John B.
John, thanks so very much for your superb follow-through and persistence.
I figured that if you could go through so much effort, maybe I could figure
out a way to make it work.
I speculated that something might be wrong with my "Normal"
It's kind of eerie to see it work, huh. It's kinda pokey ... so it's almost
like watching word think.
Looks like you're on your way Norm!
Just thought I'd mention that I'm not using "styles" at all. I use them
regularly, and to good effect -- they can be real time savers. But I don't
bother when every paragraph has the same formatted -- in that case I just
select all and make my format settings. Your needs may differ depending on
the nature of this project -- styles may be appropriate. But they are not
I see only one remaining bug -- not that it bothers me much. Sometimes
you'll get a blank line at the top of a column. But that doesn't matter so
much to me: I just want the roster listings to hold together.
To bad we can't post attachments to this newsgroup. I think it forbids that.
So, I did a select-all, copied into TextSoap, "scrubbed" out all formatting
except the paragraphing and pasted my doctored roster listings between the
first and last listings of your attached document (wiping out all your
listings but those two).
I then deleted your first and last listings and started playing with the
roster. Works like a charm!
The only weird thing is that in page layout view, even though I changed the
font in the new document to be exactly the same as in the old document, the
12 point Times Roman in the new document looks smaller and the page view
looks smaller.
It's that kind of thing that makes me avoid using Word often -- I only use
it when other editors can't perform a task, or when it is required as a
document format. Sometimes ya gotta go with the common currency.