Magic Excel function or UDF?


Clif McIrvin

GS said:
Clif McIrvin used his keyboard to write :

I read somewhere that it has an effect. Not sure of the details
exactly, but I started using the $ after reading the article.

I seem to recall reading somewhere that the "sans-$" routines include
code to handle implicit type conversions ... which would be a good
argument for using the $ when you can said:
And this is why my loop UBounds to Len(sWord). If it's an empty string
there's nothing to do, and the function immediately exits and returns
'0'. I think that clearly indicates a zero length string.
CBool(Len("")=0) returns TRUE. (This makes a good arg for


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This converstaion is *way* too much fun ... I'd better get back to work
while there's some day left <grin>.


Clif McIrvin brought next idea :
I'm a part-time developer, and I've learned through harsh experience that the
more documentation in the code the better! If I was coding every day, then
yes, I'd agree with your observation.

Well, you're right regardless of what my preference is. Especially if
your familiarity with a project is infrequent. I'm also a part-time
programmer. What might be more of a difference is how I view my code as
being adequately self documenting while others may not find it so. In
cases where I think it might not be doc'd adequately I insert comments.
One thing for sure is that any code that uses lots of vars is
dauntingly hard to get a grasp of. Thus, I use vars sparingly when
I agree that there is some difference in execution time -- and sometimes that
would even be relevant! -- but in my single user environment that has not (so
far) been an issue.

Yeah said:
I learn from both of you guys (and others!) and I agree ... Rick's solutions
often make me back up and say something like, "I sure wish I'd thought of

What's nice is that you give back. That's what I try to do as
reciprocal for the learning I've gained from so many. It's definitely a
"give-n-take" environment!

Clif McIrvin

GS said:
Clif McIrvin brought next idea :
What's nice is that you give back. That's what I try to do as
reciprocal for the learning I've gained from so many. It's definitely
a "give-n-take" environment!

You're welcome; and I completely agree!

Rick Rothstein

See inline comments...
Reading your post after replying to Garry regarding brevity,
I recall a tale I heard many years ago...

Cute story... is it really true though?
The development environment has certainly changed since those days!

I remember coding Fortran programs on those old IBM cards... what a pain
that was. We were is a satellite office, so we had to send our decks of
cards out to the central office where the computer was housed. One simple,
small mistake in typing any one of the cards caused the program to crash, of
course, but trying to find that one mistake in a stack of hundreds of
cards... well, let me tell you, that was a lot of fun... NOT! Yes, the
development environment has definitely changed. I do remember thinking I was
in heaven when we got remote dumb terminals where we could type-in and edit
our programs ourselves... "instantly", mind you, across our blazing fast 300
baud telephone connection to the main frame... ah yes, that was heaven
indeed. said:
[BTW: I don't believe I've ever used LIKE in VBA ...
I'll have to remember that one!]

I like Like but I do not like Like's name as it makes sentences like this
one confusing to read.<g> Like is like a "poor cousin" to a Regular
Expression parser, but even with its limited parsing abilities, it still
allows you to do some fairly powerful text parsing. Here is a link to blog
article on John Walkenbach's website where he acknowledges a simplification
I sent him to reduce a 12-line function he posted down to a one-liner using
the Like operator...

Just follow the link in the blog article (after reading the very nice
acknowledgement he gave me) to see his code and then mine.

Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel)

Clif McIrvin

Rick Rothstein said:
See inline comments...

Cute story... is it really true though?

It's been what - 15 years or more - since I heard that one. I'm sure I
botched the details, but I had no trouble believing it when I first came
across it (after all, I'd written code that depended on the underlying
architecture myself!)
I remember coding Fortran programs on those old IBM cards... what a
pain that was. We were is a satellite office, so we had to send our
decks of cards out to the central office where the computer was
housed. One simple, small mistake in typing any one of the cards
caused the program to crash, of course, but trying to find that one
mistake in a stack of hundreds of cards... well, let me tell you, that
was a lot of fun... NOT! Yes, the development environment has
definitely changed. I do remember thinking I was in heaven when we got
remote dumb terminals where we could type-in and edit our programs
ourselves... "instantly", mind you, across our blazing fast 300 baud
telephone connection to the main frame... ah yes, that was heaven

Ah, memory lane! For a self-imposed challenge as a college freshman I
wrote and keypunched a Fortran program to make the next move in a
'connect the dots' game I'd played as a kid - you close a square you get
another turn. That program almost used up an entire box of cards!
[BTW: I don't believe I've ever used LIKE in VBA ...
I'll have to remember that one!]

I like Like but I do not like Like's name as it makes sentences like
this one confusing to read.<g> Like is like a "poor cousin" to a
Regular Expression parser, but even with its limited parsing
abilities, it still allows you to do some fairly powerful text
parsing. Here is a link to blog article on John Walkenbach's website
where he acknowledges a simplification I sent him to reduce a 12-line
function he posted down to a one-liner using the Like operator...

Just follow the link in the blog article (after reading the very nice
acknowledgement he gave me) to see his code and then mine.

Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel)


My brain still overheats every time it comes up against regular
expressions .... for some reason after all those years of using * and ?
as wildcards I just have trouble grasping the concepts involved.
Perhaps the fact that my programming experience has been almost
exclusively working with numbers or items, not text, has some bearing

Ron Rosenfeld

I need check a list of words against an alphabet (a string of letters)
and return the index of the letter in the word that is the highest in
the alphabet.

For example, for the alphabet is "etaoin", these words would return
these indices:

Word Index
to 4
ate 3
ten 6
neat 6
tee 2

Is there some magic Excel function that will do this?

If not, can someone post the guts of a search loop to select each
letter in sWord and find the index in sAlphabet?

The actual alphabet will have all 26 letters and might look like this:


Everybody has given you UDF's.

Here is an Excel function which will work so long as Alphabet contains **all** of the characters that might be in any word:

Alphabet is the NAME of a cell that contains your alphabet, and any other characters that might be in a word. You should put the non-letters at the end of Alphabet.

eg: NAME some cell Alphabet
enter: etaoinsrhldcumgfpwybvkjxzq'/?

Then, with your word in A1,

This formula must be **array-entered**:


I note in one of your other posts that, if you have a non-alphabetic character, you want to return a 27. That being the case, you could use:



To **array-enter** a formula, after entering
the formula into the cell or formula bar, hold down
<ctrl><shift> while hitting <enter>. If you did this
correctly, Excel will place braces {...} around the formula.

Henrietta Horne

Henrietta Horne submitted this idea :

So then, you might want to exit the function if the character is not in
sAlphabet to skip further looping:

Function GetHighIndex(sWord As String, sAlphabet As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer, iPos As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(sWord)
iPos = InStr(1, LCase$(sAlphabet), Mid$(LCase$(sWord), i, 1), 1)
If iPos = 0 Then GetHighIndex = Len(sAlphabet) + 1: Exit Function
If iPos > GetHighIndex Then GetHighIndex = iPos
End Function

I also had the same concern as Rick regarding case and so note that I
forced lowercase.

Thanks. My version is now:

Function GetHighIndex(sWord As String, sAlphabet As String) As Integer

Dim i As Integer 'Loop index
Dim iPos As Integer 'Index variable
Dim iPosNF As Integer 'Index for characters not found
iPosNF = Len(sAlphabet) + 1 '.Use 1 + max index

For i = 1 To Len(sWord) '
iPos = InStr(1, sAlphabet, Mid$(sWord, i, 1), vbTextCompare)
If iPos = 0 Then GetHighIndex = iPosNF: Exit For
If iPos > GetHighIndex Then GetHighIndex = iPos
Next i

End Function

Thanks for the help

Henrietta Horne

See inline comments...

No sense giving you different code for this "test" case when your "real"
case will be different.

Again, it make no sense not designing for you final application.

This is my final data for the first step of the project. The results
will be used in the second step where the data will be much larger.
For such short text strings, for a single call of the function, you would be
hard pressed to measure the difference. If you were examining hundreds of
thousands of words in a loop, then maybe the difference would start to
become noticeable enough to choose one method over the other.

It will be called at least 60,000 times, but I just tested it with
that data and my version only takes a couple of seconds.

I realize that any difference would be minor, but don't we always want
to write the best code we can? ;-)
Okay, with all that said, here is my code, modified to report one more than
the length of your alphabet for non-letters...

Function GetIndex(Word As String, Alphabet As String) As Long
If Word Like "*[!" & Alphabet & "]*" Then
GetIndex = Len(Alphabet) + 1
For GetIndex = Len(Alphabet) To 1 Step -1
If InStr(Word, Mid(Alphabet, GetIndex, 1)) Then Exit For
End If
End Function

I'll have to study that one. Thanks.

Henrietta Horne

Everybody has given you UDF's.

Here is an Excel function which will work so long as Alphabet contains **all** of the characters that might be in any word:

Alphabet is the NAME of a cell that contains your alphabet, and any other characters that might be in a word. You should put the non-letters at the end of Alphabet.

eg: NAME some cell Alphabet
enter: etaoinsrhldcumgfpwybvkjxzq'/?

Then, with your word in A1,

This formula must be **array-entered**:


I note in one of your other posts that, if you have a non-alphabetic character, you want to return a 27. That being the case, you could use:



To **array-enter** a formula, after entering
the formula into the cell or formula bar, hold down
<ctrl><shift> while hitting <enter>. If you did this
correctly, Excel will place braces {...} around the formula.

I've trieds array formulas once or twice and got confused. I've got my
function working now, but thanks for the suggestion. I like the UDF
because I can add coded to do other things and I don't have to type a
complicated formula in a cell.

Clif McIrvin

Henrietta Horne said:
I've trieds array formulas once or twice and got confused. I've got my
function working now, but thanks for the suggestion. I like the UDF
because I can add coded to do other things and I don't have to type a
complicated formula in a cell.

Are you familiar with the formula auditing tools? I built a simple
worksheet with Ron's formula, then stepped through it with the "Evaluate
Formula" tool so I could understand what makes it work. Pretty neat!

Rick Rothstein

I realize that any difference would be minor, but don't
we always want to write the best code we can? ;-)

That depends on what you mean by "best". The fastest code that can be
written in VB almost always involves making extensive amounts of API
function calls. Such code tends to involve large amounts of code lines which
end up being nearly impossible to read in the end, but will tend to be
magnitudes faster than any code you write using standard built-in VB
function. Are you advocating writing all your code this way because it will
always be much, much, much faster in the end? Your answer should be "No", by
the way, because the time involved in writing such code, especially for
those not familiar with API functions, would be unreasonable, not to mention
a maintenance nightmare.

I did want to say something about your initial posting by the way. You
originally wrote...

"For example, for the alphabet is 'etaoin'..."

giving us the impression that the number of characters in your "alphabets"
were somewhat small. I realized you were just "simplifying" the question for
us, but I would like to suggest that you not do that for future questions
you ask. If it were indeed the case that your alphabets were 6, 7, 8 or so
characters long, then the code I posted would have almost always been faster
than the other code submissions you received (it was designed that way).
However, once you told us your alphabets were always 26 characters long, my
code lost it advantage. With a 26-character alphabet, your test strings
would need to be, on average, around 14 characters long (or longer) for my
code to be almost always faster... the boundary length being
2*Len(TestString)-1. The point I am trying to make here is that if you
simplify your questions us, then we will give you solutions, sometimes
really good ones, for a situation you do not actually have. It is better to
tell your exact setup so we can design our answers for the question that you
actually have.

Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel)

Ron Rosenfeld

I've trieds array formulas once or twice and got confused. I've got my
function working now, but thanks for the suggestion. I like the UDF
because I can add coded to do other things and I don't have to type a
complicated formula in a cell.

No question but that UDF's can be more flexible and, depending on how they are written, easier to understand.

But some advantages of worksheet functions include that they are usually much faster; and, if you are distributing your worksheet, you don't have to worry about policies that restrict the use of VBA Macros and/or UDF's.

Henrietta Horne

Are you familiar with the formula auditing tools? I built a simple
worksheet with Ron's formula, then stepped through it with the "Evaluate
Formula" tool so I could understand what makes it work. Pretty neat!

No, I'm not. I'll add it to my todo list.

That's the problem. There are so many interesting features to learn
and they are such a temptation for procrastinating what I really nood
to do, which is get the project done. ;-)

Henrietta Horne

No question but that UDF's can be more flexible and, depending on how they are written, easier to understand.

But some advantages of worksheet functions include that they are usually much faster; and, if you are distributing your worksheet, you don't have to worry about policies that restrict the use of VBA Macros and/or UDF's.

Good point.

Clif McIrvin

Henrietta Horne said:
On Thu, 13 Jan 2011 09:53:10 -0600, "Clif McIrvin"

No, I'm not. I'll add it to my todo list.

That's the problem. There are so many interesting features to learn
and they are such a temptation for procrastinating what I really nood
to do, which is get the project done. ;-)

Been there. Almost every day, in fact <g>.

Don't be afraid to slap together some ugly code that works - how
important it is that you ever get back to refine it depends on your
circumstances. If that macro is going out to 500 users in the
organization, then you'd better find the time to make it pretty
bullet-proof and self explanatory. If you're the only one that's ever
going to use it, it can stay that way forever - at least until the need
comes up to modify the rules, at which time you can apply the knowledge
you've gained in the interim to improve it. At least, that's the way I
approach it here <grin>.

Oliver Annells

This formula array entered (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) works without any VBA.


When I entered this the word was in C5 and the alphabet string was in A18.

I need check a list of words against an alphabet (a string of letters)
and return the index of the letter in the word that is the highest in
the alphabet.

For example, for the alphabet is "etaoin", these words would return
these indices:

Word Index
to 4
ate 3
ten 6
neat 6
tee 2

Is there some magic Excel function that will do this?

If not, can someone post the guts of a search loop to select each
letter in sWord and find the index in sAlphabet?

The actual alphabet will have all 26 letters and might look like this:

On Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:31 AM Clif McIrvin wrote:
Untested "air code"

Function GetIndex(sWord As String, sAlphabet As String) _
As Integer

Dim sChar As String
Dim iIndex As Integer
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim iTemp As Integer

For iLoop = 1 To Len(sWord)
sChar = Mid(sWord, iLoop)
iTemp = InStr(sChar, sAlphabet, vbTextCompare)
If iTemp > iIndex Then
iIndex = iTemp
End If
Next iLoop

GetIndex = iIndex

End Function

No sense giving you different code for this "test" case when your "real"
case will be different.

Again, it make no sense not designing for you final application.

For such short text strings, for a single call of the function, you would be
hard pressed to measure the difference. If you were examining hundreds of
thousands of words in a loop, then maybe the difference would start to
become noticeable enough to choose one method over the other.

Okay, with all that said, here is my code, modified to report one more than
the length of your alphabet for non-letters...

Function GetIndex(Word As String, Alphabet As String) As Long
If Word Like "*[!" & Alphabet & "]*" Then
GetIndex = Len(Alphabet) + 1
For GetIndex = Len(Alphabet) To 1 Step -1
If InStr(Word, Mid(Alphabet, GetIndex, 1)) Then Exit For
End If
End Function

Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel)
On Tuesday, January 11, 2011 3:20 PM Clif McIrvin wrote:
Elegant, for sure!

Reading your post after replying to Garry regarding brevity, I recall a
tale I heard many years ago about assembler code that had been running
flawlessly for years which suddenly died. The programmer no longer
worked there, and the team was stumped when they came to a dead-end in
the source code-- there was no instruction to execute! How could the
code have ever worked in the first place?!

Eventually someone realized that with the combination of processor speed
and rotation of the "swap drum" the code was running on the missing
instruction was just coming up under the read head at exactly the right
time, and the program broke when the swap drum was replaced with a head
per track disk.

The development environment has certainly changed since those days!

[BTW: I do not believe I have ever used LIKE in VBA ... I will have to
remember that one!]

Ron Rosenfeld

This formula array entered (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) works without any VBA.


When I entered this the word was in C5 and the alphabet string was in A18.

I made Alphabet a Defined Name.
With the alphabet string in F1,
Alphabet Refers To: =MID(Sheet1!$F$1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:99")),1)

This makes Alphabet an array constant with each letter a single element, then:

array-entered: =MAX(MATCH(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1),Alphabet,0)) gives the requested results.

Clif McIrvin

Ron Rosenfeld said:
I made Alphabet a Defined Name.
With the alphabet string in F1,
Alphabet Refers To: =MID(Sheet1!$F$1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:99")),1)

This makes Alphabet an array constant with each letter a single
element, then:

=MAX(MATCH(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1),Alphabet,0)) gives
the requested results.

Oliver, Ron -
Thanks to both of you for sharing a different approach!

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