BruceM via AccessMonster.com
I have been away for a week, and don't have much time to look at your
question in detail, but from what I can tell you are mostly looking for
tutorials, etc. anyhow. I will look at the specific issue you mentioned when
I get a chance, but meanwhile here are some links:
Jeff Conrad's resources page:
The Access Web resources page:
Roger Carlson's tutorials, samples and tips:
A free tutorial written by Crystal:
A video how-to series by Crystal:
MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:
question in detail, but from what I can tell you are mostly looking for
tutorials, etc. anyhow. I will look at the specific issue you mentioned when
I get a chance, but meanwhile here are some links:
Jeff Conrad's resources page:
The Access Web resources page:
Roger Carlson's tutorials, samples and tips:
A free tutorial written by Crystal:
A video how-to series by Crystal:
MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:
You've been so kind with your interest, I wanted to let you know what I've
done so far since you said you would check the threads for this post. I
took your advice and created one table (tblPayments) to hold
all payments and/or
purchases. I added a field called NonFamName so I can enter a non family
purchase name if I need to. I also created two different pmt forms based on
the pmt table. One stand alone continuous form as you suggested and one
with a subform to post
class pmts. This seems to work good with no problems yet. All my forms are
very simple at this time.
The payment table fields are as in previous posts except I added a yes/no
field called MkDep as a criteria selection field to append to the deposit
detail table.
I created another form to list the pmts that are marked "yes" in the in the
MkDep yes/no field. This form lists only pmts that have not yet been
deposited. The fields in the deposit table are depositID and
DepDate. I created an append query to append the pmts
to the dep detail after I entered a new record for the deposit date (in the
table as Steve suggested) and a query to reset the yes/no field to "no"
after they have been successfully appended.
The query appends the pmts to the depdetail but unless I want to use only a
deposit detail
table, this method is seriously flawed as the query won't enter the
DepositID (linking field to depDetail info)
into the dep detail table. I was hoping I could do that with a query as
I've never used the AddNew function and I'm researching this on the
internet. There doesn't seem to be much in Access help but I think I will
need a
procedure to pass the data to an AddNew function.
I really want to learn to do this myself and was wondering if you have any
suggestions as to websites where I could find information
to learn more about this.
Thank you again for your help and patience. I just wanted to let you know
where I am in this and how much your advice has helped.
[quoted text clipped - 10 lines]This is where I learned a lot of what I know. Just returning the favor.