Sorry - not going to happen. Feel free to send this entire "unedited" thread to Microsoft and lodge all the complaints you want. I think that you are making a big mistake in doing so.
"Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it." Now take THAT to Microsoft.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:
| Look, Milly, if you want to keep ths up and keep going with the
| insults and the derogatory comments I will go straight to Microsoft
| and lodge a complaint about you. There is no need for you to try to
| psychoanalyze me, to tell me that my skin is too thin, or any other
| of your unprofessional comments. Fair Warning: Back Off
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| Beta programs do not work with released code.
|| --Â
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, Kelly Cobean asked:
||| Here is a possible "Transition " tool that has been provided by MS
||| ||| My original comment:
||| "Sorry to hear about your disappointment. Progress always means
||| that someone is upset."
||| So, where in this comment am I condescending? I sympathized with
||| your response to Office 2007 GUI and made a simple statement saying
||| that progress will always upset some people.
||| Like I said before, you have the thinnest skin of anyone I have ever
||| tried to reply to and REALLY need to lighten up. Being that
||| defensive in a public forum must take up all of your energies
||| looking for insults where they don't exist.
||| Now here is a person who richly deserves the killfile option. Think
||| I will take advantage of that.
|||| You start out in your thread being condescending to me and because
|||| my opinion differed from yours, I was immediately wrong!. Then
|||| you come back and insult me, and finally you are audacious enough
|||| to tell me to "lighten up". Do me a favor, don't reply to any
|||| more of my comments, as I don't want to discuss this with you any
|||| further.
|||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
||||| Huh??!! It is a simple comment saying that what one man likes the
||||| other may despise. If you took it as an insult, you are reading
||||| way too much into a simple comment. Lighten up!!
||||| --
||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
||||| After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:
|||||| And what exactly do you mean by that? You have no right to be
|||||| insulting just because someone differs with YOUR opinion. You
|||||| should be ashamed of yourself!
|||||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
||||||| One man's meat... etc.
||||||| --ÂÂÂ
||||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
||||||| All unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted
||||||| without reading.
||||||| After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:
|||||||| You helped me make up my mind. I am de-installing the Ultimate
|||||||| Office disaster and I am deinstalling marvelous Vista and I am
|||||||| asking for my money back. As far as I am concerned, they are
|||||||| not ready for prime time and I hate them both. And don't ever
|||||||| try to tell me they have intuitive interfaces....because they
|||||||| DON'T!!!
|||||||| "RIckP" wrote:
||||||||| I think you have missed my point! Why should I have to hit F1
||||||||| and look up the command for every bloody command out there. I
||||||||| have been working with Microsoft Office from back in the days
||||||||| of Windows 3.1 Microsoft missed the boat by not providing a
||||||||| transition. They even had transistions for WordPerfect users
||||||||| at one point in time. Let's face it, there is not lots of NEW
||||||||| features, it just appears that way because EVERYTHING is
||||||||| rearranged. Quite frankly, If I had an alternative, I would
||||||||| replace the entire suite as it is really beginning to grate on
||||||||| me.
||||||||| "JoAnn Paules" wrote:
|||||||||| I read your post and was curious just how difficult it was to
|||||||||| find that information. I opened Excel 2007 for the *first
|||||||||| time*, hit F1, and typed "sheet protection" in the search
|||||||||| field. The very first hit told me who to find that command.
|||||||||| I don't mean to sound nasty but if you were digging around
|||||||||| for two hours looking for a command and you never tried the
|||||||||| built-in Help files, shame on you. If you were anxious to use
|||||||||| the new version of office, there's been a trial version
|||||||||| online for a couple of months now. You could have had that
|||||||||| two-week learning curve done before Zasu Pitts's birthday.
|||||||||| (Let's see how quick you are about looking things up now.)
|||||||||| --
|||||||||| JoAnn Paules
|||||||||| Microsoft MVP - Publisher
|||||||||| ||||||||||| Believe me, I am not against change either. But there
||||||||||| needed to be a transition from old to new. The certainly
||||||||||| could have provided an addin that
||||||||||| provided the familiar pull down menus complete with any new
||||||||||| features that might be available. Instead, they put
||||||||||| everything in a blender and then tell
||||||||||| you that it is better for you this way. I spent 2 hours
||||||||||| trying to figure how
||||||||||| to turn off sheet protection in Excel. I can't afford to go
||||||||||| through a 2 week
||||||||||| learning curve on my system where I am no longer productive
||||||||||| during that time.
||||||||||| I can't run both 2007 and 2003 on the same machine easily!
||||||||||| One to do my work, and the other to play with and learn.
||||||||||| Vista is even worse!
||||||||||| "JoAnn Paules" wrote:
|||||||||||| I b*tched about the change as well. It's not that I am
|||||||||||| against change but I
|||||||||||| just didn't like the ribbon.
|||||||||||| Well, it's been about a week since I got my new comouter
|||||||||||| with Vista and Office 2007. Slowly but surely I'm getting
|||||||||||| used to it. I haven't done a whole lot that involves the
|||||||||||| new interface but *so far* everything I've needed has been
|||||||||||| very easy to find.
|||||||||||| I've spent most of my computer time this week trying to get
|||||||||||| things set up the way I want it and get my programs
|||||||||||| installed. I intend to spend more time
|||||||||||| with the ribbon next week. Funny thing is that at work I
|||||||||||| find myself trying
|||||||||||| to do something the "new way" on my work computer that is
|||||||||||| running Win XP and
|||||||||||| Office 2003. And IE6 - UGH!!
|||||||||||| --
|||||||||||| JoAnn Paules
|||||||||||| Microsoft MVP - Publisher
|||||||||||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
|||||||||||| message |||||||||||| Sorry to hear about your disappointment. Progress always
|||||||||||| means that someone
|||||||||||| is upset.
|||||||||||| --ÂÂÂÂ
|||||||||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||||||||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion
|||||||||||| intact. All unsolicited mail sent to my personal account
|||||||||||| will be deleted without reading.
|||||||||||| After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:
||||||||||||| I just want to know WHY? Why did Microsoft decide to
||||||||||||| change the familiar pull down menus to the new graphical
||||||||||||| ribbons without allowing for the option to use the pull
||||||||||||| down menus if you decide that was better for you. They
||||||||||||| have basically taken all the commands and relocated them.
||||||||||||| I have been wasting hours and hours trying to find where
||||||||||||| commands have gone and I am about to delete 2007 and go
||||||||||||| back to 2003. I don't want to have a "cheat sheet" cross
||||||||||||| reference that I have to keep looking at, and I don't
||||||||||||| want to re-learn Microsoft Office. Please just put an
||||||||||||| option for the old command pull down menus. I am so
||||||||||||| disappointed in both Office 2007 and in Vista!