Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 WHY???


Jay Somerset

My original comment:

"Sorry to hear about your disappointment. Progress always means that someone is upset."

So, where in this comment am I condescending? I sympathized with your response to Office 2007 GUI and made a simple statement saying that progress will always upset some people.

Like I said before, you have the thinnest skin of anyone I have ever tried to reply to and REALLY need to lighten up. Being that defensive in a public forum must take up all of your energies looking for insults where they don't exist.

Now here is a person who richly deserves the killfile option. Think I will take advantage of that.

Apparently we have similar tastes. :)

Jay Somerset

Look, Milly, if you want to keep ths up and keep going with the insults and
the derogatory comments I will go straight to Microsoft and lodge a complaint
about you. There is no need for you to try to psychoanalyze me, to tell me
that my skin is too thin, or any other of your unprofessional comments. Fair
Warning: Back Off

If I were Microsoft, I would be laughing very loudly at you right now!

Milly Staples said:
Beta programs do not work with released code.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Kelly Cobean asked:

| Here is a possible "Transition " tool that has been provided by MS
| | My original comment:
| "Sorry to hear about your disappointment. Progress always means that
| someone is upset."
| So, where in this comment am I condescending? I sympathized with your
| response to Office 2007 GUI and made a simple statement saying that
| progress will always upset some people.
| Like I said before, you have the thinnest skin of anyone I have ever
| tried to reply to and REALLY need to lighten up. Being that
| defensive in a public forum must take up all of your energies looking
| for insults where they don't exist.
| Now here is a person who richly deserves the killfile option. Think
| I will take advantage of that.
|| You start out in your thread being condescending to me and because my
|| opinion differed from yours, I was immediately wrong!. Then you come
|| back and insult me, and finally you are audacious enough to tell me
|| to "lighten up". Do me a favor, don't reply to any more of my
|| comments, as I don't want to discuss this with you any further.
|| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
||| Huh??!! It is a simple comment saying that what one man likes the
||| other may despise. If you took it as an insult, you are reading way
||| too much into a simple comment. Lighten up!!
||| --
||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
||| After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:
|||| And what exactly do you mean by that? You have no right to be
|||| insulting just because someone differs with YOUR opinion. You
|||| should be ashamed of yourself!
|||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
||||| One man's meat... etc.
||||| --�
||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
||||| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted
||||| without reading.
||||| After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:
|||||| You helped me make up my mind. I am de-installing the Ultimate
|||||| Office disaster and I am deinstalling marvelous Vista and I am
|||||| asking for my money back. As far as I am concerned, they are not
|||||| ready for prime time and I hate them both. And don't ever try to
|||||| tell me they have intuitive interfaces....because they DON'T!!!
|||||| "RIckP" wrote:
||||||| I think you have missed my point! Why should I have to hit F1
||||||| and look up the command for every bloody command out there. I
||||||| have been working with Microsoft Office from back in the days of
||||||| Windows 3.1 Microsoft missed the boat by not providing a
||||||| transition. They even had transistions for WordPerfect users at
||||||| one point in time. Let's face it, there is not lots of NEW
||||||| features, it just appears that way because EVERYTHING is
||||||| rearranged. Quite frankly, If I had an alternative, I would
||||||| replace the entire suite as it is really beginning to grate on
||||||| me.
||||||| "JoAnn Paules" wrote:
|||||||| I read your post and was curious just how difficult it was to
|||||||| find that information. I opened Excel 2007 for the *first
|||||||| time*, hit F1, and typed "sheet protection" in the search
|||||||| field. The very first hit told me who to find that command.
|||||||| I don't mean to sound nasty but if you were digging around for
|||||||| two hours looking for a command and you never tried the
|||||||| built-in Help files, shame on you. If you were anxious to use
|||||||| the new version of office, there's been a trial version online
|||||||| for a couple of months now. You could have had that two-week
|||||||| learning curve done before Zasu Pitts's birthday. (Let's see
|||||||| how quick you are about looking things up now.)
|||||||| --
|||||||| JoAnn Paules
|||||||| Microsoft MVP - Publisher
|||||||| ||||||||| Believe me, I am not against change either. But there needed
||||||||| to be a transition from old to new. The certainly could have
||||||||| provided an addin that
||||||||| provided the familiar pull down menus complete with any new
||||||||| features that might be available. Instead, they put
||||||||| everything in a blender and then tell
||||||||| you that it is better for you this way. I spent 2 hours
||||||||| trying to figure how
||||||||| to turn off sheet protection in Excel. I can't afford to go
||||||||| through a 2 week
||||||||| learning curve on my system where I am no longer productive
||||||||| during that time.
||||||||| I can't run both 2007 and 2003 on the same machine easily!
||||||||| One to do my work, and the other to play with and learn.
||||||||| Vista is even worse!
||||||||| "JoAnn Paules" wrote:
|||||||||| I b*tched about the change as well. It's not that I am
|||||||||| against change but I
|||||||||| just didn't like the ribbon.
|||||||||| Well, it's been about a week since I got my new comouter with
|||||||||| Vista and Office 2007. Slowly but surely I'm getting used to
|||||||||| it. I haven't done a whole lot that involves the new
|||||||||| interface but *so far* everything I've needed has been very
|||||||||| easy to find.
|||||||||| I've spent most of my computer time this week trying to get
|||||||||| things set up the way I want it and get my programs
|||||||||| installed. I intend to spend more time
|||||||||| with the ribbon next week. Funny thing is that at work I find
|||||||||| myself trying
|||||||||| to do something the "new way" on my work computer that is
|||||||||| running Win XP and
|||||||||| Office 2003. And IE6 - UGH!!
|||||||||| --
|||||||||| JoAnn Paules
|||||||||| Microsoft MVP - Publisher
|||||||||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
|||||||||| message |||||||||| Sorry to hear about your disappointment. Progress always
|||||||||| means that someone
|||||||||| is upset.
|||||||||| --�
|||||||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||||||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|||||||||| All unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be
|||||||||| deleted without reading.
|||||||||| After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:
||||||||||| I just want to know WHY? Why did Microsoft decide to change
||||||||||| the familiar pull down menus to the new graphical ribbons
||||||||||| without allowing for the option to use the pull down menus
||||||||||| if you decide that was better for you. They have basically
||||||||||| taken all the commands and relocated them. I have been
||||||||||| wasting hours and hours trying to find where commands have
||||||||||| gone and I am about to delete 2007 and go back to 2003. I
||||||||||| don't want to have a "cheat sheet" cross reference that I
||||||||||| have to keep looking at, and I don't want to re-learn
||||||||||| Microsoft Office. Please just put an option for the old
||||||||||| command pull down menus. I am so disappointed in both Office
||||||||||| 2007 and in Vista!

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Sorry - not going to happen. Feel free to send this entire "unedited" thread to Microsoft and lodge all the complaints you want. I think that you are making a big mistake in doing so.

"Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it." Now take THAT to Microsoft.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:

| Look, Milly, if you want to keep ths up and keep going with the
| insults and the derogatory comments I will go straight to Microsoft
| and lodge a complaint about you. There is no need for you to try to
| psychoanalyze me, to tell me that my skin is too thin, or any other
| of your unprofessional comments. Fair Warning: Back Off
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| Beta programs do not work with released code.
|| --Â
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, Kelly Cobean asked:
||| Here is a possible "Transition " tool that has been provided by MS
||| ||| My original comment:
||| "Sorry to hear about your disappointment. Progress always means
||| that someone is upset."
||| So, where in this comment am I condescending? I sympathized with
||| your response to Office 2007 GUI and made a simple statement saying
||| that progress will always upset some people.
||| Like I said before, you have the thinnest skin of anyone I have ever
||| tried to reply to and REALLY need to lighten up. Being that
||| defensive in a public forum must take up all of your energies
||| looking for insults where they don't exist.
||| Now here is a person who richly deserves the killfile option. Think
||| I will take advantage of that.
|||| You start out in your thread being condescending to me and because
|||| my opinion differed from yours, I was immediately wrong!. Then
|||| you come back and insult me, and finally you are audacious enough
|||| to tell me to "lighten up". Do me a favor, don't reply to any
|||| more of my comments, as I don't want to discuss this with you any
|||| further.
|||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
||||| Huh??!! It is a simple comment saying that what one man likes the
||||| other may despise. If you took it as an insult, you are reading
||||| way too much into a simple comment. Lighten up!!
||||| --
||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
||||| After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:
|||||| And what exactly do you mean by that? You have no right to be
|||||| insulting just because someone differs with YOUR opinion. You
|||||| should be ashamed of yourself!
|||||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
||||||| One man's meat... etc.
||||||| --ÂÂÂ
||||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
||||||| All unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted
||||||| without reading.
||||||| After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:
|||||||| You helped me make up my mind. I am de-installing the Ultimate
|||||||| Office disaster and I am deinstalling marvelous Vista and I am
|||||||| asking for my money back. As far as I am concerned, they are
|||||||| not ready for prime time and I hate them both. And don't ever
|||||||| try to tell me they have intuitive interfaces....because they
|||||||| DON'T!!!
|||||||| "RIckP" wrote:
||||||||| I think you have missed my point! Why should I have to hit F1
||||||||| and look up the command for every bloody command out there. I
||||||||| have been working with Microsoft Office from back in the days
||||||||| of Windows 3.1 Microsoft missed the boat by not providing a
||||||||| transition. They even had transistions for WordPerfect users
||||||||| at one point in time. Let's face it, there is not lots of NEW
||||||||| features, it just appears that way because EVERYTHING is
||||||||| rearranged. Quite frankly, If I had an alternative, I would
||||||||| replace the entire suite as it is really beginning to grate on
||||||||| me.
||||||||| "JoAnn Paules" wrote:
|||||||||| I read your post and was curious just how difficult it was to
|||||||||| find that information. I opened Excel 2007 for the *first
|||||||||| time*, hit F1, and typed "sheet protection" in the search
|||||||||| field. The very first hit told me who to find that command.
|||||||||| I don't mean to sound nasty but if you were digging around
|||||||||| for two hours looking for a command and you never tried the
|||||||||| built-in Help files, shame on you. If you were anxious to use
|||||||||| the new version of office, there's been a trial version
|||||||||| online for a couple of months now. You could have had that
|||||||||| two-week learning curve done before Zasu Pitts's birthday.
|||||||||| (Let's see how quick you are about looking things up now.)
|||||||||| --
|||||||||| JoAnn Paules
|||||||||| Microsoft MVP - Publisher
|||||||||| ||||||||||| Believe me, I am not against change either. But there
||||||||||| needed to be a transition from old to new. The certainly
||||||||||| could have provided an addin that
||||||||||| provided the familiar pull down menus complete with any new
||||||||||| features that might be available. Instead, they put
||||||||||| everything in a blender and then tell
||||||||||| you that it is better for you this way. I spent 2 hours
||||||||||| trying to figure how
||||||||||| to turn off sheet protection in Excel. I can't afford to go
||||||||||| through a 2 week
||||||||||| learning curve on my system where I am no longer productive
||||||||||| during that time.
||||||||||| I can't run both 2007 and 2003 on the same machine easily!
||||||||||| One to do my work, and the other to play with and learn.
||||||||||| Vista is even worse!
||||||||||| "JoAnn Paules" wrote:
|||||||||||| I b*tched about the change as well. It's not that I am
|||||||||||| against change but I
|||||||||||| just didn't like the ribbon.
|||||||||||| Well, it's been about a week since I got my new comouter
|||||||||||| with Vista and Office 2007. Slowly but surely I'm getting
|||||||||||| used to it. I haven't done a whole lot that involves the
|||||||||||| new interface but *so far* everything I've needed has been
|||||||||||| very easy to find.
|||||||||||| I've spent most of my computer time this week trying to get
|||||||||||| things set up the way I want it and get my programs
|||||||||||| installed. I intend to spend more time
|||||||||||| with the ribbon next week. Funny thing is that at work I
|||||||||||| find myself trying
|||||||||||| to do something the "new way" on my work computer that is
|||||||||||| running Win XP and
|||||||||||| Office 2003. And IE6 - UGH!!
|||||||||||| --
|||||||||||| JoAnn Paules
|||||||||||| Microsoft MVP - Publisher
|||||||||||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
|||||||||||| message |||||||||||| Sorry to hear about your disappointment. Progress always
|||||||||||| means that someone
|||||||||||| is upset.
|||||||||||| --ÂÂÂÂ
|||||||||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||||||||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion
|||||||||||| intact. All unsolicited mail sent to my personal account
|||||||||||| will be deleted without reading.
|||||||||||| After furious head scratching, RIckP asked:
||||||||||||| I just want to know WHY? Why did Microsoft decide to
||||||||||||| change the familiar pull down menus to the new graphical
||||||||||||| ribbons without allowing for the option to use the pull
||||||||||||| down menus if you decide that was better for you. They
||||||||||||| have basically taken all the commands and relocated them.
||||||||||||| I have been wasting hours and hours trying to find where
||||||||||||| commands have gone and I am about to delete 2007 and go
||||||||||||| back to 2003. I don't want to have a "cheat sheet" cross
||||||||||||| reference that I have to keep looking at, and I don't
||||||||||||| want to re-learn Microsoft Office. Please just put an
||||||||||||| option for the old command pull down menus. I am so
||||||||||||| disappointed in both Office 2007 and in Vista!

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