Kids project is toast, so, Back to the Future


Jan Il

Hey Glen!

Glen Millar said:

For some reason, we have Bigfoot too (I wonder if our Bigfoot wears an
Akubra?). But they are called Yowies here (dunno why).

A while ago, two young blokes out shooting ran into a town down south
yelling about the yowie. No-one ever saw it again, but they put a statue in
the local park where it happened. If the real Yowie is half as ugly as the
statue, you wouldn't want to meet it:

hmmm, ..I wondered all this time what happned to my ex. He said he
was going to place where there was no recipricale for child support... looks
perhaps he found his hearts desire.... me...he used a body double for the statue...

....You do always find a way to make me laugh...<g>

Windie ;)


Steve Rindsberg

Like looking out of the window of the Youth Hostel in Loch Ness and
Yes, exactly! Moments like that are things that are just not possible to
explain. Not just the fact of the event, but, the awesomeness of the
and how it made you feel....

That feeling? That'd be the Scotch, I expect. It takes some that way when
they're only used to Australian beer.

But s'truth, sometimes it's better just to leave the camera in the case and
enjoy what life puts on display.

OTOH, you could get to a lot of highly enjoyable places in luxury with with
one good clear photo of Nessie could bring you from the National Enquirer.

Steve Rindsberg

Yes it is, and thank you for the info. I am to a very small degree a sorta
simple person, and sometimes, the newest is good, but, not necessarily

Understood. After having been a professional photographer for
umpty-leventysome years, I still take serious photography seriously, but for
family snapshots and "grab a photo" photography, I'm way into simple.

FWIW, a very nice compromise between simple and capable - the Pentax Optio S
that's on the front page of that site.
A bit spendy, but most little jewels are. I've been very happy with mine.

Steve Rindsberg

My brother carries around a "driverless" USB storage thing, holds about 256
MB. Plug it into any recent Windows box, and it's slideshow time!!

A datathumb? Love 'em! And they should also work with any recent Mac.

Kathryn Jacobs

It is on its way. Sorry about the delay: I was in Tucson all day yesterday
making dinner arrangements :)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
Get PowerPoint answers at
Cook anything outdoors with
Kathy is a trainer, writer, Girl Scout, and whatever else there is time for
I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Jan Il

Yes it is, and thank you for the info. I am to a very small degree a
Understood. After having been a professional photographer for
umpty-leventysome years, I still take serious photography seriously, but for
family snapshots and "grab a photo" photography, I'm way into simple.

FWIW, a very nice compromise between simple and capable - the Pentax Optio S
that's on the front page of that site.
A bit spendy, but most little jewels are. I've been very happy with mine.

Thanks Steve, that was gonna be another question of mine. It has been so
many years since I bought a camera for myself that I really have no idea
which ones are really what I want. I don't mind spendy, well...not too
much, as long as we can work well together, and it understands the kind of
results I want. Any camera is only as good a the person who clicks the
button, but, once done, it should produce the right results.

I'll check into the one you recommend and see if it will be user friendly
for me ;-))

Jan :)

Jan Il

OTOH, you could get to a lot of highly enjoyable places in luxury with with
one good clear photo of Nessie could bring you from the National Enquirer.

Ahh..yes..very true, and I would love to have a photo just for my
curiousity, 'cuz I'd have to look at it at least 2-3 times to believe I
actually saw it. Plus, the eye of the camera would probably see it a lot
clearer than *my* eyes would ;-)

Mike M.

Did you see my son Ryan? I shipped him out there Tue. to my sister. He's
looks just like me only a little shorter and he took all of my non-grey
hair. ;-)

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