Peter T. Daniels
The schmuckitude of that particular message was not the suggestion
that the off-topic querier google the question, but that the
suggestion to do so was masked as a "tinyurl." I had in fact clicked
the "tinyurl" to see whether the reply pointed to an American football
or a soccer (i.e., what the rest of the world calls "football") site
(preparing to point out that insufficient information had been
provided for choosing one or the other).
Mr. Maxey greatly overestimates the rhetorical power of the term
that the off-topic querier google the question, but that the
suggestion to do so was masked as a "tinyurl." I had in fact clicked
the "tinyurl" to see whether the reply pointed to an American football
or a soccer (i.e., what the rest of the world calls "football") site
(preparing to point out that insufficient information had been
provided for choosing one or the other).
Mr. Maxey greatly overestimates the rhetorical power of the term