converting .htm back to .html



I have database that was created for my search function,
in my website. When I directed the keywords to link I
typed in filname.html. Now what I'm realizing is that
Frontpage automatically named all my files as .htm. Is
there a way to change this back and prevent it from doing
this to future documents? I really am not looking forward
to manually renaming all my files in the search database.



Roy Lindhardt


You could actually perform a Find and Replace (Press Ctrl+h) and tell
FrontPage to replace all links in that page that just have a .htm extension
to a .html extension. To do that I would put .htm" (include the ending
quote mark) in the Find what: field and .html" (also include the ending
quote mark here) in the Replace with: field. If you have any additional
questions please feel free to post a reply to this or to email me at
(e-mail address removed).


Roy Lindhardt

Actually, several of the webs that I update automatically creates each page
with a .html extension. I know that there isn't any setting in FrontPage
that we changed for them to do that, but I do believe that perhaps it is set
by a setting in the server. For each web, you can set what are the
possibilities for the homepage to be named (it is in the Documents tab of
the Properties dialog box for the web). On all of those index.html is
either set at the top or is the only entry for that web. I'm sure that
there might be some other "trick" to it, but that is at least a key


Tom Pepper Willett

That is for the default page only. Will have no bearing on other pages in
the web.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| Actually, several of the webs that I update automatically creates each
| with a .html extension. I know that there isn't any setting in FrontPage
| that we changed for them to do that, but I do believe that perhaps it is
| by a setting in the server. For each web, you can set what are the
| possibilities for the homepage to be named (it is in the Documents tab of
| the Properties dialog box for the web). On all of those index.html is
| either set at the top or is the only entry for that web. I'm sure that
| there might be some other "trick" to it, but that is at least a key
| ingredient.
| Roy
| | > You can't, as FP uses .htm by default.
| > --
| > ------------------------------
| > Tom Pepper Willett
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > ------------------------------
| > | > | I understand that I could do this, but how can I prevent
| > | FP from saving future pages as .htm ? They need to be
| > | saved out as .html instead, isn't there a setting in
| > | Frontpage that can be changed, or does Frontpage default
| > | to saving files as .htm only?
| > |
| > | Lauren
| > |
| > | >-----Original Message-----
| > | >Lauren,
| > | >
| > | > You could actually perform a Find and Replace (Press
| > | Ctrl+h) and tell
| > | >FrontPage to replace all links in that page that just
| > | have a .htm extension
| > | >to a .html extension. To do that I would put .htm"
| > | (include the ending
| > | >quote mark) in the Find what: field and .html" (also
| > | include the ending
| > | >quote mark here) in the Replace with: field. If you have
| > | any additional
| > | >questions please feel free to post a reply to this or to
| > | email me at
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >Roy
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >| > | >> I have database that was created for my search function,
| > | >> in my website. When I directed the keywords to link I
| > | >> typed in filname.html. Now what I'm realizing is that
| > | >> Frontpage automatically named all my files as .htm. Is
| > | >> there a way to change this back and prevent it from
| > | doing
| > | >> this to future documents? I really am not looking
| > | forward
| > | >> to manually renaming all my files in the search
| > | database.
| > | >>
| > | >> Thanks,
| > | >>
| > | >> Lauren
| > | >>
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >.
| > | >
| >
| >

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