leading zeros using ActiveCell.Offset().value to insert row and value



(BTW, for some reason this response of yours has a bunch of formatting codes
like … I think they are HTML codes and don't know why this newsreader
doesn't handle them).
I'm seeing the same junk. I suspect that at some point something got
converted to plain text due to some setting somewhere in Tim's
"Unknown" newsreader.


Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
Classic VB Users Regroup!

Ron Rosenfeld

Wow you are so close in your thought process...
Typically when a drawing shows more than one Panel (Node Address) it is
shown in the format of NxxLyyDzzz

You wrote that the NodeAddresses could have a maximum of 104. So how about a format of NxxxLyyDzzz ?
Perhaps it could be made to only include in the merged address the Nxx
when the node address is greater than (1) otherwise it would be shown as

OK, that is fairly simple and I've done that part, but with a format of NxxxLyyDzzz.

We could vary the Nxxx portion to only show three digits if required, and two digits otherwise, but that will require some extra steps when it comes to sorting.
And you are correct to assume that the zones would always be shown ad
zeros in the LoopSelection column

OK, but what about the NodeAddress for a Zone? And if that can vary, should we prepend Nxxx (or Nxx) to the Zxxx also?

Here is the most recent iteration of the macro, including the above modifications to the MergedAddress routines, and with some rewriting to make future maintenance/modifications perhaps a bit simpler.

Option Explicit
'column names/labels are defined here.
'they must match exactly the names on PanelData Worksheet
'include names for any added columns
' and also be the same on any sheet generated
' by this code
Public Const sNA As String = "NodeAddress"
Public Const sLS As String = "LoopSelection"
Public Const sDA As String = "DeviceAddress"
Public Const sDT As String = "DeviceType"
Public Const sDTS As String = "Device Types"
Public Const sDL As String = "DeviceLabel"
Public Const sEL As String = "ExtendedLabel"
Public Const sMA As String = "Merged Address"

Sub CreateCompareDataSheet()
'Do this on a CompareData2 Sheet
'Keep only columns C:H
'Remove lines with no valid Device Address; (or not as required)
'Add Merged Address Column
'Append the "missing" Merged Addresses
'Rearrange columns by horizontal sorting according to custom list
'Sort results by Merged Address
Dim wsCompareData2 As Worksheet
Dim wsPD As Worksheet, vPD As Variant 'Panel Data
Dim r As Range, rw As Range, rMissed As Range

Dim NAcol As Long 'NodeAddress column
Dim LScol As Long 'Loop Selection column
Dim DTcol As Long 'Device Type column
Dim sDTP As String 'Used to create Merged Address
Dim DAcol As Long 'Device Address column
Dim MAcol As Long 'Merged Address column
Dim collUsedMA As Collection 'Used Merged Address Collection
Dim collMissMA As Collection 'Missing Merged Addresses
Dim DTScol As Long 'Device Types column

Dim aTemp() As Variant
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long

Set wsPD = Worksheets("PanelData")

'Clear CompareData2 sheet if present; create if not
On Error Resume Next
Set wsCompareData2 = Worksheets("CompareData2")
If Err.Number = 9 Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "CompareData2"
Set wsCompareData2 = Worksheets("CompareData2")
End If
On Error GoTo 0

'Read Panel Data into array
'Assuming zero(0) blanks in Col A
'Assume we will retain only cols A:H
With wsPD
vPD = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) _
End With

'Add column for merged address
'For now, it will be the "last column", but could be moved if desired
ReDim Preserve vPD(1 To UBound(vPD, 1), 1 To UBound(vPD, 2) + 2)
MAcol = UBound(vPD, 2) - 1
DTScol = UBound(vPD, 2)
vPD(1, MAcol) = sMA
vPD(1, DTScol) = sDTS

'Get column numbers for data to create Used MergedAddress
ReDim aTemp(1 To UBound(vPD, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(vPD, 2)
aTemp(i) = vPD(1, i)
Next i
With WorksheetFunction
NAcol = .Match(sNA, aTemp, 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, aTemp, 0)
DTcol = .Match(sDT, aTemp, 0)
DAcol = .Match(sDA, aTemp, 0)
End With

'Create Merged Addresses
'Add Device Types Field
Set collUsedMA = New Collection
For i = 2 To UBound(vPD, 1)
Select Case vPD(i, DTcol)
Case Is = 1
sDTP = "D"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Detector"
Case Is = 2
sDTP = "M"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Monitor"
Case Is = 3
sDTP = "Z"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Zone"
Case Else
sDTP = ""
End Select
If Not sDTP = "" Then
vPD(i, MAcol) = _
IIf(vPD(i, NAcol) > 1, "N" & Format(vPD(i, NAcol), "000"), "") & _
"L" & Format(vPD(i, LScol), "00") & _
sDTP & _
Format(vPD(i, DAcol), "000")
'Special Case for Z
vPD(i, MAcol) = Replace(vPD(i, MAcol), "L00Z", "Z")

On Error Resume Next
collUsedMA.Add Item:=vPD(i, MAcol), Key:=vPD(i, MAcol)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("Merged Address: " & vPD(i, MAcol) & _
"on Line " & i & " is a duplicate")
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next i

'Develop collection of Missing Merged Addresses
Set collMissMA = New Collection
With WorksheetFunction
NAcol = .Match(sNA, wsPD.Rows(1), 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, wsPD.Rows(1), 0)
v = GenLoops(.Max(wsPD.Columns(LScol)), .Max(wsPD.Columns(NAcol)))
End With

On Error Resume Next
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
collUsedMA.Add Item:=v(i), Key:=v(i)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
collMissMA.Add Item:=v(i), Key:=v(i)
End If
Next i

'write array to CompareData2 sheet
'sort by Merged Addresses and delete lines with no MA's
'then sort horizontally by first row and custom sort
'set up custom order based on fields in row 1 of panel data
'verify labels are correct

'Column Headers for Compare and Summary Sheets
'Need to be in the desired order -- will be used as a Custom Sort Order List
'Need to match exactly the headers (but not the order)
' on the PanelData worksheet
Dim aCL(1 To 8) 'custom list array
aCL(1) = sNA
aCL(2) = sLS
aCL(3) = sDA
aCL(4) = sMA
aCL(5) = sDT
aCL(6) = sDTS
aCL(7) = sDL
aCL(8) = sEL
ReDim aTemp(1 To UBound(vPD, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(vPD, 2)
aTemp(i) = vPD(1, i)
Next i

On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To UBound(aCL)
j = WorksheetFunction.Match(aCL(i), aTemp, 0)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox (aCL(i) & " Not exact match in Panel Data Label row")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i

'Write data to CompareData2 sheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With wsCompareData2
Set r = .Range("B1").Resize(rowsize:=UBound(vPD, 1), columnsize:=UBound(vPD, 2))
r = vPD

'Add the Missing Merged Addresses to the correct column
'Also deconstruct to fill in the NA, LS, DA and DT columns
'Possible formats
' Znnn
' LnnXnnn
' NnnnLnnXnnn

Set rw = r.Rows(1)
With WorksheetFunction
MAcol = .Match(sMA, rw, 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, rw, 0)
DAcol = .Match(sDA, rw, 0)
DTcol = .Match(sDT, rw, 0)
NAcol = .Match(sNA, rw, 0)
End With

ReDim aTemp(1 To collMissMA.Count, 1 To r.Columns.Count)
For i = 1 To collMissMA.Count
aTemp(i, MAcol) = collMissMA(i)
aTemp(i, DAcol) = Val(Right(collMissMA(i), 3))
Select Case Left(collMissMA(i), 1)
Case Is = "Z"
aTemp(i, LScol) = 0
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 3
Case Is = "L"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 2, 2))
Select Case Mid(collMissMA(i), 4, 1)
Case Is = "D"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 1
Case Is = "M"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 2
End Select
Case Is = "N"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 2, 3))
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 6, 2))
Select Case Mid(collMissMA(i), 8, 1)
Case Is = "D"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 1
Case Is = "M"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 2
End Select
End Select
Next i

Set rMissed = .Cells(r.Row + r.Rows.Count, r.Column).Resize(rowsize:=UBound(aTemp, 1), columnsize:=UBound(aTemp, 2))
rMissed = aTemp
Set r = Union(r, rMissed)
'Sort by Merged Address and delete those with blank MA's
'if result of sort needs to have Zones last then will need to add a dummy column for sorting
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=r.Resize(rowsize:=r.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(rowoffset:=1).Columns(MAcol), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending
With .Sort
.SetRange r
.Header = xlYes
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
End With
Set r = Range(r(1, MAcol).End(xlDown).Offset(rowoffset:=1), r(.Cells.Rows.Count, MAcol))

'Now sort horizontally to reorder the columns
Set r = .UsedRange
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=r.Rows(1), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, _
CustomOrder:=Join(aCL, ",")
With .Sort
.SetRange r
.Header = xlYes
.Orientation = xlLeftToRight
End With
'NOTE: Cannot use RGB on Macintosh. If that is a problem, use something
'like colorindex 15
r.Rows(1).Interior.Color = RGB(191, 191, 191) 'Same gray as on your Summary Sheet

'I don't like to activate or select, but I don't know how else to
' freeze panes
With ActiveWindow
.SplitRow = 1
.FreezePanes = True
End With

End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Function GenLoops(NumLoops As Long, NumNodes As Long) As Variant
'Part 0: N001-N104 (optional)
'Part 1: L01-L10
'Part 2: D or M
'Part 3: 001-159
Dim MergAddr() As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, m As Long
ReDim MergAddr(1 To NumNodes * NumLoops * 2 * 159 + 1000) '+1000 for the zones

For i = 1 To NumNodes
For j = 1 To NumLoops
For k = 1 To 2
For l = 1 To 159
m = m + 1
MergAddr(m) = _
IIf(i > 1, "N" & Format(i, "000"), "") & _
"L" & Format(j, "00") & _
IIf(k = 1, "D", "M") & _
Format(l, "000")
Next l
Next k
Next j
Next i

'add in the Zones Merged Addresses
j = NumNodes * NumLoops * 2 * 159
For i = 1 To 1000
MergAddr(i + j) = "Z" & Format(i - 1, "000")
Next i

GenLoops = MergAddr
End Function

Ron Rosenfeld

I'm seeing the same junk. I suspect that at some point something got
converted to plain text due to some setting somewhere in Tim's
"Unknown" newsreader.

Hi Garry,
Interesting to me that you are seeing that also. I'd been thinking it was something flakey limited to my setup (and spent some time reviewing all of the settings without seeing anything that made a difference :-(
-- Ron


Ron Rosenfeld has brought this to us :
Hi Garry,
Interesting to me that you are seeing that also. I'd been thinking it was
something flakey limited to my setup (and spent some time reviewing all of
the settings without seeing anything that made a difference :-( -- Ron

Yeah, I suspected you might look into it at your end just, if nothing
else, to eliminate your reader as the problem. It was my intent to
confirm it wasn't unique to you so you wouldn't 'spend' the time trying
to find out.<g>


Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
Classic VB Users Regroup!

Ron Rosenfeld

Yeah, I suspected you might look into it at your end just, if nothing
else, to eliminate your reader as the problem. It was my intent to
confirm it wasn't unique to you so you wouldn't 'spend' the time trying
to find out.<g>

Thank you for that. This is not the first time I've seen this sort of thing, and probably won't be the last. So your post will save me quite a bit of time!
-- Ron


Ron Rosenfeld brought next idea :
Thank you for that. This is not the first time I've seen this sort of thing,
and probably won't be the last. So your post will save me quite a bit of
time! -- Ron

I'm sure you know I have Lou Gehrig's and so time/energy are rather
precious commodities to me. These can be 'spent' OR 'invested'. I
prefer the latter for most things worth doing, though the former is
okay for wallowing away "the moments that make up a dull day"!<g>


Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
Classic VB Users Regroup!


BTW the excelbanter.com never did show that garbled character mess yo
referred to...
You wrote that the NodeAddresses could have a maximum of 104. So ho
about a format of NxxxLyyDzzz ?

OK, that is fairly simple and I've done that part, but with a format o

We could vary the Nxxx portion to only show three digits if required
and two digits otherwise, but that will require some extra steps when i
comes to sorting.

The format NxxxLyyyDzzz is fine with me
However I noticed in you latest code that if the NodeAddress is 1 tha
it keeps the first ten loop as LyyDzzz and then when it hits 2 i
changes to NxxxLyyDzzz. Is it possible that if it has more than on
node address, that all would use the same format NxxxLyyDzzz. That wa
it looks consistent
And you are correct to assume that the zones would always be shown ad
zeros in the LoopSelection column[/i]

OK, but what about the NodeAddress for a Zone? And if that can vary
should we prepend Nxxx (or Nxx) to the Zxxx also?

Yes if more then one NodeAddress then NxxxZxxx would work fine.

Is it the intent of the code to add all ten loop when the NodeAddres
increases. For example I noticed that if I added a NodeAddress of 2 an
a LoopSelection of 1 at the bottom of the PanelData sheet, it adds al
ten loop for that NodeAddress of two. In the field the panels coul
have any amount of loops up to ten. I am just questioning because th
summary sheet would need to follow the same layou


Ron Rosenfeld

I'm sure you know I have Lou Gehrig's and so time/energy are rather
precious commodities to me. These can be 'spent' OR 'invested'. I
prefer the latter for most things worth doing, though the former is
okay for wallowing away "the moments that make up a dull day"!<g>

No, I did not know that you had any illness, much less ALS. I wish you the very best, and hope that you have lots of time to spend, or invest, as you choose.
-- Ron


Ron Rosenfeld laid this down on his screen :
No, I did not know that you had any illness, much less ALS. I wish you the
very best, and hope that you have lots of time to spend, or invest, as you
choose. -- Ron

Thank you for your kind words. I apologize for making the assumption!
(I thought you'd have known through reading my posts over the years)
Anyway, I started getting symptoms in Jan'93 and so I'm now just
started into my 21st year. Given its nature I've adopted a life

"live today like there's no tomorrow"

...and so on we go!


Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
Classic VB Users Regroup!

Ron Rosenfeld

The format NxxxLyyyDzzz is fine with me
Makes things simpler.
However I noticed in you latest code that if the NodeAddress is 1 that
it keeps the first ten loop as LyyDzzz and then when it hits 2 it
changes to NxxxLyyDzzz. Is it possible that if it has more than one
node address, that all would use the same format NxxxLyyDzzz. That way
it looks consistent

Yes it is. I didn't know which way you wanted it.
Yes if more then one NodeAddress then NxxxZxxx would work fine.

Is it the intent of the code to add all ten loop when the NodeAddress
increases. For example I noticed that if I added a NodeAddress of 2 and
a LoopSelection of 1 at the bottom of the PanelData sheet, it adds all
ten loop for that NodeAddress of two. In the field the panels could
have any amount of loops up to ten. I am just questioning because the
summary sheet would need to follow the same layout

The code does that, since, as written, it doesn't differentiate the number of loops from the number of loops per node. It doesn't have to.

Should we?

Or, if there are multiple nodes, should we only populate the "full list" up to the maximum number of loops per node?

An associated question would be: Will all ten loops in node 1 be used before going on to node 2. Or could we have, for example, Node 1 with three loops, Node 2 with five loops, and Node 3 with 1 loop?

Ron Rosenfeld

Thank you for your kind words. I apologize for making the assumption!
(I thought you'd have known through reading my posts over the years)
Anyway, I started getting symptoms in Jan'93 and so I'm now just
started into my 21st year. Given its nature I've adopted a life

"live today like there's no tomorrow"

There's certainly no need to apologize to me. And your motto is one that all should keep in mind at some point in their lives.

Ron Rosenfeld

Is it the intent of the code to add all ten loop when the NodeAddress
increases. For example I noticed that if I added a NodeAddress of 2 and
a LoopSelection of 1 at the bottom of the PanelData sheet, it adds all
ten loop for that NodeAddress of two. In the field the panels could
have any amount of loops up to ten. I am just questioning because the
summary sheet would need to follow the same layout

I miswrote. The code only adds loops to each NodeAddress up to the maximum number of loops in the panel in any node.

In other words, if the set up is

Node 1 -- 2 loops
Node 2 -- 3 loops

Then the result will show three loops for each node.

Is that OK? Or do you want a different algorithm?

Here is revised codes with the Merged Address scheme we have discussed
Includes Nxxx in the Zone labelling if more than one node address in panel data
Includes Nxxx in node address 1 MergedAddress configurations.

Let me know if you see any issues.

By the way, you will note that occasionally I look directly at the worksheet rather than the VBA array for certain parameters. I am trying to expedite the speed. In general, the fewer worksheet references the better. However, there are some operations that perform more quickly when done on the worksheet -- for example, worksheetfunction.max. Where I am not sure which way is the fastest, I guess based in part on coding complexity. For example, sorting large tables.

Option Explicit
'column names/labels are defined here.
'they must match exactly the names on PanelData Worksheet
'include names for any added columns
' and also be the same on any sheet generated
' by this code
Public Const sNA As String = "NodeAddress"
Public Const sLS As String = "LoopSelection"
Public Const sDA As String = "DeviceAddress"
Public Const sDT As String = "DeviceType"
Public Const sDTS As String = "Device Types"
Public Const sDL As String = "DeviceLabel"
Public Const sEL As String = "ExtendedLabel"
Public Const sMA As String = "Merged Address"

Sub CreateCompareDataSheet()
'Do this on a CompareData2 Sheet
'Keep only columns C:H
'Remove lines with no valid Device Address; (or not as required)
'Add Merged Address Column
'Append the "missing" Merged Addresses
'Rearrange columns by horizontal sorting according to custom list
'Sort results by Merged Address
Dim wsCompareData2 As Worksheet
Dim wsPD As Worksheet, vPD As Variant 'Panel Data
Dim r As Range, rw As Range, rMissed As Range

Dim NAcol As Long 'NodeAddress column
Dim NAwscol As Long 'NodeAddress column on worksheet
Dim LScol As Long 'Loop Selection column
Dim LSwscol As Long 'Loop Selection column on worksheet
Dim DTcol As Long 'Device Type column
Dim sDTP As String 'Used to create Merged Address
Dim DAcol As Long 'Device Address column
Dim MAcol As Long 'Merged Address column
Dim collUsedMA As Collection 'Used Merged Address Collection
Dim collMissMA As Collection 'Missing Merged Addresses
Dim DTScol As Long 'Device Types column

Dim NumNodes As Long, NumLoops As Long

Dim aTemp() As Variant
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long

Set wsPD = Worksheets("PanelData")

'Clear CompareData2 sheet if present; create if not
On Error Resume Next
Set wsCompareData2 = Worksheets("CompareData2")
If Err.Number = 9 Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "CompareData2"
Set wsCompareData2 = Worksheets("CompareData2")
End If
On Error GoTo 0

'Read Panel Data into array
'Assuming zero(0) blanks in Col A
'Assume we will retain only cols A:H
With wsPD
vPD = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) _
End With

'Add column for merged address
'For now, it will be the "last column", but could be moved if desired
ReDim Preserve vPD(1 To UBound(vPD, 1), 1 To UBound(vPD, 2) + 2)
MAcol = UBound(vPD, 2) - 1
DTScol = UBound(vPD, 2)
vPD(1, MAcol) = sMA
vPD(1, DTScol) = sDTS

'Get column numbers for data to create Used MergedAddress
ReDim aTemp(1 To UBound(vPD, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(vPD, 2)
aTemp(i) = vPD(1, i)
Next i
With WorksheetFunction
NAcol = .Match(sNA, aTemp, 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, aTemp, 0)
DTcol = .Match(sDT, aTemp, 0)
DAcol = .Match(sDA, aTemp, 0)
NAwscol = .Match(sNA, wsPD.Rows(1), 0)
LSwscol = .Match(sLS, wsPD.Rows(1), 0)
NumLoops = .Max(wsPD.Columns(LSwscol))
NumNodes = .Max(wsPD.Columns(NAwscol))
End With

'Create Merged Addresses
'Add Device Types Field
Set collUsedMA = New Collection
For i = 2 To UBound(vPD, 1)
Select Case vPD(i, DTcol)
Case Is = 1
sDTP = "D"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Detector"
Case Is = 2
sDTP = "M"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Monitor"
Case Is = 3
sDTP = "Z"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Zone"
Case Else
sDTP = ""
End Select
If Not sDTP = "" Then
vPD(i, MAcol) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(vPD(i, NAcol), "000"), "") & _
"L" & Format(vPD(i, LScol), "00") & _
sDTP & _
Format(vPD(i, DAcol), "000")
'Special Case for Z
vPD(i, MAcol) = Replace(vPD(i, MAcol), "L00Z", "Z")

On Error Resume Next
collUsedMA.Add Item:=vPD(i, MAcol), Key:=vPD(i, MAcol)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("Merged Address: " & vPD(i, MAcol) & _
"on Line " & i & " is a duplicate")
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next i

'Develop collection of Missing Merged Addresses
Set collMissMA = New Collection
v = GenLoops(NumLoops, NumNodes)

On Error Resume Next
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
collUsedMA.Add Item:=v(i), Key:=v(i)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
collMissMA.Add Item:=v(i), Key:=v(i)
End If
Next i

'write array to CompareData2 sheet
'sort by Merged Addresses and delete lines with no MA's
'then sort horizontally by first row and custom sort
'set up custom order based on fields in row 1 of panel data
'verify labels are correct

'Column Headers for Compare and Summary Sheets
'Need to be in the desired order -- will be used as a Custom Sort Order List
'Need to match exactly the headers (but not the order)
' on the PanelData worksheet
Dim aCL(1 To 8) 'custom list array
aCL(1) = sNA
aCL(2) = sLS
aCL(3) = sDA
aCL(4) = sMA
aCL(5) = sDT
aCL(6) = sDTS
aCL(7) = sDL
aCL(8) = sEL
ReDim aTemp(1 To UBound(vPD, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(vPD, 2)
aTemp(i) = vPD(1, i)
Next i

On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To UBound(aCL)
j = WorksheetFunction.Match(aCL(i), aTemp, 0)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox (aCL(i) & " Not exact match in Panel Data Label row")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i

'Write data to CompareData2 sheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With wsCompareData2
Set r = .Range("B1").Resize(rowsize:=UBound(vPD, 1), columnsize:=UBound(vPD, 2))
r = vPD

'Add the Missing Merged Addresses to the correct column
'Also deconstruct to fill in the NA, LS, DA and DT columns
'Possible formats
' Znnn
' LnnXnnn
' NnnnLnnXnnn

Set rw = r.Rows(1)
With WorksheetFunction
MAcol = .Match(sMA, rw, 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, rw, 0)
DAcol = .Match(sDA, rw, 0)
DTcol = .Match(sDT, rw, 0)
NAcol = .Match(sNA, rw, 0)
End With

ReDim aTemp(1 To collMissMA.Count, 1 To r.Columns.Count)
For i = 1 To collMissMA.Count
aTemp(i, MAcol) = collMissMA(i)
aTemp(i, DAcol) = Val(Right(collMissMA(i), 3))
Select Case Left(collMissMA(i), 1)
Case Is = "Z"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = 0
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 3
Case Is = "L"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 2, 2))
Select Case Mid(collMissMA(i), 4, 1)
Case Is = "D"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 1
Case Is = "M"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 2
End Select
Case Is = "N"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 2, 3))
Select Case Mid(collMissMA(i), 8, 1)
Case Is = "D"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 6, 2))
Case Is = "M"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 2
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 6, 2))
Case Else 'must be Z
aTemp(DTcol) = 3
aTemp(i, LScol) = 0
End Select
End Select
Next i

Set rMissed = .Cells(r.Row + r.Rows.Count, r.Column).Resize(rowsize:=UBound(aTemp, 1), columnsize:=UBound(aTemp, 2))
rMissed = aTemp
Set r = Union(r, rMissed)
'Sort by Merged Address and delete those with blank MA's
'if result of sort needs to have Zones last then will need to add a dummy column for sorting
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=r.Resize(rowsize:=r.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(rowoffset:=1).Columns(MAcol), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending
With .Sort
.SetRange r
.Header = xlYes
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
End With
Set r = Range(r(1, MAcol).End(xlDown).Offset(rowoffset:=1), r(.Cells.Rows.Count, MAcol))

'Now sort horizontally to reorder the columns
Set r = .UsedRange
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=r.Rows(1), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, _
CustomOrder:=Join(aCL, ",")
With .Sort
.SetRange r
.Header = xlYes
.Orientation = xlLeftToRight
End With
'NOTE: Cannot use RGB on Macintosh. If that is a problem, use something
'like colorindex 15
r.Rows(1).Interior.Color = RGB(191, 191, 191) 'Same gray as on your Summary Sheet

'I don't like to activate or select, but I don't know how else to
' freeze panes
With ActiveWindow
.SplitRow = 1
.FreezePanes = True
End With

End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Function GenLoops(NumLoops As Long, NumNodes As Long) As Variant
'Part 0: N001-N104 (optional)
'Part 1: L01-L10
'Part 2: D or M
'Part 3: 001-159
Dim MergAddr() As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, m As Long
ReDim MergAddr(1 To NumNodes * NumLoops * 2 * 159 + NumNodes * 1000) '+1000 for the zones

For i = 1 To NumNodes
For j = 1 To NumLoops
For k = 1 To 2
For l = 1 To 159
m = m + 1
MergAddr(m) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(i, "000"), "") & _
"L" & Format(j, "00") & _
IIf(k = 1, "D", "M") & _
Format(l, "000")
Next l
Next k
Next j
Next i

'add in the Zones Merged Addresses
j = NumNodes * NumLoops * 2 * 159
For k = 1 To NumNodes
For i = 1 To 1000
MergAddr(j + i + (1000 * (k - 1))) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(k, "000"), "") & _
"Z" & Format(i - 1, "000")
Next i
Next k
GenLoops = MergAddr
End Function


An associated question would be: Will all ten loops in node 1 be use
before going on to node 2. Or could we have, for example, Node 1 wit
three loops, Node 2 with five loops, and Node 3 with 1 loop?

Yes each panel would have a different qty of loops so the above exampl
is correct, In fact on rare occusions there are some Nodes that don'
have any loops installed in them...
I miswrote. The code only adds loops to each NodeAddress up to th
maximum number of loops in the panel in any node.

In other words, if the set up is

Node 1 -- 2 loops
Node 2 -- 3 loops

Then the result will show three loops for each node.

Is that OK? Or do you want a different algorithm?

If possible it would be best to only create the actual qty of loops fo
each panel (NodeAddress) due to file size and run time of the macro a
well as the yet to be determined compare functio


Ron Rosenfeld

If possible it would be best to only create the actual qty of loops for
each panel (NodeAddress) due to file size and run time of the macro as
well as the yet to be determined compare function

That can be done. Of course, doing it that way will ADD to the run time of this macro, but probably not by a lot; and it's stll taking well under 0.5 sec to excecute on my machine.

Ron Rosenfeld

That can be done. Of course, doing it that way will ADD to the run time of this macro, but probably not by a lot; and it's stll taking well under 0.5 sec to excecute on my machine.

OK, I have now rewritten so as to limit the number of loops to be the number of loops per node.
Question: As written, all the Zones will sort together, at the end of the data table.
An alternate sorting scheme would be to have the Zones stay with the Nodes.
How would you like it?
And should the Z's be listed before or after the M's and D's?

Ron Rosenfeld

As written, all the Zones will sort together, at the end of the data table.

That's not correct. They sort at the end of each node address segment. The alternate would be to have them all together.

Ron Rosenfeld

If possible it would be best to only create the actual qty of loops for
each panel (NodeAddress) due to file size and run time of the macro as
well as the yet to be determined compare function

OK, here is code that I am happy with that creates the CompareData sheet with the above constraint. Let me know if you encounter any problems, or see any issues.

I will start to look at your request about incorporating information from the DeviceType worksheet subsequently.

Option Explicit
'column names/labels are defined here.
'they must match exactly the names on PanelData Worksheet
'include names for any added columns
' and also be the same on any sheet generated
' by this code
Public Const sNA As String = "NodeAddress"
Public Const sLS As String = "LoopSelection"
Public Const sDA As String = "DeviceAddress"
Public Const sDT As String = "DeviceType"
Public Const sDTS As String = "Device Types"
Public Const sDL As String = "DeviceLabel"
Public Const sEL As String = "ExtendedLabel"
Public Const sMA As String = "Merged Address"

Sub CreateCompareDataSheet()
'Do this on a CompareData2 Sheet
'Keep only columns C:H
'Remove lines with no valid Device Address; (or not as required)
'Add Merged Address Column
'Append the "missing" Merged Addresses
'Rearrange columns by horizontal sorting according to custom list
'Sort results by Merged Address
Dim wsCompareData2 As Worksheet
Dim wsPD As Worksheet, vPD As Variant 'Panel Data
Dim r As Range, rw As Range, rMissed As Range

Dim NAcol As Long 'NodeAddress column
Dim NAwscol As Long 'NodeAddress column on worksheet
Dim LScol As Long 'Loop Selection column
Dim LSwscol As Long 'Loop Selection column on worksheet
Dim DTcol As Long 'Device Type column
Dim sDTP As String 'Used to create Merged Address
Dim DAcol As Long 'Device Address column
Dim MAcol As Long 'Merged Address column
Dim collUsedMA As Collection 'Used Merged Address Collection
Dim collMissMA As Collection 'Missing Merged Addresses
Dim DTScol As Long 'Device Types column

Dim NumNodes As Long, NumLoops As Long
Dim NodeLoops() As Long

Dim aTemp() As Variant
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long

Set wsPD = Worksheets("PanelData")

'Clear CompareData2 sheet if present; create if not
On Error Resume Next
Set wsCompareData2 = Worksheets("CompareData2")
If Err.Number = 9 Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "CompareData2"
Set wsCompareData2 = Worksheets("CompareData2")
End If
On Error GoTo 0

'Read Panel Data into array
'Assuming zero(0) blanks in Col A
'Assume we will retain only cols A:H
With wsPD
vPD = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) _
End With

'Add column for merged address
'For now, it will be the "last column", but could be moved if desired
ReDim Preserve vPD(1 To UBound(vPD, 1), 1 To UBound(vPD, 2) + 2)
MAcol = UBound(vPD, 2) - 1
DTScol = UBound(vPD, 2)
vPD(1, MAcol) = sMA
vPD(1, DTScol) = sDTS

'Get column numbers for data to create Used MergedAddress
ReDim aTemp(1 To UBound(vPD, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(vPD, 2)
aTemp(i) = vPD(1, i)
Next i
With WorksheetFunction
NAcol = .Match(sNA, aTemp, 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, aTemp, 0)
DTcol = .Match(sDT, aTemp, 0)
DAcol = .Match(sDA, aTemp, 0)
NAwscol = .Match(sNA, wsPD.Rows(1), 0)
LSwscol = .Match(sLS, wsPD.Rows(1), 0)
NumLoops = .Max(wsPD.Columns(LSwscol))
NumNodes = .Max(wsPD.Columns(NAwscol))
End With

'Create Merged Addresses
'Add Device Types Field
Set collUsedMA = New Collection
For i = 2 To UBound(vPD, 1)
Select Case vPD(i, DTcol)
Case Is = 1
sDTP = "D"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Detector"
Case Is = 2
sDTP = "M"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Monitor"
Case Is = 3
sDTP = "Z"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Zone"
Case Else
sDTP = ""
End Select
If Not sDTP = "" Then
vPD(i, MAcol) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(vPD(i, NAcol), "000"), "") & _
"L" & Format(vPD(i, LScol), "00") & _
sDTP & _
Format(vPD(i, DAcol), "000")
'Special Case for Z
vPD(i, MAcol) = Replace(vPD(i, MAcol), "L00Z", "Z")

On Error Resume Next
collUsedMA.Add Item:=vPD(i, MAcol), Key:=vPD(i, MAcol)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("Merged Address: " & vPD(i, MAcol) & _
"on Line " & i & " is a duplicate")
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next i

'Develop collection of Missing Merged Addresses
Set collMissMA = New Collection

'Argument for GenLoops will be 2D array
'Dimension1 - Node
'Dimenstion2 - Loops in corresponding Node

ReDim NodeLoops(1 To NumNodes)
With wsPD
.AutoFilterMode = False
With Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, LSwscol).End(xlUp))
For i = 1 To NumNodes
.AutoFilter Field:=NAwscol, Criteria1:=i
NodeLoops(i) = WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(4, .Columns(LSwscol))
Next i
End With
.AutoFilterMode = False
End With

v = GenLoops(NodeLoops)

On Error Resume Next
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
collUsedMA.Add Item:=v(i), Key:=v(i)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
collMissMA.Add Item:=v(i), Key:=v(i)
End If
Next i

'write array to CompareData2 sheet
'sort by Merged Addresses and delete lines with no MA's
'then sort horizontally by first row and custom sort
'set up custom order based on fields in row 1 of panel data
'verify labels are correct

'Column Headers for Compare and Summary Sheets
'Need to be in the desired order -- will be used as a Custom Sort Order List
'Need to match exactly the headers (but not the order)
' on the PanelData worksheet
Dim aCL(1 To 8) 'custom list array
aCL(1) = sNA
aCL(2) = sLS
aCL(3) = sDA
aCL(4) = sMA
aCL(5) = sDT
aCL(6) = sDTS
aCL(7) = sDL
aCL(8) = sEL
ReDim aTemp(1 To UBound(vPD, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(vPD, 2)
aTemp(i) = vPD(1, i)
Next i

On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To UBound(aCL)
j = WorksheetFunction.Match(aCL(i), aTemp, 0)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox (aCL(i) & " Not exact match in Panel Data Label row")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i

'Write data to CompareData2 sheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With wsCompareData2
Set r = .Range("B1").Resize(rowsize:=UBound(vPD, 1), columnsize:=UBound(vPD, 2))
r = vPD

'Add the Missing Merged Addresses to the correct column
'Also deconstruct to fill in the NA, LS, DA and DT columns
'Possible formats
' Znnn
' LnnXnnn
' NnnnLnnXnnn

Set rw = r.Rows(1)
With WorksheetFunction
MAcol = .Match(sMA, rw, 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, rw, 0)
DAcol = .Match(sDA, rw, 0)
DTcol = .Match(sDT, rw, 0)
NAcol = .Match(sNA, rw, 0)
End With

ReDim aTemp(1 To collMissMA.Count, 1 To r.Columns.Count)
For i = 1 To collMissMA.Count
aTemp(i, MAcol) = collMissMA(i)
aTemp(i, DAcol) = Val(Right(collMissMA(i), 3))
Select Case Left(collMissMA(i), 1)
Case Is = "Z"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = 0
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 3
Case Is = "L"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 2, 2))
Select Case Mid(collMissMA(i), 4, 1)
Case Is = "D"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 1
Case Is = "M"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 2
End Select
Case Is = "N"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 2, 3))
Select Case Mid(collMissMA(i), 8, 1)
Case Is = "D"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 6, 2))
Case Is = "M"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 2
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 6, 2))
Case Else 'must be Z
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 3
aTemp(i, LScol) = 0
End Select
End Select
Next i

Set rMissed = .Cells(r.Row + r.Rows.Count, r.Column).Resize(rowsize:=UBound(aTemp, 1), columnsize:=UBound(aTemp, 2))
rMissed = aTemp
Set r = Union(r, rMissed)
'Sort by Merged Address and delete those with blank MA's
'if result of sort needs to have Zones last then will need to add a dummy column for sorting
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=r.Resize(rowsize:=r.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(rowoffset:=1).Columns(MAcol), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending
With .Sort
.SetRange r
.Header = xlYes
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
End With
Set r = Range(r(1, MAcol).End(xlDown).Offset(rowoffset:=1), r(.Cells.Rows.Count, MAcol))

'Now sort horizontally to reorder the columns
Set r = .UsedRange
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=r.Rows(1), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, _
CustomOrder:=Join(aCL, ",")
With .Sort
.SetRange r
.Header = xlYes
.Orientation = xlLeftToRight
End With
'NOTE: Cannot use RGB on Macintosh. If that is a problem, use something
'like colorindex 15
r.Rows(1).Interior.Color = RGB(191, 191, 191) 'Same gray as on your Summary Sheet

'I don't like to activate or select, but I don't know how else to
' freeze panes
With ActiveWindow
.SplitRow = 1
.FreezePanes = True
End With

End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Function GenLoops(NL) As Variant
'Part 0: N001-N104 (if more than one node)
'Part 1: L01-L10 (omit if part 2 is Z)
'Part 2: D or M or Z
'Part 3: 001-159 if part 2 is D|M; 0-999 if part 2 is Z
Dim MergAddr() As String
Dim NumLoops As Long, NumNodes As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, m As Long, n As Long

For i = 1 To UBound(NL)
j = j + NL(i) * 2 * 159 + 1000
Next i
ReDim MergAddr(1 To j) '+1000 for the zones

NumNodes = UBound(NL, 1)

For i = 1 To NumNodes
NumLoops = NL(i)
For j = 1 To NumLoops
For k = 1 To 2
For l = 1 To 159
m = m + 1
MergAddr(m) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(i, "000"), "") & _
"L" & Format(j, "00") & _
IIf(k = 1, "D", "M") & _
Format(l, "000")
Next l
Next k
Next j
Next i

'add in the Zones Merged Addresses
j = UBound(MergAddr) - 1000 * UBound(NL)
For k = 1 To NumNodes
For i = 1 To 1000
MergAddr(j + i + (1000 * (k - 1))) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(k, "000"), "") & _
"Z" & Format(i - 1, "000")
Next i
Next k
GenLoops = MergAddr
End Function


OK, here is code that I am happy with that creates the CompareData shee
with the above constraint. Let me know if you encounter any problems
or see any issues.
For what I can tell its working perfectly
I will start to look at your request about incorporating informatio
from the DeviceType worksheet subsequently.
Thank you again for your time and efforts I do appreciate i


Ron Rosenfeld

For what I can tell its working perfectly

Thank you again for your time and efforts I do appreciate it

This one include the TypeCodeLabel in column J on CompareData.

This macro assumes that PanelData and DeviceType are in the same workbook (which must be .xlsm or .xlsb). The macro is installed into that workbook.
I used the full PanelData and DeviceType sheets you sent me in your last posting of workbooks.

I did not do extensive testing, so let me know how it works.

As written, it assumes there will be no "skipped" NodeAddress's. In other words, if there is a NodeAddress #4, #'s 1, 2, and 3 must also exist (but if there are no Loops in the missing Nodes, only Zone MergedAddresses will be generated.

Option Explicit
'column names/labels are defined here.
'they must match exactly the names on PanelData Worksheet
'include names for any added columns
' and also be the same on any sheet generated
' by this code
Public Const sNA As String = "NodeAddress"
Public Const sLS As String = "LoopSelection"
Public Const sDA As String = "DeviceAddress"
Public Const sDT As String = "DeviceType"
Public Const sDTS As String = "Device Types"
Public Const sDL As String = "DeviceLabel"
Public Const sEL As String = "ExtendedLabel"
Public Const sMA As String = "Merged Address"
Public Const sTID As String = "TypeID"
Public Const sTCL As String = "TypeCodeLabel"

Sub CreateCompareDataSheet()
'Do this on a CompareData Sheet
'Keep only columns C:H
'Remove lines with no valid Device Address; (or not as required)
'Add Merged Address Column
'Append the "missing" Merged Addresses
'Rearrange columns by horizontal sorting according to custom list
'Sort results by Merged Address
Dim wsCompareData As Worksheet
Dim wsPD As Worksheet, vPD As Variant 'Panel Data
Dim wsDT As Worksheet, vDT As Variant 'Device Type
Dim r As Range, rw As Range, rMissed As Range

Dim NAcol As Long 'NodeAddress column
Dim NAwscol As Long 'NodeAddress column on worksheet
Dim LScol As Long 'Loop Selection column
Dim LSwscol As Long 'Loop Selection column on worksheet
Dim DTcol As Long 'Device Type column
Dim sDTP As String 'Used to create Merged Address
Dim DAcol As Long 'Device Address column
Dim MAcol As Long 'Merged Address column
Dim collUsedMA As Collection 'Used Merged Address Collection
Dim collMissMA As Collection 'Missing Merged Addresses
Dim DTScol As Long 'Device Types column
Dim TIDcol As Long 'Type ID column
Dim TCLcol As Long 'Type Code Label column

Dim NumNodes As Long, NumLoops As Long
Dim NodeLoops() As Long

Dim aTemp() As Variant
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set wsPD = Worksheets("PanelData")
Set wsDT = Worksheets("DeviceType")

'Clear CompareData sheet if present; create if not
On Error Resume Next
Set wsCompareData = Worksheets("CompareData")
If Err.Number = 9 Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "CompareData"
Set wsCompareData = Worksheets("CompareData")
End If
On Error GoTo 0

'Read Panel Data into array
'Assuming zero(0) blanks in Col A
'Assume we will retain only cols C:K
With wsPD
vPD = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) _
End With

'Add columns for Merged Address, Device Types and TypeCodeLabel
ReDim Preserve vPD(1 To UBound(vPD, 1), 1 To UBound(vPD, 2) + 3)
MAcol = UBound(vPD, 2) - 2
DTScol = UBound(vPD, 2) - 1
TCLcol = UBound(vPD, 2)

vPD(1, MAcol) = sMA
vPD(1, DTScol) = sDTS
vPD(1, TCLcol) = sTCL

'Get column numbers for data to create Used MergedAddress
'Also column numbers for TypeID and TypeCodeLabel
ReDim aTemp(1 To UBound(vPD, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(vPD, 2)
aTemp(i) = vPD(1, i)
Next i
With WorksheetFunction
NAcol = .Match(sNA, aTemp, 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, aTemp, 0)
DTcol = .Match(sDT, aTemp, 0)
DAcol = .Match(sDA, aTemp, 0)
TIDcol = .Match(sTID, aTemp, 0)
TCLcol = .Match(sTCL, aTemp, 0)
NAwscol = .Match(sNA, wsPD.Rows(1), 0)
LSwscol = .Match(sLS, wsPD.Rows(1), 0)
NumLoops = .Max(wsPD.Columns(LSwscol))
NumNodes = .Max(wsPD.Columns(NAwscol))
End With

'Decode Type ID
'Matching arrays for doing lookup (should be faster than
' doing it via the worksheet
Dim aTID() As Long, aTCL() As String
With wsDT
aTemp = .Range("A2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
ReDim aTID(1 To UBound(aTemp, 1))
For i = 1 To UBound(aTemp, 1)
aTID(i) = aTemp(i, 1)
Next i

ReDim aTCL(1 To UBound(aTemp, 1))
aTemp = .Range("E2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp))
For i = 1 To UBound(aTemp, 1)
aTCL(i) = aTemp(i, 1)
Next i

If UBound(aTCL) <> UBound(aTID) Then
MsgBox ("Not all Type ID's correspond to TypeCodeLabels on DeviceType worksheet")
Exit Sub
End If
End With

For i = 2 To UBound(vPD, 1)
If vPD(i, TIDcol) <> 0 Then _
vPD(i, TCLcol) = aTCL(WorksheetFunction.Match(vPD(i, TIDcol), aTID, 0))
'if no match between TCL and TID, will have runtime error here
Next i

'Create Merged Addresses
'Add Device Types Field
Set collUsedMA = New Collection
For i = 2 To UBound(vPD, 1)
Select Case vPD(i, DTcol)
Case Is = 1
sDTP = "D"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Detector"
Case Is = 2
sDTP = "M"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Monitor"
Case Is = 3
sDTP = "Z"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Zone"
Case Else
sDTP = ""
End Select
If Not sDTP = "" Then
vPD(i, MAcol) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(vPD(i, NAcol), "000"), "") & _
"L" & Format(vPD(i, LScol), "00") & _
sDTP & _
Format(vPD(i, DAcol), "000")
'Special Case for Z
vPD(i, MAcol) = Replace(vPD(i, MAcol), "L00Z", "Z")

On Error Resume Next
collUsedMA.Add Item:=vPD(i, MAcol), Key:=vPD(i, MAcol)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("Merged Address: " & vPD(i, MAcol) & _
"on Line " & i & " is a duplicate")
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next i

'Develop collection of Missing Merged Addresses
Set collMissMA = New Collection

'Argument for GenLoops will be 2D array
'Dimension1 - Node
'Dimenstion2 - Loops in corresponding Node

ReDim NodeLoops(1 To NumNodes)
With wsPD
.AutoFilterMode = False
With Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, LSwscol).End(xlUp))
For i = 1 To NumNodes
.AutoFilter Field:=NAwscol, Criteria1:=i
NodeLoops(i) = WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(4, .Columns(LSwscol))
Next i
End With
.AutoFilterMode = False
End With

v = GenLoops(NodeLoops)

On Error Resume Next
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
collUsedMA.Add Item:=v(i), Key:=v(i)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
collMissMA.Add Item:=v(i), Key:=v(i)
End If
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

'write array to CompareData sheet
'sort by Merged Addresses and delete lines with no MA's
'then sort horizontally by first row and custom sort
'set up custom order based on fields in row 1 of panel data
'verify labels are correct

'Column Headers for Compare and Summary Sheets
'Need to be in the desired order -- will be used as a Custom Sort Order List
'Need to match exactly the headers (but not the order)
' on the PanelData worksheet
Dim aCL(1 To 9) 'custom list array of Column Labels
aCL(1) = sNA
aCL(2) = sLS
aCL(3) = sDA
aCL(4) = sMA
aCL(5) = sDT
aCL(6) = sDTS
aCL(7) = sDL
aCL(8) = sEL
aCL(9) = sTCL
ReDim aTemp(1 To UBound(vPD, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(vPD, 2)
aTemp(i) = vPD(1, i)
Next i

On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To UBound(aCL)
j = WorksheetFunction.Match(aCL(i), aTemp, 0)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox (aCL(i) & " Not exact match in Panel Data Label row")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

'Write data to CompareData sheet
With wsCompareData
Set r = .Range("B1").Resize(rowsize:=UBound(vPD, 1), columnsize:=UBound(vPD, 2))
r = vPD

'Add the Missing Merged Addresses to the correct column
'Also deconstruct to fill in the NA, LS, DA and DT columns
'Possible formats
' Znnn
' LnnXnnn
' NnnnLnnXnnn

Set rw = r.Rows(1)
With WorksheetFunction
MAcol = .Match(sMA, rw, 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, rw, 0)
DAcol = .Match(sDA, rw, 0)
DTcol = .Match(sDT, rw, 0)
NAcol = .Match(sNA, rw, 0)
End With

ReDim aTemp(1 To collMissMA.Count, 1 To r.Columns.Count)
For i = 1 To collMissMA.Count
aTemp(i, MAcol) = collMissMA(i)
aTemp(i, DAcol) = Val(Right(collMissMA(i), 3))
Select Case Left(collMissMA(i), 1)
Case Is = "Z"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = 0
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 3
Case Is = "L"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 2, 2))
Select Case Mid(collMissMA(i), 4, 1)
Case Is = "D"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 1
Case Is = "M"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 2
End Select
Case Is = "N"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 2, 3))
Select Case Mid(collMissMA(i), 8, 1)
Case Is = "D"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 6, 2))
Case Is = "M"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 2
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 6, 2))
Case Else 'must be Z
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 3
aTemp(i, LScol) = 0
End Select
End Select
Next i

Set rMissed = .Cells(r.Row + r.Rows.Count, r.Column).Resize(rowsize:=UBound(aTemp, 1), columnsize:=UBound(aTemp, 2))
rMissed = aTemp
Set r = Union(r, rMissed)
'Sort by Merged Address and delete those with blank MA's
'if result of sort needs to have Zones last then will need to add a dummy column for sorting
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=r.Resize(rowsize:=r.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(rowoffset:=1).Columns(MAcol), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending
With .Sort
.SetRange r
.Header = xlYes
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
End With
Set r = Range(r(1, MAcol).End(xlDown).Offset(rowoffset:=1), r(.Cells.Rows.Count, MAcol))

'Blank the columns we don't need and delete them after the sort
On Error Resume Next
For Each r In rw.Cells
i = WorksheetFunction.Match(r.Text, aCL, 0)
If Err.Number = 1004 Then r.ClearContents
Next r
On Error GoTo 0

'Now sort horizontally to reorder the columns
Set r = .UsedRange
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=r.Rows(1), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, _
CustomOrder:=Join(aCL, ",")
With .Sort
.SetRange r
.Header = xlYes
.Orientation = xlLeftToRight
End With

'clean up by clearing sort fields

'Delete blank columns
Set rw = Range(r(1).End(xlToRight), r(1)(1, r.Rows(1).Cells.Count))
Set rw = rw.Offset(columnoffset:=1).Resize(columnsize:=rw.Columns.Count - 1)

'NOTE: Cannot use RGB on Macintosh. If that is a problem, use something
'like colorindex 15
r.Rows(1).Interior.Color = RGB(191, 191, 191) 'Same gray as on your Summary Sheet

'I don't like to activate or select, but I don't know how else to
' freeze panes
With ActiveWindow
.SplitRow = 1
.FreezePanes = True
End With

End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Function GenLoops(NL) As Variant
'Part 0: N001-N104 (if more than one node)
'Part 1: L01-L10 (omit if part 2 is Z)
'Part 2: D or M or Z
'Part 3: 001-159 if part 2 is D|M; 0-999 if part 2 is Z
Dim MergAddr() As String
Dim NumLoops As Long, NumNodes As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, m As Long, n As Long

For i = 1 To UBound(NL)
j = j + NL(i) * 2 * 159 + 1000
Next i
ReDim MergAddr(1 To j) '+1000 for the zones

NumNodes = UBound(NL, 1)

For i = 1 To NumNodes
NumLoops = NL(i)
For j = 1 To NumLoops
For k = 1 To 2
For l = 1 To 159
m = m + 1
MergAddr(m) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(i, "000"), "") & _
"L" & Format(j, "00") & _
IIf(k = 1, "D", "M") & _
Format(l, "000")
Next l
Next k
Next j
Next i

'add in the Zones Merged Addresses
j = UBound(MergAddr) - 1000 * UBound(NL)
For k = 1 To NumNodes
For i = 1 To 1000
MergAddr(j + i + (1000 * (k - 1))) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(k, "000"), "") & _
"Z" & Format(i - 1, "000")
Next i
Next k
GenLoops = MergAddr
End Function

Ron Rosenfeld

For what I can tell its working perfectly

Thank you again for your time and efforts I do appreciate it


Here is a version that ignores missing nodes. In other words, if only nodes 1 and 3 exist, it will not generate anything at all for a node 2 -- no zones, or D or M addresses.

Option Explicit
'column names/labels are defined here.
'they must match exactly the names on PanelData Worksheet
'include names for any added columns
' and also be the same on any sheet generated
' by this code
Public Const sNA As String = "NodeAddress"
Public Const sLS As String = "LoopSelection"
Public Const sDA As String = "DeviceAddress"
Public Const sDT As String = "DeviceType"
Public Const sDTS As String = "Device Types"
Public Const sDL As String = "DeviceLabel"
Public Const sEL As String = "ExtendedLabel"
Public Const sMA As String = "Merged Address"
Public Const sTID As String = "TypeID"
Public Const sTCL As String = "TypeCodeLabel"

Sub CreateCompareDataSheet()
'Do this on a CompareData Sheet
'Keep only columns C:H
'Remove lines with no valid Device Address; (or not as required)
'Add Merged Address Column
'Append the "missing" Merged Addresses
'Rearrange columns by horizontal sorting according to custom list
'Sort results by Merged Address
Dim wsCompareData As Worksheet
Dim wsPD As Worksheet, vPD As Variant 'Panel Data
Dim wsDT As Worksheet, vDT As Variant 'Device Type
Dim r As Range, rw As Range, rMissed As Range

Dim NAcol As Long 'NodeAddress column
Dim NAwscol As Long 'NodeAddress column on worksheet
Dim LScol As Long 'Loop Selection column
Dim LSwscol As Long 'Loop Selection column on worksheet
Dim DTcol As Long 'Device Type column
Dim sDTP As String 'Used to create Merged Address
Dim DAcol As Long 'Device Address column
Dim MAcol As Long 'Merged Address column
Dim collUsedMA As Collection 'Used Merged Address Collection
Dim collMissMA As Collection 'Missing Merged Addresses
Dim DTScol As Long 'Device Types column
Dim TIDcol As Long 'Type ID column
Dim TCLcol As Long 'Type Code Label column

Dim NumNodes As Long, NumLoops As Long
Dim NodeLoops() As Long

Dim aTemp() As Variant
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set wsPD = Worksheets("PanelData")
Set wsDT = Worksheets("DeviceType")

'Clear CompareData sheet if present; create if not
On Error Resume Next
Set wsCompareData = Worksheets("CompareData")
If Err.Number = 9 Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "CompareData"
Set wsCompareData = Worksheets("CompareData")
End If
On Error GoTo 0

'Read Panel Data into array
'Assuming zero(0) blanks in Col A
'Assume we will retain only cols C:K
With wsPD
vPD = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) _
End With

'Add columns for Merged Address, Device Types and TypeCodeLabel
ReDim Preserve vPD(1 To UBound(vPD, 1), 1 To UBound(vPD, 2) + 3)
MAcol = UBound(vPD, 2) - 2
DTScol = UBound(vPD, 2) - 1
TCLcol = UBound(vPD, 2)

vPD(1, MAcol) = sMA
vPD(1, DTScol) = sDTS
vPD(1, TCLcol) = sTCL

'Get column numbers for data to create Used MergedAddress
'Also column numbers for TypeID and TypeCodeLabel
ReDim aTemp(1 To UBound(vPD, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(vPD, 2)
aTemp(i) = vPD(1, i)
Next i
With WorksheetFunction
NAcol = .Match(sNA, aTemp, 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, aTemp, 0)
DTcol = .Match(sDT, aTemp, 0)
DAcol = .Match(sDA, aTemp, 0)
TIDcol = .Match(sTID, aTemp, 0)
TCLcol = .Match(sTCL, aTemp, 0)
NAwscol = .Match(sNA, wsPD.Rows(1), 0)
LSwscol = .Match(sLS, wsPD.Rows(1), 0)
NumLoops = .Max(wsPD.Columns(LSwscol))
NumNodes = .Max(wsPD.Columns(NAwscol))
End With

'Decode Type ID
'Matching arrays for doing lookup (should be faster than
' doing it via the worksheet
Dim aTID() As Long, aTCL() As String
With wsDT
aTemp = .Range("A2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
ReDim aTID(1 To UBound(aTemp, 1))
For i = 1 To UBound(aTemp, 1)
aTID(i) = aTemp(i, 1)
Next i

ReDim aTCL(1 To UBound(aTemp, 1))
aTemp = .Range("E2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp))
For i = 1 To UBound(aTemp, 1)
aTCL(i) = aTemp(i, 1)
Next i

If UBound(aTCL) <> UBound(aTID) Then
MsgBox ("Not all Type ID's correspond to TypeCodeLabels on DeviceType worksheet")
Exit Sub
End If
End With

For i = 2 To UBound(vPD, 1)
If vPD(i, TIDcol) <> 0 Then _
vPD(i, TCLcol) = aTCL(WorksheetFunction.Match(vPD(i, TIDcol), aTID, 0))
'if no match between TCL and TID, will have runtime error here
Next i

'Create Merged Addresses
'Add Device Types Field
Set collUsedMA = New Collection
For i = 2 To UBound(vPD, 1)
Select Case vPD(i, DTcol)
Case Is = 1
sDTP = "D"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Detector"
Case Is = 2
sDTP = "M"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Monitor"
Case Is = 3
sDTP = "Z"
vPD(i, DTScol) = "Zone"
Case Else
sDTP = ""
End Select
If Not sDTP = "" Then
vPD(i, MAcol) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(vPD(i, NAcol), "000"), "") & _
"L" & Format(vPD(i, LScol), "00") & _
sDTP & _
Format(vPD(i, DAcol), "000")
'Special Case for Z
vPD(i, MAcol) = Replace(vPD(i, MAcol), "L00Z", "Z")

On Error Resume Next
collUsedMA.Add Item:=vPD(i, MAcol), Key:=vPD(i, MAcol)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("Merged Address: " & vPD(i, MAcol) & _
"on Line " & i & " is a duplicate")
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next i

'Develop collection of Missing Merged Addresses
Set collMissMA = New Collection

'Argument for GenLoops will be 2D array
'Dimension1 - Node
'Dimenstion2 - Loops in corresponding Node

ReDim NodeLoops(1 To NumNodes)
With wsPD
.AutoFilterMode = False
With Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, LSwscol).End(xlUp))
For i = 1 To NumNodes
.AutoFilter Field:=NAwscol, Criteria1:=i
NodeLoops(i) = WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(4, .Columns(LSwscol))
Next i
End With
.AutoFilterMode = False
End With

v = GenLoops(NodeLoops)

On Error Resume Next
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
collUsedMA.Add Item:=v(i), Key:=v(i)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
collMissMA.Add Item:=v(i), Key:=v(i)
End If
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

'write array to CompareData sheet
'sort by Merged Addresses and delete lines with no MA's
'then sort horizontally by first row and custom sort
'set up custom order based on fields in row 1 of panel data
'verify labels are correct

'Column Headers for Compare and Summary Sheets
'Need to be in the desired order -- will be used as a Custom Sort Order List
'Need to match exactly the headers (but not the order)
' on the PanelData worksheet
Dim aCL(1 To 9) 'custom list array of Column Labels
aCL(1) = sNA
aCL(2) = sLS
aCL(3) = sDA
aCL(4) = sMA
aCL(5) = sDT
aCL(6) = sDTS
aCL(7) = sDL
aCL(8) = sEL
aCL(9) = sTCL
ReDim aTemp(1 To UBound(vPD, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(vPD, 2)
aTemp(i) = vPD(1, i)
Next i

On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To UBound(aCL)
j = WorksheetFunction.Match(aCL(i), aTemp, 0)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox (aCL(i) & " Not exact match in Panel Data Label row")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

'Write data to CompareData sheet
With wsCompareData
Set r = .Range("B1").Resize(rowsize:=UBound(vPD, 1), columnsize:=UBound(vPD, 2))
r = vPD

'Add the Missing Merged Addresses to the correct column
'Also deconstruct to fill in the NA, LS, DA and DT columns
'Possible formats
' Znnn
' LnnXnnn
' NnnnLnnXnnn

Set rw = r.Rows(1)
With WorksheetFunction
MAcol = .Match(sMA, rw, 0)
LScol = .Match(sLS, rw, 0)
DAcol = .Match(sDA, rw, 0)
DTcol = .Match(sDT, rw, 0)
NAcol = .Match(sNA, rw, 0)
End With

ReDim aTemp(1 To collMissMA.Count, 1 To r.Columns.Count)
For i = 1 To collMissMA.Count
aTemp(i, MAcol) = collMissMA(i)
aTemp(i, DAcol) = Val(Right(collMissMA(i), 3))
Select Case Left(collMissMA(i), 1)
Case Is = "Z"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = 0
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 3
Case Is = "L"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 2, 2))
Select Case Mid(collMissMA(i), 4, 1)
Case Is = "D"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 1
Case Is = "M"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 2
End Select
Case Is = "N"
aTemp(i, NAcol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 2, 3))
Select Case Mid(collMissMA(i), 8, 1)
Case Is = "D"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 1
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 6, 2))
Case Is = "M"
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 2
aTemp(i, LScol) = Val(Mid(collMissMA(i), 6, 2))
Case Else 'must be Z
aTemp(i, DTcol) = 3
aTemp(i, LScol) = 0
End Select
End Select
Next i

Set rMissed = .Cells(r.Row + r.Rows.Count, r.Column).Resize(rowsize:=UBound(aTemp, 1), columnsize:=UBound(aTemp, 2))
rMissed = aTemp
Set r = Union(r, rMissed)
'Sort by Merged Address and delete those with blank MA's
'if result of sort needs to have Zones last then will need to add a dummy column for sorting
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=r.Resize(rowsize:=r.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(rowoffset:=1).Columns(MAcol), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending
With .Sort
.SetRange r
.Header = xlYes
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
End With
Set r = Range(r(1, MAcol).End(xlDown).Offset(rowoffset:=1), r(.Cells.Rows.Count, MAcol))

'Blank the columns we don't need and delete them after the sort
On Error Resume Next
For Each r In rw.Cells
i = WorksheetFunction.Match(r.Text, aCL, 0)
If Err.Number = 1004 Then r.ClearContents
Next r
On Error GoTo 0

'Now sort horizontally to reorder the columns
Set r = .UsedRange
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=r.Rows(1), _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, _
CustomOrder:=Join(aCL, ",")
With .Sort
.SetRange r
.Header = xlYes
.Orientation = xlLeftToRight
End With

'clean up by clearing sort fields

'Delete blank columns
Set rw = Range(r(1).End(xlToRight), r(1)(1, r.Rows(1).Cells.Count))
Set rw = rw.Offset(columnoffset:=1).Resize(columnsize:=rw.Columns.Count - 1)

'NOTE: Cannot use RGB on Macintosh. If that is a problem, use something
'like colorindex 15
r.Rows(1).Interior.Color = RGB(191, 191, 191) 'Same gray as on your Summary Sheet

'I don't like to activate or select, but I don't know how else to
' freeze panes
With ActiveWindow
.SplitRow = 1
.FreezePanes = True
End With

End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Function GenLoops(NL) As Variant
'Part 0: N001-N104 (if more than one node)
'Part 1: L01-L10 (omit if part 2 is Z)
'Part 2: D or M or Z
'Part 3: 001-159 if part 2 is D|M; 0-999 if part 2 is Z
Dim MergAddr() As String
Dim NumLoops As Long, NumNodes As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, m As Long, n As Long

For i = 1 To UBound(NL)
j = j + NL(i) * 2 * 159 + 1000
Next i
ReDim MergAddr(1 To j) '+1000 for the zones

NumNodes = UBound(NL)

For i = 1 To NumNodes
NumLoops = NL(i)
For j = 1 To NumLoops
For k = 1 To 2
For l = 1 To 159
m = m + 1
MergAddr(m) = _
IIf(NumNodes > 1, "N" & Format(i, "000"), "") & _
"L" & Format(j, "00") & _
IIf(k = 1, "D", "M") & _
Format(l, "000")
Next l
Next k
Next j
Next i

'add in the Zones Merged Addresses
For k = 1 To NumNodes
If NL(k) > 0 Then 'Is there at least one loop in this node
For i = 1 To 1000
m = m + 1
MergAddr(m) = _
IIf(NL(UBound(NL)) > 1, "N" & Format(k, "000"), "") & _
"Z" & Format(i - 1, "000")
Next i
End If
Next k
GenLoops = MergAddr
End Function

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