Double Line Spacing Default in Word 2007


Rod Davies


I have read that Microsoft 'listened' to users, and set the default line
spacing in the Normal.doc in Word 2007 to double-line spacing. It drives ME
crazy. I do not want to have to remember to click the No Spacing icon before
I start typing.

Can that be changed to the default setting at all? I cannot seem to find it
under any Options area...

Tks for assistance and rgds

Rod Davies

After over 6 mths of trying, I just solved this myself this bloody
instant...don't worry about it troops, problemo gone!!


Bob I

There was 6 mins between your posts.

Rod said:
After over 6 mths of trying, I just solved this myself this bloody
instant...don't worry about it troops, problemo gone!!



Rod said:
After over 6 mths of trying, I just solved this myself this bloody
instant...don't worry about it troops, problemo gone!!


it would be nice if you shared your fix with those of us that are not
experts and may have the same problem...



Excellent point. I have been trying to change the default style to "no
spacing" unsuccessfully. I don't want to take six months to figure it out.


Please share your fix. thanks


I think I just figured it out. I clicked on "paragraph" and changed the line
spacing to "single" and then "default." It was multiple and 1.15. The
"normal" style is still highlighted in the style box, but it is now single
spacing or the same as the "no spacing" style.

Maybe Rod or somebody else can confirm that I did it right. thanks


Marianne said:
I think I just figured it out. I clicked on "paragraph" and changed the line
spacing to "single" and then "default." It was multiple and 1.15. The
"normal" style is still highlighted in the style box, but it is now single
spacing or the same as the "no spacing" style.

Maybe Rod or somebody else can confirm that I did it right. thanks

well, that got me going in the right direction but I right clicked on
the Normal style, selected Modify, hit the Format button, selected
Paragraph and change the After Spacing to 0 point and the Line Spacing
to single. Hit OK then select "New Documents based on this Template" and
my spacing now seems to be fine. Hopefully I didn't screw anything up to
badly :)


Yeah, I tried to modify the "no spacing" type to apply to all documents, but
it wouldn't stick. I went back and undid what I did to paragraph and put it
back to multiple and 1.15 line spacing, so I could try your way. Even though
the spacing is back to 1.15, it spaces single in normal like I was wanting.
Go figure!! It's the way I wanted it, so it's ok. My after spacing was
always 0. The blind leading the blind!!! thanks


In Word 2002/XP, You can customize a Word template to what defaults you
want, save it as Normal.doc as a template then replace the Normal .doc
in the Office/Word 2003/07 folder.

There is another problem that I and others are running into at a local
College with Word 2007 installed in the last 6 months.

Check your paragraphs settings, some installations have a different

The default setting has paragraphs setting in the 'After' box as 10 pt
(need to change this to 0 pt.
Then the 'line spacing' is set at 'Multiple 'At' 1.15
Change this of course to 'Single and the 1.15 will go to a blank

This looks like Double spacing, check your paragraph settings.

You should also save most of your Word documents under the previous
'Word 97/2003 document' so those users of 2000/2002/XP/2003 will be
able to open and edit your Word documents. Word 2007 has a new file
format that will give previous users a headache. Users can download a
Word 2007 viewer, but you really don't want your instructor or
employers to have to go through this exercise.
Many companies don't have Word 2007 installed yet and many will stay on
2003/XP for 3-4 years because it suites their needs.


Sorry, I typed Normal.doc. That was my info from last year. That is
regular type of Word 2002/XP file name, i.e., 'Report.doc.'
In reviewing the info I posted, I should have referred you to chang in Word 2002/XP. In Word 2007 it is now 'Normal.dotm' eve
though Word 2003/XP is under the hood of Word 2007.

In MS's view change is good because we can make more money.

From Word 2007 help files:

Change the Normal.dotm template
Any changes that you make to Normal.dotm will be applied to document
that you create in the future.

Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Open.
Do one of the following:
In Windows Vista:
Click Templates, and then double-click the Normal.dotm file to ope

In Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows Server 2003:
Click Templates next to File name.

If no templates are listed in the Open dialog box, click the arrow nex
to the Files of type box, and then click All Word Templates.

To be certain that you're working in the default template, check to se
that Normal.dotm appears in the Word title bar.

Make any changes that you want to the fonts, margins, spacing, an
other settings. You can use the same commands and features that you us
to change a document — but remember that any changes that you make t
Normal.dotm will be applied to documents that you create in the future

When you have finished, click the Microsoft Office Button , and the
click Save.

Note If Normal.dotm is renamed, damaged, or moved, Wor
automatically creates a new version (which uses the original defaul
settings) the next time that you start Word. The new version will no
include any of the customizations that you made to the version that yo
renamed or moved

Beth Melton

Scott2345 said:
In Word 2002/XP, You can customize a Word template to what defaults you
want, save it as Normal.doc as a template then replace the Normal .doc
in the Office/Word 2003/07 folder.

Only Word can create a 'real' Normal template. You can't create this
yourself. Well, you can but then you lose all of your built-in AutoText
entires and AutoCorrect doesn't work correctly either.

Now, you can open and modify the Normal template but Word must be the one to
create the Normal template file.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:


Thanks, Beth.


Beth Melton said:
The steps you use are the "preferred" method for changing the defaults. :)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:


Seeing that MS has given all these 'new' users a troublesome default
setting with the installation of Office 2007 or Word 2007, couldn't MS
create a preferred user 'Normal.docm' and send it out as a patch fix or
'here's a 'Normal.docm' update. I also think that there should be at
least 10 main templates that when an absolutely new user opens it up,
it displays a pop-up or style sheet with the documents settings. Most
college students (and Most users) need the basic Normal.doc with 1"
margins, Times New Roman, Single spacing or double spacing. Only power
users will need to change these settings to fit their needs. (But with
Word 2007, MS has made that even difficult for Power users! )

Most users want 1 inch margins with Times New Roman; no spacing in the
'After' box in the paragraphs setting and single space as the default.

Why would MS change what users were accustom to?
Many of the changes in Word 2007 have been a nightmare. Why would MS
want to change what 30 Million+ users know and are accustom to from
Word 2000/2002/2003. Then, MS has to change the font setting to
Calibri something. What is up with that. Especially in a College
setting. Your programmers should have known that.

While I've got your attention, If WordPerfect(WP) can change it's
software's appearance for several previous WP versions and MS Word
95/97, why can't MS give power users the ability to keep the Word
2002/XP interface.
and I know that you crippled Word 2007 from using the full keyboard
menus from Word 2002/XP. If they work and bring up the paragraph
settings, they could also be programmed to work with drop down menus.
You just want to slap a label 'New and improved' for the $350 price

Well, thanks for giving 30,000,000 users a headache trying to use your
upgrade. I think that its a down grade in usability! Even a young
college student who had to find a way to start page numbers on the 2nd
page with page '2' couldn't believe the solution when I showed her.
You have to go to two tabs, 'Insert' and 'Page Layout' to get this
done. She said that is too much trouble. And the solution came from
Word 2007 help files.

Oh, another thing I found users: If you are inserting boxes or shapes.
The previous action would keep the Drawing toolbar active until you
moved on to typing... The new Word 2007 jumps back to the 'Home tab'
every time you insert a shape. what is up with that stupid trick.
What if you want to insert multiple shapes? You have to keep going
back to the 'insert tab' and clicking on Shapes, then selecting your
shape and then it will move back to 'Home tab'. Someone slip on that

Just sell us a license for Word or Office and let us keep the version
we want. Or some will jump to another word/ office suite solution.
Make it usable and backwards compatible. It will take many users 3-6
years to upgrade.


Thank you. I agree with everything. I also ran into the problem with page
numbering and the roundabout way to accomplish something that used to be so
simple. I've also run into difficulty with PowerPoint. I haven't figured
out how to lock in the font. I have to change it for every slide.

My comments to MS--"If it ain't broke, fix it until it is."

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Scott,

Wellll, for better or not, Office 2007 has been on the market for over 1 year now and Microsoft won't be 'taking it back' <g>. Many
of us may get to choose what product we use at home, but not at work, so in that case, learning it can be more helpful to a pleasant
day at the office than fighting the 'powers that be' over it <g>.

On some of the points you mentioned -

Some background on why the the change was made to set default to 1.15 line spacing is discussed here.

To change to the prior version settings in Word 2007 you can use the
Word Home tab=>Change Styles=>Style Set=> Word 2003 then use
Home tab=>Change Styles=>Set as default.
(In the same dialog use the Font Set 'classic' to give you the Times New Roman one and set it as default.

While your experience may certainly be valid for that area, there are a large number of corporate clients that have entirely
different 'standards' including margins and even paper size based on locale, font sets, styles, colors, there probably isn't a 'most
users' group that can be quantified to the point that everyone will agree, and even if they did the folks who are outside of the
'most' category may also not be happy :). All of those 'we want it this way' document defaults can be deployed as part of setup, or
shared from setup the way you like with others <g>. FWIW, very few of the folks I work with, be it home or coporate users use
'Times New Roman'. They consider it 'dated looking' :) For using the new equation editor a new font was needed and while others
are in the works from font designers Cambria math is the only one that has all of the character support needed for that feature.

The 'why' of the interface changes are in the Office 2007 UI blog entries here
and how some of these changes can be used are shown in the video here
(yep, it's a marketing thing, but it's from the team leader for the Ribbon interface and selling product is what it's about, eh
<g>). A lot of folks don't write things longer than one page documents or letters and find the new features you may find frivilous
to be useful and don't use the Office apps on a regular (i.e. daily) basis, so for those folks, perhaps the ribbon makes more sense?
[BTW that video can run to something like 43MB, so a high speed connection would be good <g>). There are other, smaller ones
available at

Of course, there isn't any requirement *from Microsoft* that you upgrade if you like what you're 'familiar with' <g>, but as with
car models, once a new model is released, the old one isn't made much after that <g> or sold by the manufacturer. There are other
brands of office productivity products available :) As a college student I suspect you may be able to get MS Office 2007 for
considerably less than the price you mentioned.

In both Word 2003 and 2007 if you insert a shape, you can use Ctrl+D, while the shape is selected to insert another, or use the F4
key to repeat the last action. :) but as long as an inserted shape is selected the Drawing Tools ribbon is displayed and 'Insert
shapes' is there on the left side if you prefer using your mouse. If you're seeing Word 'jump' away from the Drawing tools when you
insert a shape you may want to see what add-ins you're running as some can interfere.

Many of the prior version keyboard shortcuts are still available along with the new Office 2007 ones. (and you can hide the ribbon
using Ctrl+F1 or double clicking on one of the tabs). You may find the
was/is/where'd it go
resources here helpful
For keyboard shortcuts for Office 2007 tapping the alt key shows the next key needed for the new shortcut, and that continues as you
type each one, but with some exceptions, due to location, the old shortcuts are there and for the 36 galleries of Autotext building
blocks you can assign keyboard shortcuts to each one if you prefer (if there were enough keys to cover them all <g>).

Backwards compatible - you can save into the old file formats which restricts features in the new version and in the old version you
can install an addin to open and save files in the new format.

What tends to get overlooked by focusing on the interface is the collaboration and sharing capabilities from the Office 2007 server
products with the Office desktop products, larger spreadsheet capabilities in Excel and improvements in several 'behind the scenes'
features in Word and other apps.

BTW, neither 'techarena' where you posted, or the Microsoft discussion/newsgroups are direct lines to Microsoft although there
are, from time to time, MS folks who participate :) You may want to post comments to the Microsoft Office team blogs when a new
article appears

There are a number of 3rd party (free enterprise? <g>) add-ins available, some are listed on
many are free or have free trial periods.

On getting a page number to start on page 2, double click on the document screen in the footer area and choose
Page Number=>Format Page Numbers=>Start with
or without being in the header/footer
Insert=>Page Number=>Format Page Number
That's the same dialog as the prior version :)


Seeing that MS has given all these 'new' users a troublesome default
setting with the installation of Office 2007 or Word 2007, couldn't MS
create a preferred user 'Normal.docm' and send it out as a patch fix or
'here's a 'Normal.docm' update. I also think that there should be at
least 10 main templates that when an absolutely new user opens it up,
it displays a pop-up or style sheet with the documents settings. Most
college students (and Most users) need the basic Normal.doc with 1"
margins, Times New Roman, Single spacing or double spacing. Only power
users will need to change these settings to fit their needs. (But with
Word 2007, MS has made that even difficult for Power users! )

Most users want 1 inch margins with Times New Roman; no spacing in the
'After' box in the paragraphs setting and single space as the default.

Why would MS change what users were accustom to?
Many of the changes in Word 2007 have been a nightmare. Why would MS
want to change what 30 Million+ users know and are accustom to from
Word 2000/2002/2003. Then, MS has to change the font setting to
Calibri something. What is up with that. Especially in a College
setting. Your programmers should have known that.

While I've got your attention, If WordPerfect(WP) can change it's
software's appearance for several previous WP versions and MS Word
95/97, why can't MS give power users the ability to keep the Word
2002/XP interface.
and I know that you crippled Word 2007 from using the full keyboard
menus from Word 2002/XP. If they work and bring up the paragraph
settings, they could also be programmed to work with drop down menus.
You just want to slap a label 'New and improved' for the $350 price

Well, thanks for giving 30,000,000 users a headache trying to use your
upgrade. I think that its a down grade in usability! Even a young
college student who had to find a way to start page numbers on the 2nd
page with page '2' couldn't believe the solution when I showed her.
You have to go to two tabs, 'Insert' and 'Page Layout' to get this
done. She said that is too much trouble. And the solution came from
Word 2007 help files.

Oh, another thing I found users: If you are inserting boxes or shapes.
The previous action would keep the Drawing toolbar active until you
moved on to typing... The new Word 2007 jumps back to the 'Home tab'
every time you insert a shape. what is up with that stupid trick.
What if you want to insert multiple shapes? You have to keep going
back to the 'insert tab' and clicking on Shapes, then selecting your
shape and then it will move back to 'Home tab'. Someone slip on that

Just sell us a license for Word or Office and let us keep the version
we want. Or some will jump to another word/ office suite solution.
Make it usable and backwards compatible. It will take many users 3-6
years to upgrade.

Scott2345 >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


Well, what it comes down to, I don't think the problem is MS changing
the defult settings, but the problem is, those people who want to change
it to their old settings they are used to from Word 2000/2002/2003
everytime open a document, it is a nightmare and a pain in the arse to
do so or else i'd not be here. If MS had made it easier for a user
change these default settings, it would have not been much of a problem.

Bob I

Nothing is keeping you from setting/changing/modifying your own "normal"
Style. What is so "difficult" about modifying and setting the default?

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