You can't set the table format before you created it. You have to go back
afterwards and format the table.
The following VBA code formats a table for you. This is very ³robust² code
that is in service at some of my customer sites, so it is built to be
unbreakable. You can simplify it a lot for what you want. For example, if
you ensure that your Normal template contains Table Heading and Table Body
styles, you can remove half the code
Sub Main()
' Insert or Format Table Macro
' Macro recorded 14/03/00 by John McGhie
' On Error GoTo Error
Dim astyle As Style
Dim aDoc As String
Dim aTemplate As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim TabBodyText As Style
Dim TabHeading As Style
Dim TabBullet As Style
Dim tabNumber As Style
aTemplate = ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.FullName
aDoc = ActiveDocument.FullName
For Each astyle In ActiveDocument.Styles
If UCase(astyle.NameLocal) = UCase("Table Body Text") Then Set
TabBodyText = astyle
If UCase(astyle.NameLocal) = UCase("Table Bullet") Then Set TabBullet =
If UCase(astyle.NameLocal) = UCase("Table Heading") Then Set TabHeading
= astyle
If UCase(astyle.NameLocal) = UCase("Table Number") Then Set tabNumber =
Next astyle
If TabBodyText Is Nothing Then
ActiveDocument.Styles.Add Name:="Table Body Text"
Set TabBodyText = ActiveDocument.Styles("Table Body Text")
With TabBodyText
.AutomaticallyUpdate = False
.BaseStyle = "Body Text"
.NextParagraphStyle = "Table Body Text"
End With
With TabBodyText.Font
.Name = Arial
.Size = 10
.Bold = False
.Italic = False
End With
With TabBodyText.ParagraphFormat
.LeftIndent = 0
.RightIndent = 0
.SpaceBefore = 2
.SpaceBeforeAuto = False
.SpaceAfter = 2
.SpaceAfterAuto = False
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceSingle
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
.WidowControl = False
.KeepWithNext = False
.KeepTogether = True
.PageBreakBefore = False
.FirstLineIndent = 0
.OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
End With
End If
If TabHeading Is Nothing Then
ActiveDocument.Styles.Add Name:="Table Heading"
Set TabHeading = ActiveDocument.Styles("Table Heading")
With TabHeading
.AutomaticallyUpdate = False
.BaseStyle = "Table Body Text"
.NextParagraphStyle = "Table Heading"
End With
With TabHeading.Font
.Name = Arial
.Size = 10
.Bold = True
.Italic = False
End With
With TabHeading.ParagraphFormat
.LeftIndent = 0
.RightIndent = 0
.SpaceBefore = 2
.SpaceBeforeAuto = False
.SpaceAfter = 2
.SpaceAfterAuto = False
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceSingle
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
.WidowControl = False
.KeepWithNext = True
.KeepTogether = True
.PageBreakBefore = False
.FirstLineIndent = 0
.OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
End With
End If
If TabBullet Is Nothing Then
ActiveDocument.Styles.Add Name:="Table Bullet"
Set TabBullet = ActiveDocument.Styles("Table Bullet")
With TabBullet
.AutomaticallyUpdate = False
.BaseStyle = "Table Body Text"
.NextParagraphStyle = "Table Bullet"
End With
With TabBullet.Font
.Name = Arial
.Size = 10
.Bold = False
.Italic = False
End With
With TabBullet.ParagraphFormat
.LeftIndent = 22
.RightIndent = 0
.SpaceBefore = 0
.SpaceBeforeAuto = False
.SpaceAfter = 5
.SpaceAfterAuto = False
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceSingle
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
.WidowControl = True
.KeepWithNext = False
.KeepTogether = False
.PageBreakBefore = False
.FirstLineIndent = -17
.OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
End With
TabBullet.ParagraphFormat.TabStops.Add _
Position:=22, Alignment:=wdAlignTabLeft, Leader:= _
With ListGalleries(wdBulletGallery).ListTemplates(7).ListLevels(1)
.NumberFormat = ChrW(61623)
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleBullet
.NumberPosition = 6
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = 22
.TabPosition = 22
.ResetOnHigher = 0
.StartAt = 1
.Font.Name = "Symbol"
.LinkedStyle = "Table Bullet"
End With
End If
If tabNumber Is Nothing Then
ActiveDocument.Styles.Add Name:="Table Number"
Set tabNumber = ActiveDocument.Styles("Table Number")
With tabNumber
.AutomaticallyUpdate = False
.BaseStyle = "Table Bullet"
.NextParagraphStyle = "Table Number"
End With
With tabNumber.Font
.Name = Arial
.Size = 10
.Bold = False
.Italic = False
End With
With tabNumber.ParagraphFormat
.LeftIndent = 22
.RightIndent = 0
.SpaceBefore = 0
.SpaceBeforeAuto = False
.SpaceAfter = 2
.SpaceAfterAuto = False
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceSingle
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
.WidowControl = True
.KeepWithNext = False
.KeepTogether = False
.PageBreakBefore = False
.FirstLineIndent = -17
.OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
End With
tabNumber.ParagraphFormat.TabStops.Add _
Position:=22, Alignment:=wdAlignTabLeft, Leader:= _
With ListGalleries(wdNumberGallery).ListTemplates(7).ListLevels(1)
.NumberFormat = "%1."
.TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingTab
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
.NumberPosition = 6
.Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
.TextPosition = 22
.TabPosition = 22
.ResetOnHigher = 0
.StartAt = 1
.LinkedStyle = "Table Number"
End With
End If
If Not Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
ActiveDocument.Tables.Add Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=5,
NumColumns:= _
3, DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior, AutoFitBehavior:= _
End If
Dim aTable As Table
Set aTable = Selection.Tables(1)
aTable.AutoFormat Format:=wdTableFormatGrid5, ApplyBorders:= _
True, ApplyShading:=True, ApplyFont:=False, ApplyColor:=False, _
ApplyHeadingRows:=True, ApplyLastRow:=False,
ApplyFirstColumn:=False, _
ApplyLastColumn:=False, AutoFit:=True
With Selection
.Rows.AllowBreakAcrossPages = False
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Table Body Text")
With .Borders(wdBorderLeft)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth075pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
With .Borders(wdBorderRight)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth075pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
With .Borders(wdBorderTop)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth075pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
With .Borders(wdBorderBottom)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth075pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
With .Borders(wdBorderHorizontal)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth025pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
With .Borders(wdBorderVertical)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth025pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
.Borders(wdBorderDiagonalDown).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone
.Borders(wdBorderDiagonalUp).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone
.Borders.Shadow = False
End With
With Options
.DefaultBorderLineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.DefaultBorderLineWidth = wdLineWidth025pt
.DefaultBorderColor = wdColorAutomatic
End With
With Selection
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Table Heading")
.Rows(1).HeadingFormat = True
With .Shading
.Texture = wdTexture10Percent
.ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
End With
End With
aTable.AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitWindow)
MsgBox "The Template has been damaged. See Tech Support.", vbCritical
End Sub
On Windows Word97 I can query and get results frpm mysql by using the
DSN name for my connection \c DSN=connectionname and then issuing a
query \s my query.
The only problem is returning more than one field its inserted into a
tabel and I have not been able to set a format for that table so it
spreads out on the whole page which is not what I want.
On office 2004 I can do the same by using \d and putting in the path
for my xls file .. allthough it took me a while to figure out the
format for the path.
The query on mac must contain the path
i.e \s "SELECT something FROM Macintosh HD:Users:folder:file.xls"
This also results in a table ... but how to set a format?
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410