Fatal error at setuo


Alex Grenier

When I open the Office.exe trial program to install it. My computer loads for
a bit then starts extracting these .cab files. Then it just gives me a
message like this "Fatal Error during installsion." After you press ok
nothing happends. Please help me people! :-(


Hola Alex,

Intentar lo siguiente;

Buscar el fichero PRO11.XML en la carpeta FILES\SETUP Office 2003
installation source.

abrir el fichero con notepad

buscar lo siguiente; OCLNCORE.OPC_1033. 3.

cambiar la cache level de 1 a 3.4.

guardar los cambios y salir de notepad

Espero que esta informacion sea util

Juan Manuel Maza
(e-mail address removed)
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase,
y no otorga ningún derecho


Hola Alex,

Intentar lo siguiente;

Buscar el fichero PRO11.XML en la carpeta FILES\SETUP Office 2003
installation source.

abrir el fichero con notepad

buscar lo siguiente; OCLNCORE.OPC_1033. 3.

cambiar la cache level de 1 a 3.4.

guardar los cambios y salir de notepad

Espero que esta informacion sea util

Juan Manuel Maza
(e-mail address removed)
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase,
y no otorga ningún derecho


Hola Alex,

Intentar lo siguiente;

Buscar el fichero PRO11.XML en la carpeta FILES\SETUP Office 2003
installation source.

abrir el fichero con notepad

buscar lo siguiente; OCLNCORE.OPC_1033. 3.

cambiar la cache level de 1 a 3.4.

guardar los cambios y salir de notepad

Espero que esta informacion sea util

Juan Manuel Maza
(e-mail address removed)
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase,
y no otorga ningún derecho


Hola Alex,

Intentar lo siguiente;

Buscar el fichero PRO11.XML en la carpeta FILES\SETUP Office 2003
installation source.

abrir el fichero con notepad

buscar lo siguiente; OCLNCORE.OPC_1033. 3.

cambiar la cache level de 1 a 3.4.

guardar los cambios y salir de notepad

Espero que esta informacion sea util

Juan Manuel Maza
(e-mail address removed)
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase,
y no otorga ningún derecho


Hola Alex,

Intentar lo siguiente;

Buscar el fichero PRO11.XML en la carpeta FILES\SETUP Office 2003
installation source.

abrir el fichero con notepad

buscar lo siguiente; OCLNCORE.OPC_1033. 3.

cambiar la cache level de 1 a 3.4.

guardar los cambios y salir de notepad

Espero que esta informacion sea util

Juan Manuel Maza
(e-mail address removed)
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase,
y no otorga ningún derecho


Hola Alex,

Intentar lo siguiente;

Buscar el fichero PRO11.XML en la carpeta FILES\SETUP Office 2003
installation source.

abrir el fichero con notepad

buscar lo siguiente; OCLNCORE.OPC_1033. 3.

cambiar la cache level de 1 a 3.4.

guardar los cambios y salir de notepad

Espero que esta informacion sea util

Juan Manuel Maza
(e-mail address removed)
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase,
y no otorga ningún derecho


Hola Alex,

Intentar lo siguiente;

Buscar el fichero PRO11.XML en la carpeta FILES\SETUP Office 2003
installation source.

abrir el fichero con notepad

buscar lo siguiente; OCLNCORE.OPC_1033. 3.

cambiar la cache level de 1 a 3.4.

guardar los cambios y salir de notepad

Espero que esta informacion sea util

Juan Manuel Maza
(e-mail address removed)
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase,
y no otorga ningún derecho


Hola Alex,

Intentar lo siguiente;

Buscar el fichero PRO11.XML en la carpeta FILES\SETUP Office 2003
installation source.

abrir el fichero con notepad

buscar lo siguiente; OCLNCORE.OPC_1033. 3.

cambiar la cache level de 1 a 3.4.

guardar los cambios y salir de notepad

Espero que esta informacion sea util

Juan Manuel Maza
(e-mail address removed)
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase,
y no otorga ningún derecho


Hola Alex,

Intentar lo siguiente;

Buscar el fichero PRO11.XML en la carpeta FILES\SETUP Office 2003
installation source.

abrir el fichero con notepad

buscar lo siguiente; OCLNCORE.OPC_1033. 3.

cambiar la cache level de 1 a 3.4.

guardar los cambios y salir de notepad

Espero que esta informacion sea util

Juan Manuel Maza
(e-mail address removed)
Este mensaje se proporciona "como está" sin garantías de ninguna clase,
y no otorga ningún derecho

Alexa McLaughlin

Dear Alex

My problem exactly. I can't read Spanish and couldn't find the files the
respondent seemed to be referring to.

Did you solve it????

Alexa McLaughlin

Dear Alex

My problem exactly. I can't read Spanish and couldn't find the files the
respondent seemed to be referring to.

Did you solve it????

Alexa McLaughlin

Dear Alex

My problem exactly. I can't read Spanish and couldn't find the files the
respondent seemed to be referring to.

Did you solve it????

Alexa McLaughlin

Dear Alex

My problem exactly. I can't read Spanish and couldn't find the files the
respondent seemed to be referring to.

Did you solve it????

Alexa McLaughlin

Dear Alex

My problem exactly. I can't read Spanish and couldn't find the files the
respondent seemed to be referring to.

Did you solve it????

Alexa McLaughlin

Dear Alex

My problem exactly. I can't read Spanish and couldn't find the files the
respondent seemed to be referring to.

Did you solve it????

Alexa McLaughlin

Dear Alex

My problem exactly. I can't read Spanish and couldn't find the files the
respondent seemed to be referring to.

Did you solve it????

Alexa McLaughlin

Dear Alex

My problem exactly. I can't read Spanish and couldn't find the files the
respondent seemed to be referring to.

Did you solve it????

Alexa McLaughlin

Dear Alex

My problem exactly. I can't read Spanish and couldn't find the files the
respondent seemed to be referring to.

Did you solve it????


No one on any of the threads to do with "fatal error during installation"
bug, has had a solution that works...obviously there is something wrong with
the setup.exe files, as having to modify the setup.ini, etc.. requires
microsoft come to the party & suggest a fix that works, or at lease a copy of
the correct setup.ini file that they are using to make it work! I tried the
..msi file which at least gets me to entering the key, before bombing out
saying that the install files are corrupt; further adding dirs to the
installation dirs. root, as defined in the sstd11n.xml makes the install get
further along. Turning off virus software, etc.... won't cut it, so please
come up with the link for a setup.exe file that works, or the directory
structure for the installation files, or this method of trying software &
buying it without having to go to a shop, will flop. & providing newsgroups
is a cheap cop-out for true support we'd get from other software vendors that
sell on line( at least I can reply directly back to them with a problem & get
a fix that works). At least have a resident expert, that can suggest what
software you may have running that will commonly cause this kind of error,
like .net, java not being of correct version, etc... instead of the dumb
questions being asked, I have an IT background don't insult me. Sorry,
starting to get pissed, will stop writing...

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