Disable command bar Excel 2007 and Vista


Josh C

Hello All,

My company has developed a program is Excel 03 that has a lot of security
attached to it. I have used Ron de Bruin website to disable most of the
toolbars in the programs. Now that I gotten it all done and ready to
distribute to our salesman, our computer provider says we should start
thinking about upgrading to Vista. We have one computer with Vista on it.
Guess what, the disabling of the command bars is not working. I need
something like what is on the website: www.rondebruin.nl/menuid.htm so I can
adjust the Excel program to work with MS Vista and Office 2007.

Josh C

Hi Ron,

Am I going to need add ins on all computers, or if I just enter the code
will it disable the controls on all computers. Also, is this code for Excel
2007 or Vista or does it not matter?

Ron de Bruin

Hi Josh

The Custum UI editor is only for the developer to make it easy to add the xml.

The xml and the callbacks are only for Excel 2007 in (Win Xp or Vista)

Josh C

I Know this has been a long time ago, but i was taken off the project ofr a
while. i have installed the Custom UI Editor, but it will not open the Excel
file (that was started in office 2003) everytime i try, an error pops up that
says "File contains corrupted data." where do i start to see what data in
corrupted. the program has may Macros, but it will not even open the file to
get to the Marco. the file will open fine on its own without Custom UI Editor.

Josh C

when i password protect my file on office 07, it disables the marcos the next
time i open the file. how do i do both, i need the file password protected
and the marcos to run in order for the program to work correctly

Josh C

sorry, i should have put these questions together. anyway i have gotten my
file to open in the custom ui, but it does not seem to effect the file. i am
using your example to disable menu bars like print preview. do i really need
to insert a icon? when i when i validate the file, i get an error that says
"Not a valid XML document!
Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." I copied the exampe
right from the "XML Samples -- XL Disable Controls.xml. what does the first
line mean? almost looks like it is a path to some where?

Shah Shailesh

Posted by Jim Rech.

"In Excel 2007, if you password protect your workbooks and they contain
macros, there is no way to enable macros."

Not "no way". There is a registry entry that turns this security feature


set to 1.

Shailesh Shah
If You Can't Excel with Talent, Triumph with Effort.

Free Addins Office Menu-2003 for Office-2007
(Use old Classic Menu of Office-2003 in Office-2007)

Josh C

the register has to changed on each computer?

Shah Shailesh said:
Posted by Jim Rech.

"In Excel 2007, if you password protect your workbooks and they contain
macros, there is no way to enable macros."

Not "no way". There is a registry entry that turns this security feature


set to 1.

Shailesh Shah
If You Can't Excel with Talent, Triumph with Effort.

Free Addins Office Menu-2003 for Office-2007
(Use old Classic Menu of Office-2003 in Office-2007)

Josh C

Ok i found a example that works to diable the most of the file menus except
the publish menu, it does not. why is that one different?

Also, the Page Layout Tab and the PDF tabs do not disable when the I use the
'<tab idMso="TabPageLayout" visible="false" />' if I put a space bewteen
Page and Layout, when I get an error, if I don't there is no error, but it
does not disable. Any thoughts

Josh C

Thanks for all your help Ron,

I found your examples, and they worked for everything but the Excel Options
button on the Office Menu. I have tried:

<command idMso="FileExcelServicesOptions" enabled="false" />
<tab idMso="TabOfficeMenu">
<group idMso="FileExcelServicesOptions" visible="false" />

but neither seem to disable the button. I would be very greatful if you
could find my error!!!

Ron de Bruin

This is the XL-Dictator example in the sample menu if you copy my xml files in the correct folder

<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui">

<!-- **************************************************************************-->
<!-- ****Disable 'Exit Excel' and 'Excel Options' on the Office button menu****-->
<!-- **************************************************************************-->

<!-- Disable Excel Options on the Office button menu-->
<command idMso="ApplicationOptionsDialog" enabled="false"/>

<!-- Disable Exit Excel on the Office button menu-->
<command idMso="FileExit" enabled="false"/>

<!-- *******************************************************************-->
<!-- **********Set startFromScratch to true to hide the ribbon**********-->
<!-- **********Hide New, Open and Save on the Office button menu********-->
<!-- *******************************************************************-->

<!-- Set startFromScratch to true to hide the ribbon-->
<ribbon startFromScratch="true">

<!-- startFromScratch="true" hides all of the ribbon tabs and it hides the QAT. -->
<!-- It also hides most of the commands on the Office button menu, but for some -->
<!-- reason, it does not hide the 'New', 'Open' and 'Save' commands. -->
<!-- So if you want to hide them you have to add this to your RibbonX file: -->

<button idMso="FileNew" visible="false"/>
<button idMso="FileOpen" visible="false"/>
<button idMso="FileSave" visible="false" />

<!-- You can add xml here to create your own custom tab on the ribbon-->



Josh C

thanks that seemed to work, know a question that may not like the answer to:
is there anyway to lock the CustomUI so if someone downloads it, they can
not change the file and adjust my program. I hope you have the answer i am
looking for.

Josh C

so, i looked in the register and could only get this far:
there was no folder called: ExcelBypass­EncryptedMacroScan
and then there was a "VBAWarnings" i opened that and the data value is
already set to 1, should I set in to zero(0) or am i in the wrong place?
there was a default file with (value not set)

the only folder was "Trusted Locations"

Josh C

Thanks for all your help, i was affraid of that; I did not chose the program,
was just put in
charge of making it as locked up as possible. Thanks again, your help was
very useful!

Josh C


Were you ever able to find the correct path, I would like to be able to Run
macros in a password protected file in office 07

Thanks, Josh

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