Laying out a roster in columns


John B.

John, thanks so very much for your superb follow-through and persistence.

I figured that if you could go through so much effort, maybe I could figure
out a way to make it work.

I speculated that something might be wrong with my "Normal"

It's kind of eerie to see it work, huh. It's kinda pokey ... so it's almost
like watching word think.

Looks like you're on your way Norm!

Just thought I'd mention that I'm not using "styles" at all. I use them
regularly, and to good effect -- they can be real time savers. But I don't
bother when every paragraph has the same formatted -- in that case I just
select all and make my format settings. Your needs may differ depending on
the nature of this project -- styles may be appropriate. But they are not

I see only one remaining bug -- not that it bothers me much. Sometimes
you'll get a blank line at the top of a column. But that doesn't matter so
much to me: I just want the roster listings to hold together.

To bad we can't post attachments to this newsgroup. I think it forbids that.


So, I did a select-all, copied into TextSoap, "scrubbed" out all formatting
except the paragraphing and pasted my doctored roster listings between the
first and last listings of your attached document (wiping out all your
listings but those two).

I then deleted your first and last listings and started playing with the
roster. Works like a charm!

The only weird thing is that in page layout view, even though I changed the
font in the new document to be exactly the same as in the old document, the
12 point Times Roman in the new document looks smaller and the page view
looks smaller.

It's that kind of thing that makes me avoid using Word often -- I only use
it when other editors can't perform a task, or when it is required as a
document format. Sometimes ya gotta go with the common currency.

JE McGimpsey

Norman R. Nager said:
I think it's time I tossed my "Normal" and started from scratch in creating
a new Normal template.

Norman -

Assuming you use your Normal template to create documents (I generally
don't - I use custom or built-in templates for 99% of my docs), make
sure you set it up correctly from a fresh copy, then make a copy and
store it away.

If you ever need to change the Normal, trash your existing Normal,
rename the copy, make the change, then save a copy.

I'd really consider using custom templates for new docs - that way you
can throw away Normal at any time.

John McGhie

Hi Norman:

You want each block to remain together when the text moves to a different

You can do this one of two ways:

1) Create each entry as a single paragraph, using hard returns (Shift +
Enter) at the end of each line, and Return at the end of the group.

2) Create each entry as multiple paragraphs, using "Keep With Next" and
"Keep Lines Together" on all except the last paragraph.

The second one sounds more complex, but it's actually simpler. You define
two styles: "Roster" and "Roster Last". Set Roster to have Keep Lines
Together, Keep With Next, and Window/Orphan MUST be OFF.

Roster Last is a copy of Roster except that Keep With Next is turned Off.

Apply Roster to the whole document. Then go through and apply Roster Last
to each paragraph that is the last paragraph of a roster item.

Then switch to multiple columns. Word will paginate all the entries in
their columns and will always hold each group of paragraphs together.

I think what people are missing is that "Widow/Orphan" says "OK to Split
this paragraph". "Keep with Next" says Hold this paragraph on the same page
as the one following it." And "Keep Lines Together" means "Do not divide
this paragraph at a page break."

To get this to work, you must understand the difference between a "Line" (a
line ending with a shift/Enter) and a Paragraph. Paragraphs can have
pagination properties: lines cannot.

If you want to do it using method 1, you put a shift/enter at the end of
each line, but you must have a paragraph mark at the end of the last line.
You must then have "Keep lines together" turned ON, and "Widow/Orphan"
turned OFF for each of these single multi-line paragraphs.


Still lost.

I have a two-column Word roster document in which listings vary from 5 to 8
lines of text. At the end of each line I had hit return. Between
listings, I had typed a double return. Before reading this thread, to
avoid the splitting of listings between columns and pages, I had added extra
spacing between listings at the bottom of columns and changed the size of
spaces in some cases from 12 pt. to 8 pt.

After reading this thread, I tried and failed with the following two

With the widow/orphan and keep next paragraph settings at the top of the
document, I positioned the cursor just before the bottom listing in the
column created a dummy entry, using shift-return at the end of each line and
then hard-return at the end of the listing. It split the next listing
between columns.

I went back to the original document. This time I checked widow/orphan and
keep with next and then tried a replace single paragraph with manual line
break but nothing happened. When I unchecked keep with next, it found and
replaced some 700 hard returns. But once again, when I entered a dummy
listing with shift-return at the end of each line and hard return at the end
of the listing, it split what had been the column's bottom listing between

Suggestions, please?


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410

Clive Huggan


Belatedly (I've been ultra-busy in recent weeks): JE is spot on, as you'd
expect. If you need to read more on creating a special template to do this,
download "Bend Word to your Will", free at, and look at the
section headed " Styles and templates ‹ the keys to consistency and saving
time", and particularly after the heading " Templates ‹ convenient places to
store styles and other formatting". It doesn't take long to do, and the
template is very unlikely to corrupt in future.

If you have an older version of "Bend Word", download the latest (July 2004)
version -- it contains significant improvements.



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