Hi all,
Ok, I've been struggling with the same issue in trying to change the default
document line spacing for Word 2007 & I believe I may have figured something
out - no thanks to microsoft, just trial & error. If anyone is interested
try the following:
Open a new document.
From the "Home" tab go over to "Styles" & click on the down arrow at the
bottom right corner of that "Styles" box.
You should see a list of Styles.
If you run your cursor over the "Normal" style you should see a drop down
arrow, click this.
From the next menu, click Modify.
In the next dialogue box make all the changes you'd like to have to your
default document - line spacing, fonts, (you can even change paragraph
settings), etc.
Before clicking ok, make sure you select "New Documents Based On This
Then click ok.
From there, just save this document & close it.
When you create a new document, it should have the new settings saved for
your default document.... it worked for me anyway.
Good luck!!