There wasn't one. This is why it was added.
I think I have mentioned before that working from a table is a poor idea as
it is easy to change the table and thus not get the report that you wish.
The better approach is to simply export the fields that you know you want in
the order you want. That way the export will always work even if your user
has chosen a different table or changed the one you want them to use.
So I'd do something like the following:
Dim Path, header, tData As String
Path = "c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\headers.txt"
Open Path For Output As #1
header = "Task Name: " & "Duration: " & "Start: " & "Finish: " & CrLf
Write #1, header;
for each task in activeproject.tasks
tData = & ", " & task.duration & ", " & task.start & ", " &
task.finish & CrLf
Write #1 tData
next task
Close #1
Of course to be really useful, I prefer to export into excel.