Follow the bouncing ball


Jan Il

immediate next of kin does it, can't be wrong...right??? I
usually brogans steps on
my embarrassing though, when

I've been to that wedding!

That was the one where the band took requests, but every time you wanted to
make one, you had to get the band leader's attention by tapping him on the
shoulder so he'd turn up his hearing aid enough so he could hear you. Then
he'd turn it back down and recommence playing.

Wow! That fella really gets around don't he! He's been at
at 3 weddings, a funeral, and the annual Spud n' Suds
Potato Mash-Off contest that I've been to here just this

Never noticed the hearing aid though. His comb over kinda
hid it I guess. A member of the band told me to just tug
real hard on his coat sleeve until I got his attention.
Now I feel bad for ripping the sleeve off. :-(


Night of the living (kinda) Welks ... and Thanks to the lovely Lemon Sisters

Pardon, my ager alarm just went off.


Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

Pardon, my ager alarm just went off.

ager ager? brewing up a fresh batch?


Pardon, my ager alarm just went off.
ager ager? brewing up a fresh batch?
No silly, it's not Christmas.
This is a very bad referenced pun where the reader has to go, "Christmas?"
and I go, "you, know, There was no L (Noel)."

I was just making goofy word play about my references and how they date my


Jan Il

Never noticed the hearing aid though. His comb over kinda
<G> That'd be the guy. Polkas, mazurkas, waltzes, heavy metal, marches
.... all with exactly the same beat.

Yeah...this is true. I heard his nickname when he first got started in show
biz was 'The Beat Mizer'. You really should have heard his redition of 'You
Belong At The Zoo' Tenor Kazoo solo. He performed it at the Primate
Pavillion at the San Diego Zoo a few years back. That was actually the basis
for the movie 'The Great Ape Escape' ....or was that 'Bonsi Buddy Invades
The Bamboo Inn' ..?? Kinda hard to tell, though, some point he got
his tie stuck in the Kazoo slider and had a heck of a time trying to get it
loose. But, ..the show must go on. A true performer... :)

Jan Il

I was just making goofy word play about my references and how they date my

Oohhh. So.. it's just the goofy word play that does that? Well! Dang!! No
one told ME that. Then, I'll just have to watch out for the 'goofy' word
play, and that will keep them from dating my age. Right?? Hmfpt! Cradle

Thanks for the heads up on this B ;-))

Jan :)

Jan Il

Hi Austin!
In a round about way.

I did a presentation using the song Old MacDonald to, well, to see if it
could be done. By using motion paths to animate my "ball" and very careful
control of the timing sequence/duration I made a "fair" presentation that
*mostly* did as I wanted. (I hear the other MVPs laughing in the
background.) Problem of course is that PowerPoint and accurate timing
rarely meet in the same place.

I just finally got a chance to check out your OldMac slide Brian sent me.
Yeppa...this is exactly what I am looking to do. How fun! ;-))) If I can
get Brian's timing VBA code down Pat (<g>), it should work really great.
Thank you so very much for sharing your project, I truly do appreciate it
very much.

Now...I'm off to play with the motion path 'n

Jan :)

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

Pardon, my ager alarm just went off.
No silly, it's not Christmas.
This is a very bad referenced pun where the reader has to go, "Christmas?"
and I go, "you, know, There was no L (Noel)."

I still have a button I used to break out every December and wear.
People'd stare at it but very few got it.
It was a green capital L overlaid with the international
circle_with_slash_signifying_NO! symbol in red.

No L? Ah. You meant Alger. My friend Mark, or Horatio?
I was just making goofy word play about my references and how they date my

Got it. Took it further, where no decent person would normally go.

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

Yeah...this is true. I heard his nickname when he first got started in
biz was 'The Beat Mizer'. You really should have heard his redition of 'You
Belong At The Zoo' Tenor Kazoo solo. He performed it at the Primate
Pavillion at the San Diego Zoo a few years back. That was actually the basis
for the movie 'The Great Ape Escape' ....or was that 'Bonsi Buddy Invades
The Bamboo Inn' ..?? Kinda hard to tell, though, some point he got
his tie stuck in the Kazoo slider and had a heck of a time trying to get it
loose. But, ..the show must go on.

You do have to wonder why, though.

Perhaps it was just this sort of thing that stampeded earlier apes towards
evolution. And look where that's gotten us.

Brian Reilly, MS MVP

All is always well in the Big Apple. That's why it's called that,
Rotten to the core (vbg).
Brian Reilly, PowerPoint MVP

Jan Il

Hi Austin!
Well, after that post all I can say is, how can I help?

' did ask <bg>

I have never created a project with sound (music), so I don't have a clue
about what type of music I can use. I have been pouring over a lot of the
posts and information that I can find, but, I am truly totally at a loss as
to what kind of music file/source I can/should use. I really feel like such
a Guppy...but, actaully, up until recently, I have just been more or less a
line and shape person, and I never had any reason to use sound of any kind
in a PPT project.

Would I be better off to just go with a cassette or CD of a song to play
along with, or a ride along with, or an attached with?
And, if I have a ride along or an attached with, what type of file would I
need to go with?

Now...I'm really confused...I'm not sure if it should be with, or without...
and I don't have a clue as to what it should be with, if it should be with
it. <sigh>

Perhaps, it is just me, and I am seeing what I am supposed to see, but, I am
just not understanding what it's supposed to be.

I would truly appreciate any suggestions or references you might have.

Thank you so much for your help.

Jan :)

Jan Il

Steve Rindsberg said:
You do have to wonder why, though.

Well ...yeah..I did wonder about that...I mean ...the poor guy really had a
hard time hitting all the notes when his tie kept holding his Adam's Apple
hostage. It was really a sad looking situation. :-(
Perhaps it was just this sort of thing that stampeded earlier apes towards
evolution. And look where that's gotten us.

Good point...Eve should have hidden Adam's Kazoo a lot sooner...


I think that is a great idea, the best way that I can
think of to do that is to create custom animation for the
bouncing ball with a motion path effect and a timing set
to move the ball as the song continues to play. I have
used this technique previously and it works great.
However, my question is are you playing the song
throughout several slides with the ball moving and the
text coming in or is it on one slide?
-----Original Message-----
Hi all - PPT 2002 XP, WinME

I was wondering if there is a feature in PPT that would simulate the
'bouncing ball' effect, similar to the old fashioned 'follow the bouncing
ball' sign-along thingie that they used to show on TV for the little ones to
follow and sing along when a song was playing on TV. I heard this feature
was at some point used in the old movie theaters for the intermission

I thought this might be something that might be useful for helping the
hearing impaired kids at the center to be able to associate a musical beat
to a song as it the words are displayed. Yes, there are some tapes for this
purpose available, but, they are mostly at least a decade or more old, and
none of the fun movie themes or current 'hot' songs are readily available.
Yeah, there are a lot of things available out there, but, the funds are not

What I am using now is a ping-pong ball painted bright yellow with a smiley
face, with a hole in one end stuck on the end of a cue stick. I created
banners with the words of the songs on them, and I tape them across the top
of the bookshelves in the Entertainment area, and when I play the music on
my portable stereo player, I tap out the beat on the various words across
the banners as
I ...ahm.....kinda...sorta...well...boogie a bit....ya

Jan Il

Hi Austin!

Austin Myers said:
In a round about way.

I did a presentation using the song Old MacDonald to, well, to see if it
could be done. By using motion paths to animate my "ball" and very careful
control of the timing sequence/duration I made a "fair" presentation that
*mostly* did as I wanted. (I hear the other MVPs laughing in the
background.) Problem of course is that PowerPoint and accurate timing
rarely meet in the same place.

Yes it can be done, but you need a very fast machine and a ton of patience
to work the timing out.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

I have been trying to find out how to reveal your motion path in your copy
of the OldMac Brian sent me so that I can see what method you used to set it
up, but, thus far, I have not been able to find the way to get the
underlying path to be visible.

Echo advised that I use the Arc, and then adjust it via the black thingies.
But, always being the curious cat I am, I was just trying to see how YOU did
it. Is there something I can call up to see how your path is set up?

Thank you for your help,

Best regards,
Jan :)

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