Insert graph with macro


Jean-Guy Marcil

North Wales said:

I posted in two places because on the left hand side it says

Word Printing Fonts
Word Programming
Word Programming
Word Setup Networking

There are two word programming, one appears more used than the other so if i
put in one and not the other how do i know it will get read?

Your posts will get read, whatever group you chose.
However, there is more traffic in the first "programing" group you see listed.
The first one is in fact the ".word.vba.general" group. Why MSFT decided to
name it Programming in the Web interface is a mystery to me! It just confuses
things as there already was a "real" "word.programming" group.

Jean-Guy Marcil

North Wales said:

I have only ask a question on how to do something, never been accused of
being a troll when using the expression web newsgroup/forum or whatever this
What is the point in having this if you can only ask questions where the
answers are already in the help menu.

The only time i ask is when i have spent a day trying to find a way to do
something and have failed.

Hum, need to slow down here.

I just explained why a post may not get an answer. This definitely did not
apply to you, you did get answer, didn't you?

Finally, you confessed to not knowing what a troll was. I just decided to
spend some of my time helping you find out by doing some research on the Web
and pointed you towards some of the pages I found useful on the topic. If you
are going to spend some time in the newsgroups, you should definitely be
aware of the fact that there are trolls arounds. I never implied or even
thought that you were one.

Sorry for the confusion, I was merely trying to help.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?Tm9ydGggV2FsZXM=?=,
I have the following bookmark for here and the left pannel both say the
same word programming. dg=microsoft.public.word.programming&cat=en_US_CCCDA654-8B18-6C08-9262-
Ah, OK. I usually only send people to that interface if what they're
looking for can't be accessed through

Been a while since I looked at that. I'm glad to see they've actually
added this group, even though the naming is confusing. When this group was
added (primarily for people who program with languages other than VBA), it
wasn't listed anywhere.
I have given up on my first idea and would you know how i could do this.
I posted an answer to this in that other thread in word.vba.general, since
that's where the technical discussion has been up until now.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Thanks for sending that link.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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