I got it working now. There was a stupid error in my code that was so
stupid I don't want to tell you what it was. But the run-time error
message made it seem like the error was some obscure, high-level problem
thing, rather than something really basic. Thanks to Peter and Howard
for your help.
I now have a fully functioning substitute for the Work menu. Instead of
the Work menu, I have a Work folder in which are placed shortcuts to
documents. I can add the active document to this folder with a single
command; I can open the folder with a single command and then open the
document I want to work on; and I can delete the active document from
the folder with a single command, without having to open the folder, and
without having to use that awkward Alt+Ctrl+- command which can only
delete one item at a time. Also, it's not limited to nine documents
like the Work menu. And I also don't lose its contents when, from time
to time, I have to delete and rebuild the corrupted Word Data key in the
Registry. The only drawback is that the folder takes a couple of
seconds to open. To fix that, I've got to get more memory for my