Dawn Crosier
Jim -
I'm sorry that I have not been able to get back with you. I have been out
of the office supporting a Seminar that our firm was putting on. Good thing
Jonathan & Charles were here to answer your questions.
If you haven't already figured out, you need to put the following code in
your Module which is contained in your Memorandum.dot template.
At the very top of your module, if you don't already have it type in Option
Explicit. That way you will get Intellisense when you are typing your code.
So for instance in the below code, when you type the name of your form and
then type a period, you will see all the properties and events which you can
use such as Show or Hide
Public Sub Autonew()
'rename the frmNewClient to the name of the UserForm you created
End Sub
When you are ready to hide your UserForm, the command is frmClient.Hide
Hiding the form will leave the variables loaded. To release them from
memory, use
Unload frmClient
Hope that helps.
Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies and questions to
the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.
I'm sorry that I have not been able to get back with you. I have been out
of the office supporting a Seminar that our firm was putting on. Good thing
Jonathan & Charles were here to answer your questions.
If you haven't already figured out, you need to put the following code in
your Module which is contained in your Memorandum.dot template.
At the very top of your module, if you don't already have it type in Option
Explicit. That way you will get Intellisense when you are typing your code.
So for instance in the below code, when you type the name of your form and
then type a period, you will see all the properties and events which you can
use such as Show or Hide
Public Sub Autonew()
'rename the frmNewClient to the name of the UserForm you created
End Sub
When you are ready to hide your UserForm, the command is frmClient.Hide
Hiding the form will leave the variables loaded. To release them from
memory, use
Unload frmClient
Hope that helps.
Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies and questions to
the newsgroup so that others can learn as well.