Fatal error during installation



When I try to install Office Trial I get an error message saying "Fatal error
during installation". I have downladed Office Trial many times, so I'm
absolutely sure that the file didn't get corrupted during download. I'm
posting below part of Office installation log file which might help to better
understand the problem:

Successfully started Office Source Engine in stand-alone mode.
Reading from "C:\DOCUME~1\MITJAH~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\IXP000.TMP\SETUP.INI":
"Cache\LocalCacheDrive" (Default: )
Couldn't find a local cache drive.
Already cached file: DW20.ADM_1033
Already cached file: DW20.EXE_0001
Already cached file: DWDCW20.DLL
Already cached file: DWINTL20.DLL_0001_1033
Already cached file: DWTRIG20.EXE
Already cached file: OCLEAN.DLL_1033
Already cached file: OCLNCORE.OPC_1033
Already cached file: OCLNCUST.OPC_1033
Already cached file: OCLNINTL.OPC_1033
Already cached file: OFFCLN.EXE_1033
Already cached file: OSE.EXE
Already cached file: PSS10O.CHM_1033
Already cached file: PSS10R.CHM_1033
Already cached file: SETUP.CHM_1033
Already cached file: SKU112.XML_0002_1033
Already cached file: STD11N.MSI
Completed download for file: DW20.ADM_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DW20.ADM_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: DW20.EXE_0001.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DW20.EXE_0001
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: DWDCW20.DLL.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DWDCW20.DLL
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: DWINTL20.DLL_0001_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DWINTL20.DLL_0001_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: DWTRIG20.EXE.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DWTRIG20.EXE
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: OCLEAN.DLL_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: OCLEAN.DLL_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: OCLNCORE.OPC_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: OCLNCORE.OPC_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: OCLNCUST.OPC_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: OCLNCUST.OPC_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: OCLNINTL.OPC_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: OCLNINTL.OPC_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: OFFCLN.EXE_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: OFFCLN.EXE_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: OSE.EXE.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: OSE.EXE
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: PSS10O.CHM_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: PSS10O.CHM_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: PSS10R.CHM_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: PSS10R.CHM_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: SETUP.CHM_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: SETUP.CHM_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: SKU112.XML_0002_1033.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: SKU112.XML_0002_1033
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: STD11N.MSI.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: STD11N.MSI
Download retry succeeded
Finished CDCache Download, retrieving msi download info
15.11.2005 15:34:09
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get resource info.
LocalCache has failed. EnforceCache has been set. Exiting...
Shutting down chained setup processing.

***** Setup exits
15.11.2005 15:34:11
(return = 0)

Best regards,



It seems this error message is very common recently. are you trying to
install from a trial CD? If so then may I suggest that you copy the
entire CD onto your HD and change one of the files as follows:

1) Find a file called Setup.ini and open it with Notepad
2) Look or a section called: [Cache]
3) change CDCACHE=auto to CDCACHE=0
4) double-click on Setup.exe
5) Hopefully installation should begin

what I have done is that you will not have cache on your HD anymore. So
for future updates you will need to have your CD near your PC for easy

Let us know if this works for other users' benefit.

If you have downloaded the file Office.exe then you will need to use the
following command to extract the setup files:

C:\TMP\Office.exe /c /t:c:\tmp\office2003

TMP is where I have downloaded the file;
c:\tmp\office2003 is where I am extracting the installation files.

I hope this proves useful.


It seems this error message is very common recently. are you trying to
install from a trial CD? If so then may I suggest that you copy the
entire CD onto your HD and change one of the files as follows:

1) Find a file called Setup.ini and open it with Notepad
2) Look or a section called: [Cache]
3) change CDCACHE=auto to CDCACHE=0
4) double-click on Setup.exe
5) Hopefully installation should begin

what I have done is that you will not have cache on your HD anymore. So
for future updates you will need to have your CD near your PC for easy

Let us know if this works for other users' benefit.

If you have downloaded the file Office.exe then you will need to use the
following command to extract the setup files:

C:\TMP\Office.exe /c /t:c:\tmp\office2003

TMP is where I have downloaded the file;
c:\tmp\office2003 is where I am extracting the installation files.

I hope this proves useful.


It seems this error message is very common recently. are you trying to
install from a trial CD? If so then may I suggest that you copy the
entire CD onto your HD and change one of the files as follows:

1) Find a file called Setup.ini and open it with Notepad
2) Look or a section called: [Cache]
3) change CDCACHE=auto to CDCACHE=0
4) double-click on Setup.exe
5) Hopefully installation should begin

what I have done is that you will not have cache on your HD anymore. So
for future updates you will need to have your CD near your PC for easy

Let us know if this works for other users' benefit.

If you have downloaded the file Office.exe then you will need to use the
following command to extract the setup files:

C:\TMP\Office.exe /c /t:c:\tmp\office2003

TMP is where I have downloaded the file;
c:\tmp\office2003 is where I am extracting the installation files.

I hope this proves useful.


It seems this error message is very common recently. are you trying to
install from a trial CD? If so then may I suggest that you copy the
entire CD onto your HD and change one of the files as follows:

1) Find a file called Setup.ini and open it with Notepad
2) Look or a section called: [Cache]
3) change CDCACHE=auto to CDCACHE=0
4) double-click on Setup.exe
5) Hopefully installation should begin

what I have done is that you will not have cache on your HD anymore. So
for future updates you will need to have your CD near your PC for easy

Let us know if this works for other users' benefit.

If you have downloaded the file Office.exe then you will need to use the
following command to extract the setup files:

C:\TMP\Office.exe /c /t:c:\tmp\office2003

TMP is where I have downloaded the file;
c:\tmp\office2003 is where I am extracting the installation files.

I hope this proves useful.


It seems this error message is very common recently. are you trying to
install from a trial CD? If so then may I suggest that you copy the
entire CD onto your HD and change one of the files as follows:

1) Find a file called Setup.ini and open it with Notepad
2) Look or a section called: [Cache]
3) change CDCACHE=auto to CDCACHE=0
4) double-click on Setup.exe
5) Hopefully installation should begin

what I have done is that you will not have cache on your HD anymore. So
for future updates you will need to have your CD near your PC for easy

Let us know if this works for other users' benefit.

If you have downloaded the file Office.exe then you will need to use the
following command to extract the setup files:

C:\TMP\Office.exe /c /t:c:\tmp\office2003

TMP is where I have downloaded the file;
c:\tmp\office2003 is where I am extracting the installation files.

I hope this proves useful.


It seems this error message is very common recently. are you trying to
install from a trial CD? If so then may I suggest that you copy the
entire CD onto your HD and change one of the files as follows:

1) Find a file called Setup.ini and open it with Notepad
2) Look or a section called: [Cache]
3) change CDCACHE=auto to CDCACHE=0
4) double-click on Setup.exe
5) Hopefully installation should begin

what I have done is that you will not have cache on your HD anymore. So
for future updates you will need to have your CD near your PC for easy

Let us know if this works for other users' benefit.

If you have downloaded the file Office.exe then you will need to use the
following command to extract the setup files:

C:\TMP\Office.exe /c /t:c:\tmp\office2003

TMP is where I have downloaded the file;
c:\tmp\office2003 is where I am extracting the installation files.

I hope this proves useful.


It seems this error message is very common recently. are you trying to
install from a trial CD? If so then may I suggest that you copy the
entire CD onto your HD and change one of the files as follows:

1) Find a file called Setup.ini and open it with Notepad
2) Look or a section called: [Cache]
3) change CDCACHE=auto to CDCACHE=0
4) double-click on Setup.exe
5) Hopefully installation should begin

what I have done is that you will not have cache on your HD anymore. So
for future updates you will need to have your CD near your PC for easy

Let us know if this works for other users' benefit.

If you have downloaded the file Office.exe then you will need to use the
following command to extract the setup files:

C:\TMP\Office.exe /c /t:c:\tmp\office2003

TMP is where I have downloaded the file;
c:\tmp\office2003 is where I am extracting the installation files.

I hope this proves useful.


It seems this error message is very common recently. are you trying to
install from a trial CD? If so then may I suggest that you copy the
entire CD onto your HD and change one of the files as follows:

1) Find a file called Setup.ini and open it with Notepad
2) Look or a section called: [Cache]
3) change CDCACHE=auto to CDCACHE=0
4) double-click on Setup.exe
5) Hopefully installation should begin

what I have done is that you will not have cache on your HD anymore. So
for future updates you will need to have your CD near your PC for easy

Let us know if this works for other users' benefit.

If you have downloaded the file Office.exe then you will need to use the
following command to extract the setup files:

C:\TMP\Office.exe /c /t:c:\tmp\office2003

TMP is where I have downloaded the file;
c:\tmp\office2003 is where I am extracting the installation files.

I hope this proves useful.


It seems this error message is very common recently. are you trying to
install from a trial CD? If so then may I suggest that you copy the
entire CD onto your HD and change one of the files as follows:

1) Find a file called Setup.ini and open it with Notepad
2) Look or a section called: [Cache]
3) change CDCACHE=auto to CDCACHE=0
4) double-click on Setup.exe
5) Hopefully installation should begin

what I have done is that you will not have cache on your HD anymore. So
for future updates you will need to have your CD near your PC for easy

Let us know if this works for other users' benefit.

If you have downloaded the file Office.exe then you will need to use the
following command to extract the setup files:

C:\TMP\Office.exe /c /t:c:\tmp\office2003

TMP is where I have downloaded the file;
c:\tmp\office2003 is where I am extracting the installation files.

I hope this proves useful.


Thanks for your help, but changing Setup.ini as you adviced does not solve my
problem. I have been also adviced to remove the "_1033" or "_0001" from the
extension of the extracted files and then lounch "STD11" file, but that
didn't help either.

Regardless if I rename file (remove "_1033 or "_0001" from extension) or not
and I lounch the "STD11N" file I can go to the product key, but as as soon as
I enter the product key and press "Next" I get "Microsoft Office Setup cannot
continue because the installation source has been corrrupted."

I have also downloaded OneNote Trial and must say that the exact same issue
happens also with this program. Other downloads from Microsoft site
(Antispyware, ...) or other web sites work perfectly on my computer. I have
checked my disk for errors, cleared IE cache and my TEMP folder, scanned my
computer for viruses and spyware, but found nothing. I really don't know why
downloads form Office site don't work.


Thanks for your help, but changing Setup.ini as you adviced does not solve my
problem. I have been also adviced to remove the "_1033" or "_0001" from the
extension of the extracted files and then lounch "STD11" file, but that
didn't help either.

Regardless if I rename file (remove "_1033 or "_0001" from extension) or not
and I lounch the "STD11N" file I can go to the product key, but as as soon as
I enter the product key and press "Next" I get "Microsoft Office Setup cannot
continue because the installation source has been corrrupted."

I have also downloaded OneNote Trial and must say that the exact same issue
happens also with this program. Other downloads from Microsoft site
(Antispyware, ...) or other web sites work perfectly on my computer. I have
checked my disk for errors, cleared IE cache and my TEMP folder, scanned my
computer for viruses and spyware, but found nothing. I really don't know why
downloads form Office site don't work.


Thanks for your help, but changing Setup.ini as you adviced does not solve my
problem. I have been also adviced to remove the "_1033" or "_0001" from the
extension of the extracted files and then lounch "STD11" file, but that
didn't help either.

Regardless if I rename file (remove "_1033 or "_0001" from extension) or not
and I lounch the "STD11N" file I can go to the product key, but as as soon as
I enter the product key and press "Next" I get "Microsoft Office Setup cannot
continue because the installation source has been corrrupted."

I have also downloaded OneNote Trial and must say that the exact same issue
happens also with this program. Other downloads from Microsoft site
(Antispyware, ...) or other web sites work perfectly on my computer. I have
checked my disk for errors, cleared IE cache and my TEMP folder, scanned my
computer for viruses and spyware, but found nothing. I really don't know why
downloads form Office site don't work.


Thanks for your help, but changing Setup.ini as you adviced does not solve my
problem. I have been also adviced to remove the "_1033" or "_0001" from the
extension of the extracted files and then lounch "STD11" file, but that
didn't help either.

Regardless if I rename file (remove "_1033 or "_0001" from extension) or not
and I lounch the "STD11N" file I can go to the product key, but as as soon as
I enter the product key and press "Next" I get "Microsoft Office Setup cannot
continue because the installation source has been corrrupted."

I have also downloaded OneNote Trial and must say that the exact same issue
happens also with this program. Other downloads from Microsoft site
(Antispyware, ...) or other web sites work perfectly on my computer. I have
checked my disk for errors, cleared IE cache and my TEMP folder, scanned my
computer for viruses and spyware, but found nothing. I really don't know why
downloads form Office site don't work.


Thanks for your help, but changing Setup.ini as you adviced does not solve my
problem. I have been also adviced to remove the "_1033" or "_0001" from the
extension of the extracted files and then lounch "STD11" file, but that
didn't help either.

Regardless if I rename file (remove "_1033 or "_0001" from extension) or not
and I lounch the "STD11N" file I can go to the product key, but as as soon as
I enter the product key and press "Next" I get "Microsoft Office Setup cannot
continue because the installation source has been corrrupted."

I have also downloaded OneNote Trial and must say that the exact same issue
happens also with this program. Other downloads from Microsoft site
(Antispyware, ...) or other web sites work perfectly on my computer. I have
checked my disk for errors, cleared IE cache and my TEMP folder, scanned my
computer for viruses and spyware, but found nothing. I really don't know why
downloads form Office site don't work.


Thanks for your help, but changing Setup.ini as you adviced does not solve my
problem. I have been also adviced to remove the "_1033" or "_0001" from the
extension of the extracted files and then lounch "STD11" file, but that
didn't help either.

Regardless if I rename file (remove "_1033 or "_0001" from extension) or not
and I lounch the "STD11N" file I can go to the product key, but as as soon as
I enter the product key and press "Next" I get "Microsoft Office Setup cannot
continue because the installation source has been corrrupted."

I have also downloaded OneNote Trial and must say that the exact same issue
happens also with this program. Other downloads from Microsoft site
(Antispyware, ...) or other web sites work perfectly on my computer. I have
checked my disk for errors, cleared IE cache and my TEMP folder, scanned my
computer for viruses and spyware, but found nothing. I really don't know why
downloads form Office site don't work.


Thanks for your help, but changing Setup.ini as you adviced does not solve my
problem. I have been also adviced to remove the "_1033" or "_0001" from the
extension of the extracted files and then lounch "STD11" file, but that
didn't help either.

Regardless if I rename file (remove "_1033 or "_0001" from extension) or not
and I lounch the "STD11N" file I can go to the product key, but as as soon as
I enter the product key and press "Next" I get "Microsoft Office Setup cannot
continue because the installation source has been corrrupted."

I have also downloaded OneNote Trial and must say that the exact same issue
happens also with this program. Other downloads from Microsoft site
(Antispyware, ...) or other web sites work perfectly on my computer. I have
checked my disk for errors, cleared IE cache and my TEMP folder, scanned my
computer for viruses and spyware, but found nothing. I really don't know why
downloads form Office site don't work.


Thanks for your help, but changing Setup.ini as you adviced does not solve my
problem. I have been also adviced to remove the "_1033" or "_0001" from the
extension of the extracted files and then lounch "STD11" file, but that
didn't help either.

Regardless if I rename file (remove "_1033 or "_0001" from extension) or not
and I lounch the "STD11N" file I can go to the product key, but as as soon as
I enter the product key and press "Next" I get "Microsoft Office Setup cannot
continue because the installation source has been corrrupted."

I have also downloaded OneNote Trial and must say that the exact same issue
happens also with this program. Other downloads from Microsoft site
(Antispyware, ...) or other web sites work perfectly on my computer. I have
checked my disk for errors, cleared IE cache and my TEMP folder, scanned my
computer for viruses and spyware, but found nothing. I really don't know why
downloads form Office site don't work.


Thanks for your help, but changing Setup.ini as you adviced does not solve my
problem. I have been also adviced to remove the "_1033" or "_0001" from the
extension of the extracted files and then lounch "STD11" file, but that
didn't help either.

Regardless if I rename file (remove "_1033 or "_0001" from extension) or not
and I lounch the "STD11N" file I can go to the product key, but as as soon as
I enter the product key and press "Next" I get "Microsoft Office Setup cannot
continue because the installation source has been corrrupted."

I have also downloaded OneNote Trial and must say that the exact same issue
happens also with this program. Other downloads from Microsoft site
(Antispyware, ...) or other web sites work perfectly on my computer. I have
checked my disk for errors, cleared IE cache and my TEMP folder, scanned my
computer for viruses and spyware, but found nothing. I really don't know why
downloads form Office site don't work.

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