Flash Files Not Displayed


Jim Buyens

Try downloading the Flash player from:


Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

Clive said:
Thanks for the info. I got the Flash files from
http://www.taengo.com/download.html . Thomas Rowe told me they are
Flash source (templates) that need to be opened in the Macromedia
Flash Application/Editor version that supports Flash 3. Thomas said
that the preview that I saw on the download page is an .SWF file
(ShockWave file format). He then told me that IE can only display the
compiled file and FP can not open these files for editing.


I already downloaded the Shockwave player but it didn't help. The regular Flash player appears to be included in my operating systems, Windows 2000 Pro (desktop) and Windows XP Pro (laptop). I'd like to find a sample Flash file that works in FP instead of the templates I downloaded from taengo.com/download.html . I think I'd also better learn a bit more about Flash files.

Dan the mortgage man

The only files that are flash related that you will be able to add to your site are those with the .swf extensions. The .fla extension is the native format. The files would have to be opened in the Flash program to be edited and changed and then would need to be exported as an .swf file in order to be added to your page. If they are in an .swf file you will be able to view them in the preview pane as well as the site that you publish to.

I hope that helps.

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