Custom Form - Checkboxes



I got the Categories/date-time problem resolved by creating a new form (I
couldn't find any formulas set for Categories, so I used this method).
However, upon running my form, I'm getting an error 'Object required: 'test"
on line 4. I believe that "test" is the object and it's being passed to the
next line, but there's something I'm not noticing.


Function Item_Write()
Set myinspector = Item.GetInspector
Set test = myInspector.ModifiedFormPages("General")
Set Checkbox1 = test.Controls("CheckBox1")

If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
Item.Categories = Item.Categories & ",Business"
End If
End Function

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

The error suggests that there is no customized page with a display name of "General."

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