That's not *exactly* what I wanted to hear
Although I haven't given up I have gotten some input from others who have
been monitoring this thread... Unfortunately they are as stymied as I. This
is particularly unusual - especially in a fresh installation on a new
system. I'm not certain how to proceed, although I think we need to retrace
some of the steps already taken - but probably in a different order. Please
don't be offended if I ask you to verify info you've already supplied
First of all, though, have you installed *any other* software at all - other
programs, utilities, "helpers" (also known as "haxies")? If so, let me know
what. Have you changed any OS X preference settings? Are you *positive* that
the Office 2004 Test Drive is/was not present on this Mac? Did you Migrate
anything from another system to this one? *Something* (I believe external to
Word) is at play here - it's just a matter of figuring out _what_.
In the meanwhile, go to Word>Preferences - Save, put a check in the box to
"Prompt to save Normal template". Then quit Word, replace Normal again & see
if that gets you to a usable situation - whenever you're prompted to save
changes to Normal click No. Please note that this is just a *temporary*
measure & may help with troubleshooting if it helps at all.
I'll try to come up with something more definitive after you've provided
answers to the above questions.
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
Although I haven't given up I have gotten some input from others who have
been monitoring this thread... Unfortunately they are as stymied as I. This
is particularly unusual - especially in a fresh installation on a new
system. I'm not certain how to proceed, although I think we need to retrace
some of the steps already taken - but probably in a different order. Please
don't be offended if I ask you to verify info you've already supplied
First of all, though, have you installed *any other* software at all - other
programs, utilities, "helpers" (also known as "haxies")? If so, let me know
what. Have you changed any OS X preference settings? Are you *positive* that
the Office 2004 Test Drive is/was not present on this Mac? Did you Migrate
anything from another system to this one? *Something* (I believe external to
Word) is at play here - it's just a matter of figuring out _what_.
In the meanwhile, go to Word>Preferences - Save, put a check in the box to
"Prompt to save Normal template". Then quit Word, replace Normal again & see
if that gets you to a usable situation - whenever you're prompted to save
changes to Normal click No. Please note that this is just a *temporary*
measure & may help with troubleshooting if it helps at all.
I'll try to come up with something more definitive after you've provided
answers to the above questions.
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac