Tim R
To test the theory that Stylizer is someone corrupting the Settings value I
have removed it from everyone's startup folder - this was completed
Are you thinking that the startup folder location is being changed by the
user? If that's the case it's not possible as the users doesn't have the
rights to change anything in c:\program files. Moreover they can't even see
things on the c:\ drive (locked down from group policy).
There are not multiple copies of any of the .dot's mentioned before on the
local drive or any networked mapped drives that they have access to. The
GPO points the Workgroup templates path to the shared MSWordTemplates folder
on the network. This folder contains all document templates that we have
(letterhead, fax sheets, pleadings, etc). It also doesn't have any copies
of the previously discussed .dot's that I sent you.
To answer your other question my users exit Word and restart their computer
upon leaving for the day.
Unless you can think of anything else I will report back the next time this
issue occurs now that Stylizer is off the desktop.
have removed it from everyone's startup folder - this was completed
changed. Why don't you search for all Startup folders and multiple copies
of your templates on both the local drive *and* on any network drives
Are you thinking that the startup folder location is being changed by the
user? If that's the case it's not possible as the users doesn't have the
rights to change anything in c:\program files. Moreover they can't even see
things on the c:\ drive (locked down from group policy).
There are not multiple copies of any of the .dot's mentioned before on the
local drive or any networked mapped drives that they have access to. The
GPO points the Workgroup templates path to the shared MSWordTemplates folder
on the network. This folder contains all document templates that we have
(letterhead, fax sheets, pleadings, etc). It also doesn't have any copies
of the previously discussed .dot's that I sent you.
To answer your other question my users exit Word and restart their computer
upon leaving for the day.
Unless you can think of anything else I will report back the next time this
issue occurs now that Stylizer is off the desktop.