Document Map Applies Level 1 to Incorrect Paragraphs



What once was gone is now found:
I "love" the document map; I'm able to get through my notes quickly by utilizing the "heading" styles in MS Word. I have a heading for class notes (and sub headings for each day); then I have a heading for study notes (and sub headings for each book chapter). I use this method for every class! [I suppose I should move to html - but I'll leave that for another day].

Problem: when I open my document (after saving it; properly formatted with correct heading styles AND correct outline levels; AND correct styles linked to the correct outline levels); the program - AUTOMATICALLY reformats certain "body text" to "level 1" in my outline (and therefore shows up on my document map). My workaround - as described in
says to re-apply the outline levels. PAIN to do EVERY time I re-open my class notes.

Solution: ?? Help me, you are my only hope!

Daiya Mitchell

For Word 2004 (and earlier), you can use the macro provided here and run
it in a single click by putting it on a toolbar or assigning a shortcut.
(hit reload a few times in Safari to see the page)

For Word 2008--hopefully an AppleScript version of that macro will come
from somewhere, allow a little time.

I've heard that Word 2007 got better at *not* doing this if the first
paragraph in the document uses a Heading style. See if that helps.

If you Undo AutoFormat directly after invoking the Doc Map, that should
also work.

John McGhie

Hey Luke:

I don't know if this will help, but ...

The Document Map is a "View" that is constructed based on the Outline Level
applied to each paragraph (regardless of the style of that paragraph).

So if you use styles that have the correct Outline Level defined, Word will
accept them and use them.

If you use styles (e.g. Normal style) that have an Outline Level of Body
Text, Word will change the outline level to make the view work.

As Daiya says, Word 2008 is more intelligent about this, but it still needs
to start each Outline with a Level 1 heading.

The built-in Heading styles have this property correctly set by default (and
you can't change it for those styles...)


What once was gone is now found:
I "love" the document map; I'm able to get through my notes quickly by
utilizing the "heading" styles in MS Word. I have a heading for class notes
(and sub headings for each day); then I have a heading for study notes (and
sub headings for each book chapter). I use this method for every class! [I
suppose I should move to html - but I'll leave that for another day].

Problem: when I open my document (after saving it; properly formatted with
correct heading styles AND correct outline levels; AND correct styles linked
to the correct outline levels); the program - AUTOMATICALLY reformats certain
"body text" to "level 1" in my outline (and therefore shows up on my document
map). My workaround - as described in
says to re-apply the outline levels. PAIN to do EVERY time I re-open my class

Solution: ?? Help me, you are my only hope!

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Hi, I recently switched from Windows to OS X when I bought my first Mac. I
have been using Word 2007 for Windows for more than a year and have become
reliant on the Document Map to navigate through a very long document. I
purchased Parallels so that I could continue using Word 2007 while I got used
to the Mac environment, but I purchased Office 2008 for Mac when it came out
last month.

When I opened it and imported my document into Word 2008, I couldn't get the
Document Map to work properly. I think I am having the same difficulty that
"Obi Wan" had, but I'm no Jedi at Word for Mac yet, and I didn't really
understand the answer you sent to him.

I have just verified that my "Heading 1" and "Heading 2" designations for
chapter and section headings came over correctly from Word 2007, but I'm not
sure what to do next to make the Document Map display only the Table of
Contents headings that it did in Word 2007 for Windows.

Could you possibly give me step-by-step instructions on how to get this
fixed? I was very adept at Word 2007, but I'm pretty lost with Word 2008.
If I can get the Document Map working right, I'll figure out the other stuff
as I go.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!

John McGhie said:
Hey Luke:

I don't know if this will help, but ...

The Document Map is a "View" that is constructed based on the Outline Level
applied to each paragraph (regardless of the style of that paragraph).

So if you use styles that have the correct Outline Level defined, Word will
accept them and use them.

If you use styles (e.g. Normal style) that have an Outline Level of Body
Text, Word will change the outline level to make the view work.

As Daiya says, Word 2008 is more intelligent about this, but it still needs
to start each Outline with a Level 1 heading.

The built-in Heading styles have this property correctly set by default (and
you can't change it for those styles...)


What once was gone is now found:
I "love" the document map; I'm able to get through my notes quickly by
utilizing the "heading" styles in MS Word. I have a heading for class notes
(and sub headings for each day); then I have a heading for study notes (and
sub headings for each book chapter). I use this method for every class! [I
suppose I should move to html - but I'll leave that for another day].

Problem: when I open my document (after saving it; properly formatted with
correct heading styles AND correct outline levels; AND correct styles linked
to the correct outline levels); the program - AUTOMATICALLY reformats certain
"body text" to "level 1" in my outline (and therefore shows up on my document
map). My workaround - as described in
says to re-apply the outline levels. PAIN to do EVERY time I re-open my class

Solution: ?? Help me, you are my only hope!

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Daiya Mitchell

Hi Neil,

Welcome to the Mac, ask as many questions as you need to.

I just finished editing this article. It should be a clear explanation
of the problem, with some step-by-step instructions for both fixing and
preventing it. Please be sure to mention it if any part is confusing or
does not behave as expected.



Thanks, Daiya, I'll check it out!


Daiya Mitchell said:
Hi Neil,

Welcome to the Mac, ask as many questions as you need to.

I just finished editing this article. It should be a clear explanation
of the problem, with some step-by-step instructions for both fixing and
preventing it. Please be sure to mention it if any part is confusing or
does not behave as expected.



It worked! It worked! I ran the script and it COMPLETELY fixed my Document
Map! Now I can get back to work on my book - THANK YOU!!


John McGhie

Hi Daiya:

That's a great article :) The only comment I would make is that this is
"definitely" a bug! The feature is SUPPOSED to suppress the autoformat if
the document already contains Heading styles. WinWord does this correctly
since Word 2003.


Hi Neil,

Welcome to the Mac, ask as many questions as you need to.

I just finished editing this article. It should be a clear explanation
of the problem, with some step-by-step instructions for both fixing and
preventing it. Please be sure to mention it if any part is confusing or
does not behave as expected.


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Daiya Mitchell

Thanks much, John! I made that edit.

John said:
Hi Daiya:

That's a great article :) The only comment I would make is that this is
"definitely" a bug! The feature is SUPPOSED to suppress the autoformat if
the document already contains Heading styles. WinWord does this correctly
since Word 2003.



Daiya, I was wondering if Word 2008 provides any mechanism to control the
font size of the words in the Document Map? If not, fine, I'm ecstatic to
have the functionality again. But I'm old, and the typeface is small, and it
would be nice if I could make it bigger. Is there a way to do that?


Daiya Mitchell

Actually, yes. The size is controlled by the Document Map style.

Format | Style, select Document Map in the list, click Modify, check the
"add to template" box, change the size (or even font). Click OK. Click
Close (NOT Apply, which will apply the Doc Map style to wherever the
cursor happens to be).

Then it should be bigger for that doc and all new docs. You'll need to
fix old docs and docs from other people one-by-one.


Excellent! That was so easy, and now I've made it big enough to read
comfortably. Thanks!



Hello, Daiya. I tried to post this question earlier today, but I think it
didn't go thru. If it ends up as a duplicate, I apologize.

I noticed in my new, functioning Document Map that about half of the Chapter
headings (Heading level 1) have the little triangle next to them that allows
you to expand out the subheadings or compress them back again. The other
half of the Chapter headings do not. In looking at the formatting of each
group, I can't spot anything that would obviously make them that way. Do you
happen to know how I can add that triangle to the ones that don't have it?

Thanks for all your help!

Daiya Mitchell

Hi Neil,

Not seeing a duplicate, no problem.

Do all of your chapters have subheads? I would expect that a Heading 1
would *not* have a triangle if there is only text under it, no Heading 2
or Heading 3. So there's nothing to expand. Example:

Heading 1 (no triangle)
Heading 1 (with triangle)
Heading 2

Similarly, Heading 2 should only have have a triangle if there is a
Heading 3 under it, and so forth. Unrelated to the formatting of the
actual heading in question, though the formatting of the subheads might
be worth checking.

Does that fit your experience? Entirely possible that there's a bug
related to this, but not one I've noticed or know about.

Glad to help with all this! The Doc Map is a very useful feature, well
worth figuring out and customizing.



Hi, Daiya.

My book has 7 chapters, and each chapter heading is "Heading 1." Then,
within each chapter, there are about 5 to 8 subsection that I have designated
"Heading 2." When you go to the Table of Contents, there they all are, with
their correct page numbers and so forth.

All of the chapter and section titles also show up in the Document Map, but
only 4 of the chapter headings have the little triangle; the other 3 don't.
But all 7 chapters have subsections in them.

I assumed that there is some setting that I inadvertently set (or failed to
set) that caused some of them to have the triangle and the others not to.
Any ideas? If not, no problem. It's a minor feature. The main thing is the
Document Map itself, which is invaluable for navigating around a large

I also note, though, that after I closed the document, then opened it again,
that the Document Map was all messed up again. So I re-ran the script, which
fixed it again. Did I read something in that article that said to turn off
the Document Map before exiting the document? I think so.


Daiya Mitchell

Hi Neil,

In that case, I have no clue at all why only some headings have the
triangle. Complete mystery to me. Anyone?

Re second question--Yep, the Doc Map is likely to cause the same problem
again, just re-run the script as necessary. And yes, closing the Doc Map
so it doesn't automatically activate should help prevent the problem
(but it may be easier to just re-run the script, it won't cause any harm).



Hello, Daiya. I've been trying to reply to your post since yesterday; not
sure why it isn't working. Anyway, here goes:

It may be an actual bug. My book has 7 chapters, all of which are
designated as "Heading 1." Each of those chapters has subsections which I
have designated "Heading 2." Some chapters have more subsections than
others, but all of them have at least 5 subsections.

The Document Map shows all of the chapter and subsection headings (as does
the actual Table of Contents, which I let Word create and manage for me), but
only 4 of the chapter headings shown in the Document Map have the little
triangle, while the other 3 do not.

It doesn't prevent me from using the Document Map, so if it's a bug, it's
one I can live with.


Daiya Mitchell

Hi Neil,
Hello, Daiya. I've been trying to reply to your post since yesterday; not
sure why it isn't working.

Actually, I saw your previous post, and replied to it.
See here:

Also, I just noted that you are posting from portal to the newsgroups is not very
Mac-friendly. You might be happier with google groups:
or the new (still evolving) interface aimed at Mac users:


Paul N. Edwards

I just finished editing this article. It should be a clear explanation
of the problem, with some step-by-step instructions for both fixing and
preventing it. Please be sure to mention it if any part is confusing or
does not behave as expected.


I used the command-option-Q option, described in Daiya's article, to reset the paragraphs that offended the Document Map's sense of what should be a level 1 heading.

It worked well, but I did lose a little formatting -- centering, boldface.

Thanks. I'll try the applescript mentioned in her article next time. :smile:

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