Did you read my post of 6/16? After you said that state_pk and state_fk are
long integers, I said that you need to remove some quotes from the SQL I
gave you. I don't see a response to my post of that date -- but, posts do
'get lost' from time to time. However, not seeing a response, I guessed that
you had tried my solution and that it worked.
Just in case it was my post that 'got lost', here's the pertinent part:
--- my post of 6/16 ---
What are the field types of your Fields that are used in the Criteria
expression? Are you sure you copied the quotes correctly? Some are single
quote characters (') and some are regular double quote characters (").
My assumption was that all the fields in the Criteria are field type Text.
If you used, say, an Autonumber for State_pk and a Long Integer for
State_fk, then the line that reads
stLinkCriteria = "[State_fk]=" & "'" & Me![State_pk] & "' AND ([FC_County]
= 'FC' OR [MediaType] Like '*Field*')"
should be changed to
stLinkCriteria = "[State_fk]= " & Me![State_pk] & " AND ([FC_County] =
'FC' OR [MediaType] Like '*Field*')"
<CAUTION: air code, untested>
Larry Linson, Microsoft Office Access MVP
Co-author: "Microsoft Access Small Business Solutions", published by Wiley
Access newsgroup support is alive and well in USENET
Larry wrote this, way up the thread, before I jumped in talking
about subdatasheets:
I don't understand what your problem is from the way you've
described it, so it seems to me that it's incumbent on you to
respond to Larry's request for more information, made on June 13th.
Check the whole thread. I did reply & supplied Larry with answers to
the questions he asked.