copy and paste text crashes word



If I copy text from Textedit or a pdf (using Preview) and then paste
that text into Word it'll crash. Once that happens I have to log out
of OSX and come back before Word will run without crashing (it'll open
and as soon as I enter a keystroke or select a menu it crashes). Copy
and pasting from within word is fine. Running the latest version of
Office 2008. Any thoughts?


What version/update of OS X? Have you recently repaired disk permissions?

The behavior you describe suggests that it may well not be a fault of Word,
but that perhaps something is being put on the clipboard which Word cannot
resolve. Is there anything other than plain text in what you're copying?
Links? Web content? What do you see if you switch to Finder after copying &
select Edit> Show Clipboard? Have you tried using Edit> Paste Special -
Unformatted Text? What additional details can you provide.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

John Heffernan

I am also vexed by this problem and have basically switched over to Open
Office, which does not have this problem. I have the latest versions of OS X
10.6.2 and Office Word 12.2.4. The problem occurs copying and pasting from
any Apple application (textedit, pages, and safari in particular). I have
deleted duplicates fonts, reinstalled office, deleted the normal template,
removed input managers, turned off track changes, and the problem persists.

Note that this problem occurs on new documents so is not a corrupt document
issue. I am going to try the combo updater next. That seems to be the last
possible answer.

John Heffernan

I can't paste unformatted because Word freezes as soon as I click on the edit
menu. Holding down shift when starting Word has no effect.


Hi John;

Among the attempted fixes you've listed I see no reference to repairing disk
permissions. I'd suggest you first do that & see if anything changes.

If that doesn't help, try logging in as the same user while holding the
Shift key. Does the problem persist?

Have you tried using Word in a different (preferably new) User Account? Does
the same thing happen?

Please reply to this thread since it deals specifically with your issue. No
offense, but scattering/replicating your comments is a variety of other
threads can make things very confusing & otherwise problematic for those
trying to help as well as for those trying to follow the conversation ‹ not
to mention making it more complicated for you to track any responses.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 3/17/10 1:18 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "John Heffernan" <John

John Heffernan

Hi Bob,

I applied the combo updater, repaired permissions, and created a new
account. The problem persists.

Here's part of a crash dump (it is too long to put here) if that helps. I am
seeing some threads from a Prometheus Smartboard software, which I don't even
use on this machine. I will see if I can uninstall it.


Date/Time: 2010-03-17 22:12:08 -0400
OS Version: 10.6.2 (Build 10C540)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 6

Command: Word
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Word
Version: 12.2.4 (12.2.4)
Build Version: 0
Project Name: (null)
Source Version: 100205
Parent: launchd [101]

PID: 142
Event: hang
Duration: 6.44s (sampling started after 2 seconds)
Steps: 44 (100ms sampling interval)

Pageins: 34
Pageouts: 0

Process: Microsoft Word [142]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Word
UID: 501

Process: ACTIVdevice [157]
UID: 501

Thread 96fe000 DispatchQueue 100
User stack:
44 start + 41 (in ACTIVdevice) [0x2259]
44 _start + 216 (in ACTIVdevice) [0x2332]
44 main + 40 (in ACTIVdevice) [0x2fe0]
44 RunProgram() + 30 (in ACTIVdevice) [0x3dd0]
44 RunApplicationEventLoop + 228 (in HIToolbox) [0x95c2f944]
44 _AcquireNextEvent + 54 (in HIToolbox) [0x95c39c02]
44 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 354 (in HIToolbox) [0x95ab1cc3]
44 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 392 (in HIToolbox)
44 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97 (in CoreFoundation)
44 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452 (in CoreFoundation)
44 __CFRunLoopRun + 2079 (in CoreFoundation)
44 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib)
Kernel stack:
44 ipc_mqueue_receive_continue + 0 [0x210aa3]

Thread 81f7b7c DispatchQueue 1634545000
User stack:
44 start_wqthread + 30 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x90061336]
44 _pthread_wqthread + 390 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x900614f1]
44 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 234 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x90061a68]
44 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 163 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x90061cc3]
44 kevent + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x900620ea]
Kernel stack:
44 kevent + 97 [0x471745]

Binary Images:
0x1000 - 0x16fff com.prometheanworld.activdevice 5.1 (5.1 Build
23) <00010203-0405-0607-0809-0A0B0C0D0E0F>
0x9003b000 - 0x901dffeb libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???)
<D45B91B2-2B4C-AAC0-8096-1FC48B7E9672> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
0x90d5c000 - 0x90ed3fef 6.6.1 (550.13)
0x95a7d000 - 0x95da0fef 1.6.2 (???)

Process: ACTIVhardware [159]
UID: 501

John Heffernan

OK. I uninstalled the Promethean Board SW and the problem still occurs. It
just happened to have threads running on the system during the Word hang I

However, if I boot in Safe Mode (holding down shift when restarting) I can
copy and paste successfully (in this case, from Safari.)

Off to bed after spending about 6 hours + on this problem.

Could the crash dump help pinpoint what is causing the hang?

Please don't say it is not our problem!


John McGhie

It certainly LOOKS like it is hanging waiting for a response from the

Difficult to tell from that Dump...


OK. I uninstalled the Promethean Board SW and the problem still occurs. It
just happened to have threads running on the system during the Word hang I

However, if I boot in Safe Mode (holding down shift when restarting) I can
copy and paste successfully (in this case, from Safari.)

Off to bed after spending about 6 hours + on this problem.

Could the crash dump help pinpoint what is causing the hang?

Please don't say it is not our problem!



The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:[email protected]

John Heffernan

Hi John,

In the newer crash dumps (which I did not post), there are no Promethean
threads showing since I uninstalled the software. The problem still occurs.
However, copy and paste from another application DOES work when I boot in
safe mode.

Please advise.


John Heffernan

After the hang, I am seeing some errors in the console like this...

3/18/10 7:05:10 AM pkgutil[432] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier:


I have the same problem on a macbook pro. Word 2008 have a spinning ball when I copy something from different application. I don't need to paste anything in word, only to put the focus in the application. I tryed to repair permission, delete all preference file, and any file that are link to microsoft. Reinstall office 2008 and the problem is still there. The os is 10.6.2, office is up to date. The problem is the same in root too. On another compute with the same config/version I don't have this problem, so I copied the fonts to the computer with the problem, without success. I removed anything that I saw on boot, but it look the word take a look to the clipboard when the focus is on it, and have difficulty to interpret the clipboard. The os and application are in french. Do you have any idea?

Thanks for the help!

John McGhie

I notice that Airport Utility is also in the frame there. As a test, if you
connect to the router with an Ethernet cable, does the problem still happen?

There was a very old issue with the Airport Base Station that required a
firmware update to cure. I doubt if your box is that old, but let's do the
test. If that fixes it, you don't need to do the following :)

The other issue would need us to do a full remove/replace. Please follow
this process EXACTLY ...

1) Quit ALL office applications, including the Entourage Daemon if it's
running. Disconnect (unmount) any disks other than the boot partition.

2) From Disk Utility, run "Repair Permissions" (we need to ensure we have
read/write permissions to the modules...)

3) From the Office CD, run the Office Remover tool.

4) Track down all instances of pre-2008 Normal template on your computer,
and drag them to your desktop. The file is called simply "Normal" and has
no extension.

5) Find and drag the file Normal.dotm to your desktop. Unless you have
moved it, it should be in
/Users/~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/

6) If the following files exist, Remove or rename them:

~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Word Settings (10)

~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Word Settings (11)

7) User/Library/Preferences/com.Microsoft.Word.plist

8) User/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2008 (the whole folder!)

(After running "remove", some or all of those files will not exist...)

Now: REBOOT! We want to ensure we clear the memory.

Now put it back:

9) Do a full install of Office 2008 from the Office CD.

10) Download the Office updates 12.1.0, 12.2.0, and 12.2.3 and 12.2.4.
Download them from the website
don't trust AutoUpdate for this.

11) Now (this is essential) Start FontBook and choose Edit>Resolve
Duplicated fonts. Microsoft Office installs some fonts that are duplicates
of fonts installed by OS 10.6.2. In each case, the version to keep is the
latest one.

11a) If you have a cache cleaning tool such as OnyX, now is the time to
clean the caches.

12) Now shut down the system until the power goes off, then re-start. This
triggers the Unix clean-up tasks that, among other things will rebuild the
font caches.

After all of that, if it doesn't work, we need to grade and pave the whole
system, which is easier than it sounds, but not something you look forward
to spending an hour on :)


After the hang, I am seeing some errors in the console like this...

3/18/10 7:05:10 AM pkgutil[432] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier:


The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:[email protected]

John McGhie

Hi Nicolas:

Let's see a crash dump from you also...

The French version has some idiosyncrasies that do not apply to the English
version. We need to wait for Corentin or Bernard to come by: they run the
French version.


I have the same problem on a macbook pro. Word 2008 have a spinning ball when
I copy something from different application. I don't need to paste anything
in word, only to put the focus in the application. I tryed to repair
permission, delete all preference file, and any file that are link to
microsoft. Reinstall office 2008 and the problem is still there. The os is
10.6.2, office is up to date. The problem is the same in root too. On
another compute with the same config/version I don't have this problem, so I
copied the fonts to the computer with the problem, without success. I removed
anything that I saw on boot, but it look the word take a look to the clipboard
when the focus is on it, and have difficulty to interpret the clipboard. The
os and application are in french. Do you have any idea?

Thanks for the help!


The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:[email protected]

John Heffernan

Will try it when I have a few hours. Thanks for the help.

Just an FYI. This problem started when I installed Snow Leopard.

John McGhie

Hi John:

Which makes me very suspicious of "Fonts". Snow Leopard creates an issue
with Fonts and Font Caches in Microsoft Word 2008.

But the indications you have are slightly different to what we normally

Snow Leopard also changed some low-level networking bits, which can lead to
some entertainment getting various network connections to work, particularly
over an airport, and particularly if you are using AppleTalk networking.


Will try it when I have a few hours. Thanks for the help.

Just an FYI. This problem started when I installed Snow Leopard.


The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:[email protected]

John Heffernan

OK. I reinstalled Office and the problem persists specifically with Safari.

There were a couple of things I could not follow exactly.

I ran remove office from the HD and not the CD as indicated (could not find
it on the CD).

Remove User/Library/... I assume this was supposed to be ~ as the 2 above it.

When you said to keep the latest font using Resolve Duplicates, when I
clicked Resolve Dupes, Font Book made the decision on which font to keep.


John Heffernan

Also, I tried using the Ethernet connection and not airport and still had the
problem. Note, however, that shutting off Aiport and restarting does not
stop the Airport thread seen in the crash dump.

John McGhie

Yeah, it was.

And I just let FontBook do the thing too, it seems to get it right :)


OK. I reinstalled Office and the problem persists specifically with Safari.

There were a couple of things I could not follow exactly.

I ran remove office from the HD and not the CD as indicated (could not find
it on the CD).

Remove User/Library/... I assume this was supposed to be ~ as the 2 above it.

When you said to keep the latest font using Resolve Duplicates, when I
clicked Resolve Dupes, Font Book made the decision on which font to keep.



The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:[email protected]

John McGhie

Hi John:

Ok, I need to know specifically WHAT you are pasting from Safari.

And I would like to see the Crash Dump that it offers to "Send to Apple". I
want to know if anything has changed...

Sometimes, you can impute the cause from the symptoms, other times you need
to see the full diagnostics.

I just pasted from Safari here, and it's fine.


Also, I tried using the Ethernet connection and not airport and still had the
problem. Note, however, that shutting off Aiport and restarting does not
stop the Airport thread seen in the crash dump.


The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:[email protected]

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