Doug Robbins - Word MVP
The code I was referring to was second piece of code that I posted and was
contained in my post of 6/14. Not the first piece of code which you
included with your post of 6/14.
It assumes that you have a document with a table containing the codes and
their replacements
CC Conflict and Courage
CCh Counsels for the Church
CD Counsels on Diet and Foods
CE Christian Education
CET Christian Experience and Teaching
CEv Colporteur Evangelist
CG Child Guidance
CH Counsels on Health
ChL Christian Leadership
ChS Christian Service
CL Country Living
CM Colporteur Ministry
COL Christ's Object Lessons
Con Confrontation
COS Christ Our Saviour
CS Counsels on Stewardship
CSW Counsels on Sabbath School Work
CT Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
and that you have saved and closed that document. Then, with the document
on which you want the operation to be performed, you run the macro. It will
cause the File>Open dialog box to be displayed and at that point you must
navigate to and open the document containing the table with the codes and
their replacements. After you do that, the macro (when I run it here) goes
to work on the document on which you want the replacements performed and
replaces each instance of the code with its corresponding decription/full
Is that the way in which you tried to use it?
Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.
Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP
appreciate your sincere effort to help me but because of lack of knowledge I
can't understand why it does not work . Am I suppose to add the name of my
files in your code , what should be open etc . Sorry but as much as I would
like to master more that vba knowledge, I am not a guru in it far from it.
It is only by God's grace that I can create and understand some of it. So it
could be all my fault why it is not working and really thank you again for
your effort and your precious time. I will send my stuff to Helmut but I am
open still to your help , no preference here , I do not want to abuse of
your patience . In my ignorance I might not realize it. Thanks again
contained in my post of 6/14. Not the first piece of code which you
included with your post of 6/14.
It assumes that you have a document with a table containing the codes and
their replacements
CC Conflict and Courage
CCh Counsels for the Church
CD Counsels on Diet and Foods
CE Christian Education
CET Christian Experience and Teaching
CEv Colporteur Evangelist
CG Child Guidance
CH Counsels on Health
ChL Christian Leadership
ChS Christian Service
CL Country Living
CM Colporteur Ministry
COL Christ's Object Lessons
Con Confrontation
COS Christ Our Saviour
CS Counsels on Stewardship
CSW Counsels on Sabbath School Work
CT Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
and that you have saved and closed that document. Then, with the document
on which you want the operation to be performed, you run the macro. It will
cause the File>Open dialog box to be displayed and at that point you must
navigate to and open the document containing the table with the codes and
their replacements. After you do that, the macro (when I run it here) goes
to work on the document on which you want the replacements performed and
replaces each instance of the code with its corresponding decription/full
Is that the way in which you tried to use it?
Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.
Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP
for it to run properly. It is still stopping at the Do while ....Imailman said:yes Doug I have tried it but I am not sure if I have everything Ok here
appreciate your sincere effort to help me but because of lack of knowledge I
can't understand why it does not work . Am I suppose to add the name of my
files in your code , what should be open etc . Sorry but as much as I would
like to master more that vba knowledge, I am not a guru in it far from it.
It is only by God's grace that I can create and understand some of it. So it
could be all my fault why it is not working and really thank you again for
your effort and your precious time. I will send my stuff to Helmut but I am
open still to your help , no preference here , I do not want to abuse of
your patience . In my ignorance I might not realize it. Thanks again