R. Choate
Hi Dave,
Thanks again. Also, thanks to John for his code which also works after I check the reference to the VBscript Regular Expressions.
Inside the VBE, select your code, then tools|references and scroll down that
Thanks again. Also, thanks to John for his code which also works after I check the reference to the VBscript Regular Expressions.
To use it you would need to include a reference to Microsoft VBScript
Regular Expressions 5.5 to your project (tools->reference in the VBA
Inside the VBE, select your code, then tools|references and scroll down that
R. Choate said:Hi John,
I get an error on your code because this apparently isn't in my library. Says "user defined type not defined" and it highlights
line "Dim RE As New RegExp"
Any suggestions?
John said:R. Choate said:They are all over the place. A stupid data entry person enters everything randomly. The numbers could be anywhere in the
otherwise I would just look for the delimiter. That would be easy. The only constant is that it is always 10
the string.
How are the (numeric) strings delimited e.g. 1234,abc,123456?
I need to find and extract a 10 digit number from a string which might contain more than one numeric string, but there would
one string of that length. I'm going to have to find out how to do this and then loop through a long list and extract that
and place it in the first cell to the right (column B). I've been at this all morning. I'm out of ideas. Surely there is an
to do this that I'm just not thinking of. Help !
Thanks in advance !
Sounds like a job for Regular Expressions:
Function Extract(S As String) As String
Dim RE As New RegExp
Dim MyMatches As MatchCollection
Dim MyMatch As Match
RE.Pattern = "(?:^|[^0-9])([[0-9]{10})(?:[^0-9]|$)"
Set MyMatches = RE.Execute(S)
If MyMatches.Count = 0 Then
Extract = ""
Set MyMatch = MyMatches(0)
Extract = MyMatch.SubMatches(0)
End If
End Function
This function takes a string which contains a 10 digit number and
returns the first such number (returns it as a string - you could
convert to a number if need just assign it to a variant and then treat
the variant as a number should implicitly cast, with 10 digits you
might have overflow with Long.) It won't return the first 10 digits of
a 15 digit number (say) and seems to work if the number is flush
against either end of the string. It returns the empty string in the
event of no such match. I don't know exactly what your strings look
like so you would need to test the above. For example, you would need
to modify it to accept + or - signs if you need to.
To use it you would need to include a reference to Microsoft VBScript
Regular Expressions 5.5 to your project (tools->reference in the VBA
Hope that helps
-John Coleman
Somewhat strangely, it seems that a stray [ crept into my code(even
more strangley, the code seems to work nevertheless). In any event, it
should have been:
Function Extract(S As String) As String
Dim RE As New RegExp
Dim MyMatches As MatchCollection
Dim MyMatch As Match
RE.Pattern = "(?:^|[^0-9])([0-9]{10})(?:[^0-9]|$)"
Set MyMatches = RE.Execute(S)
If MyMatches.Count = 0 Then
Extract = ""
Set MyMatch = MyMatches(0)
Extract = MyMatch.SubMatches(0)
End If
End Function
Sorry for any confusion
-John Coleman