> I have database that was created for my search function,
| > | >> in my website. When I directed the keywords to link I
| > | >> typed in filname.html. Now what I'm realizing is that
| > | >> Frontpage automatically named all my files as .htm. Is
| > | >> there a way to change this back and prevent it from
| > | doing
| > | >> this to future documents? I really am not looking
| > | forward
| > | >> to manually renaming all my files in the search
| > | database.
| > | >>
| > | >> Thanks,
| > | >>
| > | >> Lauren
| > | >>
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >.
| > | >
| >
| >