Al said:Let me tell you a tale. Last fall i was contacted by a lawyer to
serve as an expert witness in a court case involving email. Never did
get to qualify because the prosecution offered a good deal to the
defendant. (The state didn't have anything worth bringing to court
but I suspect the prosecutor didn't find that out until after he was
faced with the prospect of me on the stand and consulted HIS experts.)
Let me tell you another tale. I own a domain name (which happens to
be for sale -it's a three letter English word) which attracts a lot
of junk mail because people think it's cute to use the name when
forced to enter an email address in a form. Hence I get lots more
junk mail than the average person.
Let me tell you yet a third tale. If you visit http://3bears.biz,
you'll see that I like to write software that avoids drag and drop. I
call it easy on the wrist software. D&D is an interesting game, a
nice way to do just one thing on the computer, but a real drag when
you have to do a lot of work.
Now my assertion in the court case would have been that the vast
majority of email is forged (in the sense of not coming from the
person / pc it purports to.) We know that the vast majority is spam.
MS's Frontbridge subsidiary dumped about 90% of its cstomer's
incoming email during a recent 30 day period. My assertion is that
most of that 90% is forged.
But to prove this for my self I'm going to have to look at a
significant sample. Do some statistics, etc. Hence, I want my junk
mail. And since I have about 36000 pieces from the few months i've
been collecting, i want to handle it easily.
Hence my need for the one button no side effect click.
That is just one story about the need for the button.
If you consider the anti-spam forces you can add another group that
just might want such a button.
The need for the command is legit if perhaps a bit obscure.
Well you must be an almost UNIQUE case then.