Marshall, Worked out why I was getting 8 pages , its because I had 8
clients owing so hence the number tp print BUT my controls set to the
query are not printing any infomation, where would I
start...............Thanks Bob
Marshall Barton said:
What? Invisible subreport?? I have no idea what you are
talking about.
Just guessing, but the extra copies are usually caused by
the report's record source query joining to a table that uis
not used in the report.
MVP [MS Access]
Bob said:
Thanks Marshall, just added tha sub reportto that name and made it
Invisible, But why would I be getting 8 copies of each
"Marshall Barton" wrote.
Bob Vance wrote:
Thanks Marshall , I copied my Report that was working and made Record
to my query like in batch print , made your changes , I am getting 8
for the same Client all the same! also I am getting Enter parameter for
tbPreviousInvoiceAmount and SubChildOwnerPaidAmount
Apart from that all works Good............Regards Bob
Private Sub Spacer_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim FooterTop As Long
- Me.OwnerFooter.Height
If Me.Top >= FooterTop Then
Me.pgEject.Visible = True
Me.pgEject.Visible = False
Me.Spacer.Height = FooterTop - Me.Top
End If
End Sub
Parameter prompts come from your use of a field name that is
not in the report's record source. The unknown field name
might be in the report's record source query, Sorting and
Grouping or in a text box's control source. This issue has
nothing to do with the code that positions the footer.