Ignorance is not bliss



Sorry it took me so long to respond... Busy day. Thank you so much
for your help. I don't have time to try it out right now, but I will
tonight. And, you're right. The website seems bogus to me to as
well. It is a requirement that we submit the PPID's before releasing
the product, however. Ah, if I were king...

Tim Williams

Yes to all that - I figure it's up to the OP to iron out any issues using
the larger amount of info they previously possess (my typos not



Mr. Williams, thank you for your generous help... I've no doubt that
your code will work (a few modifications notwithstanding), but I may
as well admit that I don't understand how it works. Even more basic,
I don't understand how to implement it. I was assuming that it could
be run with a command button, but I may be wrong. Please forgive my
limited understanding... If what I know is reliable, pos1 and pos2
are the barcode scans that are to be input? Or is that actually the
response? You've already been a great help, so I hate to bug you
further. Just so you know, I've decided to bite the bullet and take
some programming classes, but don't know when I'll have the chance.

Peter T

Place the following in a module. Later you can assign PPIDtest to a button
but for now just run it with F5. Better still, while figuring it out put the
cursor in PPIDtest and keep pressing F8.

The first time I had to be patient and eventually a security certificate
prompt popped up that I had to dismiss. First time suggest you only select
one cell with a barcode

Sub PPIDtest()
Dim sCode As String
Dim sReply As String
Dim rng As Range

On Error Resume Next
Set rng = Application.InputBox("Select PPID cells in a column", _
"PPIDtest", _
Selection.Address, _
On Error GoTo 0

If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' user cancelled
If rng.Columns.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub '2+ columns selected
If rng.Rows.Count > 100 Then
'best to set some aribtary limit
MsgBox "Limit set at 100"
Exit Sub
End If

On Error GoTo errH

For Each cel In rng
sCode = cel.Text
sReply = GetPPID(sCode)
cel.Offset(0, 1).Value = sReply

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub

Function GetPPID(PPID) As String
Const URL As String = _
Const FRAG1 As String = "'green'>"
Const FRAG2 As String = "</FONT>"
Dim msxml As Object
Dim rV, tmp, pos1, pos2

rV = ""

If PPID <> "" Then
Set msxml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
msxml.Open "Get", URL & PPID, False

tmp = msxml.responseText

pos1 = InStr(tmp, FRAG1)
pos2 = InStr(tmp, FRAG2)

' If pos1 > 0 And pos2 > 0 Then
' rV = Left(tmp, pos2 - 1)
' rV = Right(rV, Len(rV) - (pos1 + Len(FRAG2)))
' End If

rV = tmp ' to be parsed later

Set msxml = Nothing
End If

GetPPID = rV

' example of return string to be parsed
[BR][BR][BR][BR][FONT COLOR='green']
' [BR]
[BR][BR][FORM ACTION = 'check_battery.php']PPID:

End Function

You will need to decide how to parse potential return strings for yourr own
needs, presumably you won't want the entire string as in the above example.

Peter T​



You have been an enormous help, sir. I wish I understood the code
better, but I expect that will be a long journey. My previous
experience with VBA was very simplistic. I have noticed that there
seems to be distinct 'styles' of script, which makes a difference when
trying to learn. In any case I appreciate it very much. Today, I got
an 'attaboy' at work for coming up with a solution for a different
problem. Rest assured, I credited all the help I received at this
discussion group. Hopefully, I will be able to return the favor

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