Was "are you reading my replies to you" meant for me? Because I am.
Yep, it was. You must be accessing these news groups through the web. If
you were using a Usenet client, it would be obvious that I was talking
to you and nobody else. ; ) That web interface is a truly horrid
monstrosity, BTW!
I just
went back through them and didn't find anything about setting the schedule to
older than 0 days, though I easily could have missed it. Anyway, I had
already tried that, as I told Diane above, and it insisted I had to insert a
value of more than 0. But then when I read this message of yours, I tried it
again - and it worked. Don't get it. There's a lot I don't get. So we'll see.
But thanks to you I learned about screen shots and Apple script, so that was
cool. Thanks again.
Still, the question remains: why would you want to delete them that
often? It's not like you have to pay that much attention to the Junk
E-Mail folder anyway!
Send responses to the relevant news group rather than to me, as
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my very hungry SPAM
filter. Due to Google's refusal to prevent spammers from posting
messages through their servers, I often ignore posts from Google
Groups. Use a real news client if you want me to see your posts.
Yeah, I am accessing through the web. I guess. I don't know from Usenet clients.
As far as why I want to delete them that often? Well, for one thing they keep calling my attention to them because they keep getting past my filter, and I have go through and weed them out, marking them junk.
Lately it's gotten much, much worse - somehow the filter, which is always on Exclusive, is just not catching them - it's batting no more than .500 at best, and that means a ton of these things are getting through and so I have to filter them out myself.
Plus everything about them annoys me - the subject matter (Viagra has been joined by Careers in Nursing, and I have no idea what the Cyrillic ones are saying, but I bet I wouldn't like it), the gibberish, the ones with no message and no address. I have enough weeding to do outside.
And when they get my attention, well, that's when I get all anal and stuff. And that's probably the bottom, so to speak, line.
It's been fun talking to you. And I just got an email from Alicia Spears (?) in the UK entitled "Your woman will be stunned by your erectionGenerik Viagra." Sheesh!
Mahalo me ke aloha,