Hi Alan -
Sorry we haven't come to a better situation as yet, but this is an "unusual"
combination of symptoms - exceedingly so, since *nothing* seems to have
*any* affect on *anything*... We can't even seem to make things _worse_
Am I understanding this correctly, that doing so MAY solve the cut/paste
problem in Word? Or prevent something else from loading that is causing the
problem? And then there would be some process of trying to figure what this
"something else" is?
Your second sentence is on target about this troubleshooting step. Many
programs load at startup & this prevents them from doing so - this is
especially true of the "haxies" mentioned in an earlier post. These are
utility apps that are intended to enhance/modify/embellish the features
and/or appearance of the OS and/or other programs. Many are known to cause
conflicts - even worse if they weren't specifically written for the Intels.
Anyway - back to your issues: I'm afraid I've become more & more convinced
that the problems lie either with the OS X installation or with the Mac,
itself. The array of behaviors you've reported *all* seem to revolve around
OS services which are called by the active application. Have you used any
other programs? That isn't really clear from any of your messages. Does
anything of a similar nature happen in any of the other Office apps, other
programs than Office?
Since this is a brand new system & not as yet loaded with personal data
files, apparently not much software or other concerns, I'm thinking that a
more radical approach may be in order. If you're in the vicinity of an Apple
Store or dealer you might want to take the unit in so they can physically
check it out & perhaps try some on-the-fly fixes that wouldn't even be
considered working through news messages... It's always more productive if
you have a "hands-on" opportunity.
If that isn't a possibility it might be time to do a reinstallation of OS X.
This is just my opinion, though... It wouldn't hurt to wait & see if someone
else has more to suggest before you do. Should you proceed in doing so, the
steps I would take are:
1- Start up from the Install disk that came with the Mac,
2- Do an Erase & Install of OS X,
3- Apply the Intel OS X 10.4.8 Combo Updater from the Apple website,
4- Repair Disk Permissions (run Disk Utility while booted from your HD),
5- Restart the Mac
6- Do a Drag and Drop installation of Office & apply the 11.3.3 update
7- Repair Disk Permissions *again*
8- Restart the Mac, Launch Word
Good Luck |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac