No White text and Blue background



Did you try that feature with an old file from your previous WORD, or with a new file generated and saved by Word 2008?



Phillip Jones

No I didn't try with an old file though I guess I should have. I can try
that and get back.

Did you try that feature with an old file from your previous WORD, or with a new file generated and saved by Word 2008?



Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]



Phillip Jones

Just cranked up my Laptop that has X.4.11 system.

I opened a known document that was written with Office 2004 , in 2008.

I opened preferences and to General section then clicked on Blue
Background/white type. It switched. I even tried it in an envelope
setup it changed but the top over zip code Bar code mysteriously stayed
in Black on the dark Blue Background.

This was after I updated to the 12.0.1 upgrade.

Did you try that feature with an old file from your previous WORD, or with a new file generated and saved by Word 2008?



Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]




Yes. It is weird.

With mine and Office 2008, the old files work. The new, 2008 generated files don't. And some odd files are part white on blue and part black on blue.

I sent Curt examples and he is working on it.

Thanks for the info.



The problem (after the update) was the choosing of the text color in the FORMAT/FONT pull down. It must be on automatic. before the update, I had checked and tried that, acting on a recommendation here, and it did not solve the problem at that time.

How the docs got on "black" for some text and automatic for other text in the same doc, or how it got on "black" in any doc, is a mystery probably never to be solved. I never set or changed anything in that menu. Ever.

Also, one has to choose/highlight all text and then choose "automatic". And sometimes choosing all text doesn't work quite as one expects.

But all that is par for the course, with this ap.

At least I know how to get this problem back to normal, even if I probably have to do it individually with each doc.

Life was once good when I used Quark as my WORD processor, way back then (In the 80s, Desktop Pub aps had the best Word Processors and were uncomplicated enough to be practical for simple writing. But along came progress, and the triumph of the PC, where most everyone uses WORD).

Thanks for the help and I hope this keeps everyone informed.


Daiya Mitchell

Life was once good when I used Quark as my WORD processor, way back then (In the 80s, Desktop Pub aps had the best Word Processors and were uncomplicated enough to be practical for simple writing. But along came progress, and the triumph of the PC, where most everyone uses WORD).

There are lots and lots of people using word processors other than Word
on the Mac, even those that have to exchange documents with Word users.
You'll find them on the forums for Mellel, and probably Nisus Writer,
and sort of Pages.


I wish I could go back and remove that first "neither" on the third paragraph above.


An edit function is so nice.



BTW, some of my posts are sent to me per email. Some are not.

For example, the last one about the typo was sent to me. The one before it and the one before that were not. I always check the box.


Daiya Mitchell

You know what's nice? People quoting replies so that we know what they
are talking about. Many people are not using the same web interface that
you are.

Daiya Mitchell

At the bottom of the page, there's a teeny Website Feedback link. Report
this there. Be sure to link to the thread you are discussing and be
*very* specific about which emails you got and which you didn't. They
cannot identify the problem without knowing exactly which posts did not
behave properly, and being able to look up what happened.



But there has been so much on this site, I am just not into complaining about it. Nor do I have great hopes.



John McGhie

Hi Mark:

The problem (after the update) was the choosing of the text color in the
FORMAT/FONT pull down. It must be on automatic.

Grrrrr..... :)

I was sure you had checked and corrected that :)


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]



Believe me. I had. All of that and every single recommendation offered. really.

I don't have hours to spend testing this any more, but nothing is sure at the moment except that doing what Curt just said and chenging the text to "automatic" does fix it, but only if one individually highlights the text from old files and does the changes with the text highlighted. Otherwise, the doc remains part black on blue and part white on blue.

The way the option is constructed in the preferences, it seems to the user that simply choosing white on blue in the prefs will display everything white on blue. It does not.

There should be links and/or instructions in the prefs instructing the user to change all text that one wants white to automatic if it is not.

It remains that this has only worked for me since the update (maybe causal, maybe not). And it remains that I haven't a clue how the text in some files was changed to black. I never instructed the application to do so. Evidently importing it into 2008 does that, and possibly/probably other things one doesn't know about, too.

But hey, now I probably can get it to work (I hope all the time), and it only took umpteen posts, weeks of arguing and almost making myself a pariah on these boards because of my peeve at such a previously simple, untroublesome thing becoming such a mess and pitfall to our work here. I had some very upset people with PCs breathing down my neck for losing time on this and on the font-spacings mess in another thread (they had spent hours combing the file and fixing all the random lacks of spaces between fonts, before it became clear that the spaces were there in my original, but missing on their PC copy of it, even though they had the correct translators. Hours of expensive man-hours down the drain for naught.

Anyway, things may be peaceful again and I am relegated to saving every file twice, once in 2008 format (.docx) and once to send them in 2004 format (.doc). Something, the confusion of which I wanted to avoid.

But I do appreciate the help here and certainly don't blame anyone on these forums.

Thanks again,



It remains that now, because I now have to save everything twice (once in each of two formats) anyway, I could find another Word Processor or Desktop Publishing ap that I like better and use it. We own most of them. I started using only WORD, so that I could exchange papers with our PC users, without resaving everything. Now that is moot.



Once more, the above post was sent to my email, the one above it was not.

You see, and this has nothing to do with the participants, how am I supposed to have confidence in a computer application/programming company that can't even get their web site right?


John McGhie

Hi Mark:

Believe me. I had. All of that and every single recommendation offered.

Yes, I was sure that you had.
moment except that doing what Curt just said and chenging the text to
"automatic" does fix it, but only if one individually highlights the text from
old files and does the changes with the text highlighted. Otherwise, the doc
remains part black on blue and part white on blue.

Yes, that's normal. You either have to change the style, or highlight all
the text and change the text.

"Automatic" is the default font colour in Word, for almost every style. It
actually sets the "colour" to "-1" on each of the red, green, and blue
channels, which everything interprets as "black".

However, "Automatic" is a signal to Word that it can vary the colour if it
needs to. For example, if you apply a black background shading to
"automatic" text, Word will flip the text to white. As it will if you set a
blue background.

If the font is specified as "Black", in either the style or the Font
formatting, Word can't change it.
The way the option is constructed in the preferences, it seems to the user
that simply choosing white on blue in the prefs will display everything white
on blue. It does not.

Well, it will "unless you have explicitly set the font colour to black" :)
There should be links and/or instructions in the prefs instructing the user to
change all text that one wants white to automatic if it is not.

Unless the user has specified a non-varying colour for the font, explicitly
removing he default setting, they do not need to do that.
It remains that this has only worked for me since the update (maybe causal,
maybe not). And it remains that I haven't a clue how the text in some files
was changed to black. I never instructed the application to do so. Evidently
importing it into 2008 does that, and possibly/probably other things one
doesn't know about, too.

No, *I* have no idea how that happened either. However, your mention of
other word-processors raises my interest. There are word-processors that do
not support "Automatic" font colour. If the text passed through one of
those, it would have been set to "Black".
Hours of expensive man-hours down the drain for naught.

Yeah. One of the sad realities of "cheap" software (actually, of "any"
software...) "Never trust version X.0", and "never do anything important
with it until X.1.0" Word 2008 is at Version 12.0.0. If you have applied
the update, it is at 12.0.1. Don't trust it in production until 12.1.0 :)
Anyway, things may be peaceful again and I am relegated to saving every file
twice, once in 2008 format (.docx) and once to send them in 2004 format
(.doc). Something, the confusion of which I wanted to avoid.

While we wait for 12.1.0 to appear, you can harass them to either install
Word 2007 on their PCs, or add the free .docx conversion filters :)
But I do appreciate the help here and certainly don't blame anyone on these

Well, you can. If I had been a little more wide awake, I may have probed
you more deeply when you said you had corrected the "Black" font colour. I
was in a bit of a rush that day. Ummm... Because of bugs in Word 2008...


Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]



Don't get me wrong:

I have completed my life work and have only to document and write it at my leisure. That is why I have time for these exchanges and can be somewhat epic in my replies, etc. Ultimately, my passion at this stage of life is to "know" (only things that interest or encroach on me), and so this thread and the other one on formatting has in a strange way been fun.

It ultimately sets the tone for the present decade and the whole age. I see everything in terms of what is going on....with God, which is my own personal viewpoint. And I see us all as actors on this stage of what has been created and of what is very much in the Ctreator's control. And Computers and modern technology is something that had to be created and is being carried out in ways that instruct as they go on in their seemingly bumbling ways.

To me, there is no chance in it whatsoever. And what happened was written long ago and I/we are all just finding out what we are and what we were conceived as doing....with absolutely no chance in it at all.

Ever very best,

Mark B Anstendig
Musician/Photographer/Researcher/Teacher/Astrologer (Hamburg School)/Mystic
The Anstendig Institute
Philan Aural-Visual Enterprises
911 or 915 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
tel: 415-775-3575
FAX: 415-928-5295
* EMAIL: (e-mail address removed)

also, contains all of The Anstendig Institute posters, and a lot of other beautiful things.

John McGhie

Hi Mark:

Ah hah!! Fresh meat for the slaughter :)

Hold that thought. We will be back to pontificate you to destruction over
it when the rush in here dies down a bit :)

If the deity of your choice has created free will, how can you predict the
behaviour of a population that uses it?

It was written that I would be rich, attractive, and famous. It was also
written that I would end up busted broke, fat and balding. Guess which
author is now claiming prescience?



Don't get me wrong:

I have completed my life work and have only to document and write it at my
leisure. That is why I have time for these exchanges and can be somewhat epic
in my replies, etc. Ultimately, my passion at this stage of life is to "know"
(only things that interest or encroach on me), and so this thread and the
other one on formatting has in a strange way been fun.

It ultimately sets the tone for the present decade and the whole age. I see
everything in terms of what is going on....with God, which is my own personal
viewpoint. And I see us all as actors on this stage of what has been created
and of what is very much in the Ctreator's control. And Computers and modern
technology is something that had to be created and is being carried out in
ways that instruct as they go on in their seemingly bumbling ways.

To me, there is no chance in it whatsoever. And what happened was written long
ago and I/we are all just finding out what we are and what we were conceived
as doing....with absolutely no chance in it at all.

Ever very best,

Mark B Anstendig
Musician/Photographer/Researcher/Teacher/Astrologer (Hamburg School)/Mystic
The Anstendig Institute
Philan Aural-Visual Enterprises
911 or 915 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
tel: 415-775-3575
FAX: 415-928-5295
* EMAIL: (e-mail address removed)

also, contains all of The Anstendig Institute posters,
and a lot of other beautiful things.

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]



As I understand and experience it, theme and variations is the thread through the part of it that is each of us.

He created a machine....the human body/mind complex (a mind mated to a body). And that machine is a part of a total art work, that demands all of its pieces. And in his role as creator of that human machine and artwork, he had to create every possible variation of that machine.

That is, IMO, what each of us is. Sorry you got the fat end of the stick. I am 5 10-11 inches and weigh 133, plus or minus a couple. I am in shape and haven't really been sick in 40 years. I guess I can't complain....although I am sure it is harder having to be thin than not.

Anyway, I look forward to what these forums are supposed to do, as we all find out.



my info:
Mark B Anstendig
Musician/Photographer/Researcher/Teacher/Astrologer (Hamburg School)/Mystic
The Anstendig Institute
Philan Aural-Visual Enterprises
911 or 915 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
tel: 415-775-3575
FAX: 415-928-5295
* EMAIL: (e-mail address removed)

also, contains all of The Anstendig Institute posters, and a lot of other beautiful things.

Phillip Jones

You Luck Dawg! I am quite obese and all I have to to do is give any kind
of food a sideways glance and I put on at least 3-4 pounds.

Even when I was in 4 grade I was 5'4" at the time and weighed 180 pounds
which is quite large for a fourth grader. I was quite active with
Exercise then. I did manage to grow another 8" taller when I got to
adulthood. I then experienced the thrill of riding the Hood of 1976
Chrysler Imperial into the side of a TV shop. messing up my feet and and
Right hip. so I now have Arthritis and other Maladies That have
sidelined me.


As I understand and experience it, theme and variations is the thread through the part of it that is each of us.

He created a machine....the human body/mind complex (a mind mated to a body). And that machine is a part of a total art work, that demands all of its pieces. And in his role as creator of that human machine and artwork, he had to create every possible variation of that machine.

That is, IMO, what each of us is. Sorry you got the fat end of the stick. I am 5 10-11 inches and weigh 133, plus or minus a couple. I am in shape and haven't really been sick in 40 years. I guess I can't complain....although I am sure it is harder having to be thin than not.

Anyway, I look forward to what these forums are supposed to do, as we all find out.



my info:
Mark B Anstendig
Musician/Photographer/Researcher/Teacher/Astrologer (Hamburg School)/Mystic
The Anstendig Institute
Philan Aural-Visual Enterprises
911 or 915 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
tel: 415-775-3575
FAX: 415-928-5295
* EMAIL: (e-mail address removed)

also, contains all of The Anstendig Institute posters, and a lot of other beautiful things.

Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]



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