I don't have to put up with your insults. I'm a volunteer and have no
control over the product.
*Plonk!* --> (e-mail address removed)
your offering a FAILED solution to a FALIED product feature?
it doesn't matter if your paid or not, but offering a FAILED solution to a FAILED product feature is insane, so *Plonk!* ME!
I *RASPBERRY!* you back, as I PAID for software that is FAILED in updating itself, a re-install is required!
I will replay as often as the unpaid volunteers do here, as most of us PAID to buy something that doesn't work...
so for the moment I will share your "emperor has no clothes" view!
enjoy that, now back to *RASPBERRY!*
tell your software engineers to "FIX THE PRODUCT" and quit pointing people to FAILED solutions on a FAILED product!