LOOKUP, FREQUENCY etc - what's the best way



That's for sure! Thanks - that worked.

T. Valko said:
Something to consider...

Your file is already "kind of big", >5mb, and it's already exhibiting slow
calculation times. I see all those other columns where you intend to do
calculations and it looks like most of them are going to end up being array
formulas. So, you need to start making things as efficient as possible. With
that in mind:


array entered


Latest file at http://www.zshare.net/download/17461315deb0bf58/ I was able
to tidy it up a bit to make it a little faster.

I have been able to do several of the cell formulas based upon the logic and
examples you have given me. However, 3 columns of them are still eating me
alive and after spending several hours trying different formulas found all
over the net, I finally got wise and came back here!

The columns that are giving me issues are (W,Z, & AD) aka (Event Miles, Best
Qual, & Best Finish) on the Track Stats sheet.

Event Miles are giving me an issue because I am getting an #N/A? error for
Tracks that are blank. I tried various ways of using ISNA but none worked

Best Qual & Finish will both use a similar formula. The main issue again
is blank cells which are causing it to think my best finishes are 0 instead
of some other number. There are a few examples on the net, but I didn't get
any of them to work satisfactorily.

Do you have any suggestions.

Once I get this completed I should be just about done except for wanting to
compute the stats by 'Car Type' instead of just overall (see cell A1 on track
Stats). I believe that's likely going to require me to redo virtually all of
the formulas to add another condition in the Stats sheet.

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