I read thru with interest, having the same problem with this maddenin
Luckily, it doesn't pop up every time we use an Office app, but only o
I noticed it will happen when we run an Office app after an olde
version of an Office app has been used.
(I still have to use Access97 to access and make changes in ou
workgroup file, since this feature is dropped in v12)
I'm wondering if it is worth me trying any of these fixes, since we'r
only occaisionally inconvenienced.
Then I read the bizo about shortcuts, so thought to share something
just witnessed.
I copied our database into a new user's profile, created a shortcu
using the right click menu, then dragged it to his desktop.
Then, when I went to test it, it said "not found" and windows did it'
searching thing.
In the properties of the shortcut, I chose "find target", and it foun
it - without me having to browse to it.
Next time I tried it, it worked to find the database file, but poppe
up the configuration screen (and ground away for the obligatory fiv
minutes or so).
I don't know what all this means, but hope sharing gives us all mor
clues to sort this out.
And I just wanted to thank yous all
Thank you.