A server-side process will stop email addresses from being harvested from the site, but it will not
stop a spammer the manually use the form on the site to send their spam message to whoever get the
email from the form, but it does eliminate them ever seeing the email address that the message is
being sent to, as long as no auto-responders are set up.
I have a client where a spammer composed their message in notepad, etc., and then went to each
listing to send it. The solution was to replace the memo field with a text box, limited to 255
characters and strip all html code.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
Re: FrontPage Spam Spoiler AddinRead my post! I said that *I* am 100% confident in my solution. I
didn't say that my solution will stop 100% of all spam, but I certainly won't say that it won't
either! My site gets hit by spam bots many times a day. Since I have added my e-mail address to my
site using Spam Spoiler, the number of spam e-mails that I receive has not changed one bit.
In the technology world, one only concerns themself with what works now. You can't address what
spam harvesters will do in the future because none of us can see the future.

I do know that in
the here and now, my solution works. If you use it and it doesn't, I'll give you your money back.
I do know that alternative methods used by other products don't work. I have received many e-mails
just today from people who have told me that they used a competitive product and immediately started
getting a ton of spam.
I can also tell you that a server-side solution is not 100%! I have gotten several spam messages
from my server-side form. In fact, I got one today from a married housewife looking for some
Jim Cheshire
Check out Spam Spoiler, our new add-in!
Add e-mail links to your Web site again
without fear of spammers!
I would only say 99% Jim and only for the time being. After all it is quite easy for an email
harvester to target your script and return the actual email address. Heck even I could write a
Lexer/Parser that would do the job in a few hours. But then that is true for all of the schemes used
to mask the email address. For now they work because the harvesters gets all they need by going thru
plain text. However in the future it is likely that they will start targeting the masked emails too,
probably starting with those that are simply encoded as html entities as it will be the easiest and
then the more popular javascript solutions.
Only 100% safe solution is a serverside solution.
Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Cheshire (JIMCO) [mailto:
[email protected]]
Posted At: 1. marts 2005 18:12
Posted To: microsoft.public.frontpage.client
Conversation: FrontPage Spam Spoiler Addin
Subject: Re: FrontPage Spam Spoiler Addin
I guess my advice would be this; when choosing a tool to
prevent spammers from getting your e-mail address, check to
see if the developer of the tool is confident enough in his
or her own tool to use it on their site.
I use Spam Spoiler on my site because I am 100% confident in
its ability to prevent spammers from harvesting my e-mail address.
Jim Cheshire
Check out Spam Spoiler, our new add-in!
Add e-mail links to your Web site again
without fear of spammers!